Need help in deciding whether that new job offer in another city is actually better than what you have now? Managing employee salaries for multiple cities? Need reliable cost of living comparisons? The Cost of Living Index is the most reliable source of city-to-city comparisons of key consumer costs available anywhere. COLI data is recognized by the U.S. Census Bureau, US Bureau of Labor Statistics, CNN Money, and the President's Council of Economic Advisors. Our data and methodology are described in detail and completely transparent to users. Both data and methodology are reviewed by an Advisory Board composed of academic researchers and government officials. The Cost of Living Index is referenced in the US Census Bureau's Statistical Abstract of the US. Feel better about your decision to move. Negotiate a fair salary with your employer or employee. Be an informed researcher about local pricing. Tap the Cost of Living Index today as the “gold standard” source for comparing prices and the overall cost of living in more than 300 cities. Click to Compare the Cost of Living Index in Your Cities of Choice Each detailed comparison can be made for just $7.95, but if you make multiple comparisons "From" the same place, all comparisons after the first are only $4.95 ! You can recall your comparison data for 30 days after your date of purchase by entering your Order id #. Compare Your Cities of Choice | Recall Your Comparison | Sample Comparison Report
County Cost of Living Index
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State Cost of Living IndexBased on the estimated County Cost of Living Index, the Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) has created a statewide index using the population weighted index numbers for each county within a state.
Purchase COLI
Single printed copy of reports may be purchased for $82.5 each or $165 for four (4) consecutive quarters. The price for a single PDF report is $75 and four consecutive quarter is $150. The price for a single Excel report is $95 and four consecutive quarters is $250. Subscriptions begin with the current issue unless a subscriber specifies otherwise. Back issues are available since 1980. Issues from 1980-1989 are available in PDF format only and issues from 1990 to current are available in Excel format. Purchase Current Index - 2015 Annual Report | Purchase Back Issues | Sample Data
Cost of Living Adjusted Median Household IncomeThe Council for Community and Economic Research (C2ER) has created the County Cost of Living adjustment to standardize the Census MHI data to factor in cost of living differentials. The United States Census Bureau publishes vast amounts of county level economic data used in making policy decisions. Of particular importance is the Census Median Household Income (MHI) data, providing information on incomes in every county in the USA. However, using it for comparing living costs in regions that have higher or lower than average cost of living means that these data need to be used in conjunction with a cost of living adjustor. Purchase Data | Sample Data | More info
Licensing Cost of Living Data for Your Own Website
C2ER announces the availability of an exciting new web-based cost of living calculator that can be easily adapted for your own website! The Cost of Living Index (COLI) Web Calculator allows your web visitors to make their very own cost of living comparisons between U.S. cities. An annual license would allow your site's visitors to compare the prices in your city to those in many others. They can also enter their after-tax income and “calculate” how much they would need to make in a new city to maintain their current standard of living. Please call Erol Yildirim 703-522-4980 ext. 1014 for pricing options and demo of the calculator. |