I see two key futures for MGTOW, among a tableau of many others. The first one is basically what we are seeing now. And that is men individually dropping off and out of society. Still being worker bees but not submitting to conventional expectations. Saving their money up to secure their retirement or go on vacations and do things they want to do for themselves be it a visit to a Mexican whorehouse in Tijuana or Scuba diving in Hawaii. Essentially men working for their own happiness and nothing else. A fine thing for sure. And the men who do this shouldn't be discounted. It's their right to choose to do this.
Then there will be those men who aspire to be leaders and seek to create symbiotic nepotism networks. These networks will be self-dealing and in one way or another mutually beneficial. I tried making this happen in among my prepper peeps but it largely came to nothing but us owning a bunch of land and barely operating in the black (we already own the land outright, it just has a low rate of return). Among my Jewish cohorts, almost everybody is constantly trying to bring enterprises, opportunities, and investments to the group. We aren't a formal group so people pick and choose what they invest in. Currently I'm pushing the monetizing of ghettos and getting into food stamp purchased goods as well as cheap alcohol sales. We have one busted out former gas station meeting expectations (we'll eventually invest in getting the gas pumps working again but only have one pump and make it a cash only pump) as far as ROI and sales. It could have gone better but we overestimated how much the poor people in the area actually wanted work and live off of anything other than processed foods, chicken wings, and cheap alcohol. So we are realigning our wants with the reality of the market and making sure we have more stuff the self-impoverished can buy with food stamps, and focusing less on providing healthy options (they don't want).
In essence, men are stronger as a group than as individuals. But this group should be about more than simply "we all have dicks so we're all rowing in the same boat." The question will be, how do we get to this point.
Every man who seeks to liberate himself and go beyond just being a mere worker bee, dependent upon a gynocentric society for his money. Will have under go a series of steps and realizations (I think epiphany is too strong a word).
Ghosting: detaching and removing toxic people from his life. This doesn't mean completely disconnecting with all people as we all have parents, and some of us have kids. But more about sorting where people are in your life and not tolerating them acting out or being negative. Of course you disconnect with your exes and your female friends who don't in some way provide you with pussy or money, and you get rid of the poor men in your life who aren't going towards MGTOW.
People who bring you money and long-term value are people to keep in contact with as these people rarely tend to be toxic. The bitter reality for most men, is that the majority of people in their lives are toxic and often dependent on them for a variety of things.
Isolation: Is about having your own space and your own life. Who you are as an individual is not who you are when you are out in the world. Who you are in your thoughts, is not the actor you are among others. The ability to disconnect on a whim and go do something for yourself if you want. Whether it be a crazy workout weekend, going camping on a whim, traveling somewhere for the weekend and using Airbnb to have somewhere to sleep. Limiting your responsibilities and duties to those who bring you no value or money. This is about your mental health and understanding you can be free and happy in the absence from those who are toxic to your life. Essentially, learning to love yourself and your life.
Meditation: Meditation can take a variety of forms. Nearly every night I meditate for fifteen minutes. Sometimes it's a deep introspection into my life, its direction, its quality, and how I can make it better. Attempting to anticipate life's potential and gain knowledge of it so as not to fear the future. For fear is the mind killer and can paralyze you from accomplishing things or taking risks. Additionally for lucid dream practitioners it's a great way to get your mind into a dream stance about your life and taking stock and accepting it. There's more to that but that's for later I think.
Then there is meditation on how to solve your current problems and creating a list of solutions to undertake. But the one a lot of people like to do, and I as well. Is to bring my mind to quiet. I have a constant inner monologue, a lot of people do and wonder if they are alone in this and are often afraid to speak about it as most people with inner monologues are popularized in media as crazy. If you don't learn to control your thoughts, your emotions, and your anxieties, it can be mentally harmful. Bringing your mind to quiet helps you gain self-control as if you are on the outside looking to your mind. There are other aspects to this but that's for other discussion. Once your mind is at quiet, you can practice letting the universe in, and maybe surprise yourself with new thoughts and ideas you hadn't had before. At the very least you can realize a sense of calm and contentment you might not have anticipated. And yes I also do Yoga from time-to-time, it's good to challenge one's self with new things and break habit. It's how you grow.
Organization: My favorite form of organization is seeking out valuable and potentially valuable people. Be they at the gym, on Meetup.com for networking and startups. It's a good idea to get organized in how you bring people into your life and how they serve you. It's ok to be used, if you get something of value out of it. It's not ok to be used, when you get nothing out of it. And even then, you want to maximize what you get out of it (don't be gotten cheaply). Organization also means reaching out to people with similar beliefs and practices. For money and value growth I tap into my Jewish contacts as they are no-bullshit about making money, and they don't slack. As long as you can paint the picture for them on how they will make a good return, they will back you. In essence I'm constantly pitching capital venture investments. I tried this with my prepper peeps and that was my mistake. We are a group of people looking to remove ourselves from the current incarnation of the capitalist market as far as being at its whims, while also practicing agricultural pursuits that allow this and are what we consider better for the environment (very much hippies in this group), while still benefiting from the current capitalist market for as long as possible to grow our interest. Sadly dedication in this group is woefully poor and under-performing greatly. And that is a lesson in life, you will face many failures on the path to success and should not be deterred. From each experience I gained wisdom, knowledge, and know-how.
Raiding - Is very simple. It's about taking what you can from the world (legally) while giving as little back as humanly possible. In some ways this can resemble Organization. But in Organization it's about sharing value and worth with others. When someone does for you, you should also being doing for them. As the people you meet as a part of Organization have long-term value. People you meet in Raiding have short-term value. In essence they are prey. They are also often con-men, tricksters, and hustlers. If you've learned to identify these people early on. You know how to get an initial crop of money or worth from them, and then to Ghost them before they try to play you. In essence you are; at times, trying to outcon the conman (legally).
Where Raiding lends itself to Organization, is that people within your Organization can also help with this Raiding. Think about it in these simple terms. You and your Organization are a village in pre-historic times. Sure everything is good, you have food stores for the winter and there are plenty of tools and implements to go around to build shelters and maintain them. But your mobile food supplies (i.e. herds of Bison, Deer, Cows, etc.) are also tapped into by a neighboring village. This is village is made up of people who don't help you, can't help you, and at some time in the future could turn and attack you if they have a bad harvest. They can also exhaust the mobile food supplies in the region as well.
So you and your Organization go and take their winter food stores and destroy the rival village, securing your village and your mobile food supply that is often relied upon in stark winters. In a few days your food stores and food source potential have increased through Raiding, where on your own as a village, not Raiding, it may have taken an entire season to develop these stores and potential. The continued growth of and welfare of your village is better improved than what it would have been had you not engaged in Raiding.
Now that's just an example in the starkest terms. And there are also many benign methods of Raiding as well which has more to do with hoarding than anything.
The idea is to build yourself into someone who is not a victim of the world as it currently is. It's about rising above it and striving to play the game better. Often like the rich and elites often do. It's sometimes just a game of Rich Dad versus Poor Dad, and the values that were instilled in us.
The meek shall only inherit the Earth after the strong have exhausted its value.