MGTOW Who Say If Women Want It: Let Them Have Everything

One of the curious ideologies within some areas of MGTOW is the thought of “if they want it: they can have it”. Which is MGTOW men fully agreeing that women should have whatever it is that women say they want. Whatever the “it” may be. This ideology does make a lot of sense within the MGTOW context. For at the heart of being MGTOW is the idea of the man no longer fighting against anything, no longer participating in anything to fight against or to change society in any way. The MGHOW does not participate, therefore this ideology is perfectly inline with MGTOW.

So whatever it is that women are saying they want, these MGTOW have nothing to say on the matter, except that the women who are demanding should have everything that they are demanding, in full.

If some women want and demand:

  • to have sugar daddies
  • to sleep with 200 men
  • to go topless in public
  • to wear skimpy clothes
  • to be prostitutes
  • to have careers
  • to have tattoos
  • to have family planning procedures
  • higher pay than men in exactly the same profession
  • for men to be completely forced out from universities

Whatever “it” is that some women are demanding rights to, let them have it say these MGTOW.

Obviously though, this does go both ways.

Whereby each man is also free to make his own choices.

Including the free choice to walk away, to go his own way.

And of course the free choice of whom he will and will not have association with in his life.

His right to refuse any association which may risk his life, liberty, prosperity or happiness.

His right of refusal to ever marry or have children.

His right to not be any part of the system around him, to work and live minimally as he sees fit.

These MGTOW just disassociate themselves from any of it, they want no part of anything in regard to these types of matters any longer. They want to go their own way, do the things they want to do, live the life they want to live, and just be left alone.

So as far as these MGTOW go, they will say that whatever she wants: let her have it, and the sooner the better. Just leave them out of it. As for these men, they are going their own way.

exploring the men going their own way movement

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MGTOW Panic is an unsafe space on the web to learn about men going their own way.
The purpose is to explore and discuss the growing MGTOW movement around the world.
With a conservative viewpoint on MGTOW philosophy about current misandrist societies,
and the risks men face in their relationships with women at home, in education and at work.