Registration Fees

16th Brazilian Congress of Thermal Sciences and Engineering
Jun 12th to September 30th October 1st to November 06th November 07th  to November 10th (on site) Additional Publication Fee
Author Non-author Author Non-author Author Non-author
Professional *
Non ABCM Member
R$ 1.000,00 R$ 1.000,00 R$ 1.100,00 R$ 1.100,00 R$ 1.150,00 R$ 1.150,00 R$ 200,00
ABCM Member
R$ 700,00 R$ 700,00 R$ 800,00 R$ 800,00 R$ 850,00 R$ 850,00 R$ 100,00
Graduate Student**
Non ABCM Member
R$ 500,00 R$ 500,00 R$ 550,00 R$ 550,00 R$ 575,00 R$ 575,00 R$ 200,00
Graduate Student**
ABCM Member
R$ 350,00 R$ 350,00 R$ 400,00 R$ 400,00 R$ 425,00 R$ 425,00 R$ 100,00
Under Graduate Student**
Non ABCM Member
R$ 250,00 R$ 250,00 R$ 275,00 R$ 275,00 R$ 287,50 R$ 287,50 R$ 100,00
Under Graduate Student**
ABCM Member
R$ 175,00 R$ 175,00 R$ 200,00 R$ 200,00 R$ 212,50 R$ 212,50 R$ 100,00
*Professionals: registrations fees and publication fee for two papers (maximum).
** Students (Graduate and Under Graduate): registrations fees and publication fee for only one papers.
At least one author must register for each paper that is accepted for presentation and inclusion in the conference proceedings.