The Biggest Feminist Lie: Men Who Criticize Feminism Want Traditionalism Back

Topic by Murph

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    The first thing you’ll usually see in a feminist article when the topic of men against feminism comes up is they will immediately claim that these men want women to lose their rights and go back to traditionalism. This is, of course, complete bullshit. Actually, men against feminism want REAL EQUALITY! These feminists don’t want to tell the truth, because that would mean that they would be saying “These men want the pussy pass gone, and we’re not having any of that shit!” That’s right, I want things like this:

    – Women must sign up for the draft in order to be able to vote, just like men. If they don’t sign up, they must be subject to fines and imprisonment, just like men.

    – Women must be sentenced to equal prison time for the same crimes, not the current sexist system where men serve triple the amount of jail time as women for the same crimes, and women often get let off the hook completely in situations where men serve jail time. No more pussy passes.

    – No more alimony. If women are just as capable of supporting themselves, as they claim, then there is no need for alimony.

    – Men must be given equal custody of their children. No more treating fathers like walking ATM machines, and giving the mother the power to block him from his children.

    – There must be enough homeless shelters to serve all homeless men. Nearly 90% of the homeless population in western countries is male, but 90% of homeless shelters are for women. I find that a bit ass backwards, but you know, according to the feminists it’s women that society doesn’t care about.

    – Women must be expected to split the bill on dates now. No more free rides on our wallets.

    These are just a few, but you get the picture. As far as I’m concerned, traditionalism sucked, and there’s no way in hell I would take that shit deal back again. I’m nobody’s provider or protector. It’s not my job to pick up a full bill for two just because the person I was eating with has a vagina. It’s also not my job to sacrifice my safety and well-being for the benefit of women. If the boat is sinking, it’s first come, first serve. To me, traditionalism is just “the other feminism”. It expects men to be workhorses who are always expected to sacrifice their safety and well-being for the benefit of women, and to work themselves to death just so somebody with a pussy between their legs can have an easier life. Yeah, no thanks. I’ll pass on that shit.



    The only traditions I want back are the ones that were destroyed by civilization itself!

    “if elected, he will not serve.”



    they will immediately claim that these men want women to lose their rights

    I don’t want women to lose their rights and I sure as fuck don’t give a SHIT what they “claim these men want”.

    If they have any questions, they may ASK.

    I just ask them why they are always yammering on about “women’s rights” while failing to mention anything about women’s RESPONSIBILITIES. Whenever they bring that crap about “equal rights” , I ask them about “equal responsibilities” and they go suspiciosly quiet all of a sudden. I wonder why that would be.

    “You just don’t want equality for women!”

    “Don’t TELL me what I want, dummy. Because I promise you, if you and I were out for dinner, I would TELL you how much you owe. I would INSIST on equality for women. Their will be no escaping it. I will even enjoy rubbing your nose in it.”

    If you try to push a man around enough.... eventually, *around* becomes *away*.


    I feel the same way. The culture of femenism reminds me of the excerpt from Animal Farm, “All animals are equal. Adden. Some animals are more equal than others.” Not word for word, but I think I make my point…

    "We will meet in the place where there is no darkness" 1984




    Sorry I can only like your post once. Perfectly said. Men didn’t have it good in the tradcon world. Men don’t have it good now. Unless you are a MGTOW.

    The only way to win is if you don’t play. War Games. Why do you think men are inventing the male pill, sex dolls, and the artificial womb. Women will never understand because they think we can’t live without them. Sucks to be them.

    I'm just a guy whose a guy being a guy


    Prefer Peace to Piece

    To me, traditionalism is just “the other feminism”. It expects men to be workhorses who are always expected to sacrifice their safety and well-being for the benefit of women, and to work themselves to death just so somebody with a pussy between their legs can have an easier life.

    I personally don’t want feminism or traditionalism. Traditionalism is just another form of feminism. Real equality would be great as you have outlined.



    “women’s rights” while failing to mention anything about women’s RESPONSIBILITIES.

    BINGO !
    equal rights = equal responsibilities.
    WORD !

    ALL Women Meet The Clinical Definition Of Psychosis.



    “women’s rights” while failing to mention anything about women’s RESPONSIBILITIES.

    BINGO !
    equal rights = equal responsibilities.
    WORD !

    I want three things for both genders:

    1. Equal rights
    2. Equal responsibilities
    3. Equal accountability

    Numbers 2 & 3 are the ones where feminists drop the “strong woman” card and instantly replace it with the “poor, helpless little girl” card. You know, that image that they claim to loathe so much, but absolutely love to run to the very second responsibilities and accountability for their actions come into the picture.

    Feminism is just a big game of misandry and double-talk. If it were possible to drown in hypocrisy, feminists would be extinct.



    I don’t want traditionalism back. I’d prefer my partner-in-life to be gainfully employed; to not believe that she can coast on gender roles; to respect the fact that I’m my own person who chooses my own path, rather than being obligated by archetypes. The list goes on.

    Oops, I just realized I’m writing in vain here. I don’t actually know anything about what I really want. I forgot that I need a woman to guide me. That’s how I’ll truly be happy, even if I don’t know I’m happy.




    I don’t even permit a feminist to lecture on “equality”. She’s a lying fraud down to her core. A “gender equality” movement called “feminism” is like a racial equality movement called “WHITE-ISM”.

    She’s not fooling anybody. Would turn my back and walk away because she will not sucker me into a “feminism is about equal rights for women” debate. She can talk about the equal responsibilities for women — OR SHUT THE FUCK UP.

    If you try to push a man around enough.... eventually, *around* becomes *away*.

    Prefer Peace to Piece

    Whenever they bring that crap about “equal rights” , I ask them about “equal responsibilities”

    Excellent point.
    I’m going to adopt this. Whenever a woman asks me about equal rights, I’ll ask her about equal responsibilities. Thanks.



    I don’t want feminism or traditionalism. And to be honest, I think traditionalism in many ways, is even WORSE than feminism ever could be.

    Traditionalism and feminism are just two sides of the same coin, named gynocentricism.

    I’d tell a tradcon to fuck off in the same way I’d tell a feminist to fuck off. I can’t stand either of them.



    Why would anyone want traditionalism back ? Even if you do, good fucking luck, these bitches are so psychologically ill now it would be impossible.

    1/3rd are hooked on benzodiazepines such as, clonazepam, xanax

    Another 1/4 are hooked on narcotic drugs

    Another 1/3 are on at least 1 anti depressant or anti psychotic drug

    And guys wonder why all the women from this generation appear to be in a deep psychosis, and completely fucked in the head beyond repair. Not even counting all the programming gynocentric society has been pumping into their heads, and the swarm of blue pillers telling them their shit smells like candy from the day they were born.

    I've sailed a sea of empty eyes, on a sinking ship, in a world of lies.



    They can have traditionalism back, but I will not be participating in it. They can have feminism. They can have equality. They can have whatever the hell they want for a social contract… As long as they remain aware that I will not be participating in it with them.

    As Warren Buffet likes to point out: You can’t make a good deal with a bad person.

    While I would take shrieks and howls from feminists for implying that all women are bad, the reality is that the only system of laws in which marriage can occur is bad for me no matter who the woman is. The system of laws that govern marriage, feminism, equality, and whatever other bullshit label they plaster on a strategy to take resources from me… are all a bad deal no matter which woman you try to make that deal with.

    The only thing I could see that would cause me to reconsider would be to progress to a point where so many women would be asking so often ‘where have all the good men gone?’ that it would become possible to make an individual contract with an individual woman with our own mutually agreed terms (including exit terms), and expiration date, under a system of laws that would allow, support and enforce it. I don’t see that happening anytime in my life span.

    For now, the state has the monopoly on the personal social contract that I am allowed to have with a woman. The state has shown itself to be so wildly hostile to my interests under that contract that it is not safe for me to sign it no matter what woman offers it to me. So, while I am not homosexual, or antisocial, and still occasionally enjoy the company of a rare type of woman, it is now impossible for any woman to have with me the contract with me that she most wants, because her feminist sisters have turned that contract into a joke for her and a slave-trap for me.

    The other big feminist lie: that if I refuse their contract offer, it’s because there is something wrong with me, instead of something wrong with them, their contract, or the system of laws that enforce it.



    I will never understand why people look to the very government that created all the messes in the first place to fix things. If they were capable of running things correctly we wouldn’t be in the mess we are, and it wouldn’t just keep getting worse and worse over time.

    I just want the government out of the way. Everything they touch goes to shit. The Founding Fathers set up a very limited government and absolutely loathed large government. HATED it. Read the stuff they wrote, they couldn’t stand it and would hate what we have today. This is because those great men KNEW what large government ALWAYS becomes.

    The government has no business in domestic affairs. All it should ever do is set broad and obvious laws in place like “don’t dump toxic waste into the municipal water supply, don’t poison the air with smog” etc. But it can’t even do that. Instead it meddles in student loans/education, healthcare, mortgages, family matters such as divorce and children, and screws absolutely everything up.

    Don’t expect them to make fair laws. Instead of insisting women should be forced to follow the same onerous laws as men, instead insist all the stupid laws be repealed period. Instead of trying to tax the rich and the oligarchs, just give up and say tax nobody. Stop buying their BS that we exist to feed the giant government, that it’s somehow our job to feed these parasites and keep them alive. That we NEED idiotic laws and absurd taxes. Go back 100 years and most of these things didn’t exist. Even back in the 50s most of it didn’t exist. It really started in the 80s and got worse and worse.



    Traditionalism was economic, but is just plain biological. What do you think would happen if a plane with 50 women and 50 men crashed on a far away island and everyone survived? Think it through.



    I will never understand why people look to the very government that created all the messes in the first place to fix things. If they were capable of running things correctly we wouldn’t be in the mess we are, and it wouldn’t just keep getting worse and worse over time.

    Government is a gang that stays in power by murdering or imprisoning those who oppose it. Always has been, always will be – nothing more. Government stays in power by pitting one class against the other.

    There is always a narrative, like “freedom” or “getting to heaven” or “our great leader” or “for the workers / people”, etc… The narrative has to be there to create a mental justification for people to imprison themselves, but there is always a symbol to hypnotize the people, like you hypnotize a chicken: a star, a cross, a snake, a flag, an eagle, etc…

    Have you ever noticed, if you want to start a business, you can sell furniture, or lawn equipment, but you’re not allowed to just open a bank, or start a private military, or create a competing police force, etc… Check out what they did to the Liberty Dollar folks.


    Zuberi Tau

    Traditionalism can buy a cucumber and go fuck itself.
    Most of the man’s resources went towards making his wife happy and raising a family. Some people get the notion that those were the good old days but they weren’t. If the wife fucked around and got into legal trouble, the husband was almost always the one that caught hell!



    Why would anyone want traditionalism back ?

    Pretty easy to understand. The TIMES in the UK reports it’s because “feminists want to escape workplace drudgery”.

    Even if you do, good fucking luck, these bitches are so psychologically ill now it would be impossible.

    Feminism has exposed to the world the TRUE female nature and the lid to pandoras box has been ripped open with such force, it can never be replaced.

    Traditionalism can buy a cucumber and go fuck itself.

    LOL very well put.

    If you try to push a man around enough.... eventually, *around* becomes *away*.


    Get rid of alimony.

    If they want to save marriage it should not be a financial death sentence.

    Mgtow of Honor: Keymaster for being like Moses, Kaido, Hitman for peace, understanding and leading the way, Varun for mastering the word NO. ***You do NOT hate women. They just ARE. Free your mind and focus on YOU. After red pill rage resolves comes peace and happiness. MGTOW TRUTH! ZERO HATE, PURE PEACE. Restarting Your Life MGTOW SUMMARY: THE BIG PICTURE, Why MGTOW?

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