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Worst Type of Cheating - Man VS Woman MGTOW

視聴回数 39 回




2016/09/12 に公開

Worst Type of Cheating - Man VS Woman MGTOW

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Physical Cheating vs Emotional https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ty3uE...

Women 'more upset by emotional betrayal than sexual infidelity'... but for men it is the exact opposite

Outro track: Calibre - What to Do in These Times

Hey guys so in today’s video we examine a study that discusses how men and women view cheating. Apparently women are more upset by emotional cheating by their partners than sexual infidelity, while men, on the other hand think in the exact opposite way.
It has been claimed that Evolution has played a big part in this.

Because women are generally more likely to look after babies, their primary goal is to make sure that their male partner stays with her to raise the kids. This is off course is a complete bullshit because women instigate over 80% of all divorces and western women have essentially replaced the traditional father figure with the ultimate alpha male, the government. And I don’t know about you guys but the governments in the west actually promote the idea of single mothers and praise them.

The study goes on to say that women become emotionally jealous because they are afraid that their boyfriend or husband will run off with another woman who is now the new flame.

On the other side of the table, men are more concerned that they do not end up raising another man’s children, which makes most men hate the thought of their girlfriend or wife cheating on them by having sex with other men.

Mons Bendixen, an associate professor who led the study involving 1,000 participants, said: 'Men and women's psychology is similar in most areas, but not when it comes to reproduction.'
The study Participants were randomly given one of four versions of a questionnaire about jealousy.





