It's been a very hard time. Trust me. We battled the haters. Brought along the lovers and made Lawlz mod again. The Lawlz train is one that has no brakes. It goes "Choo! Choo!". With the many endorsements we've had and the fierce debates against haters such as CENSORED Lawlz is finally mod.
Let's view our history
A month back, Lawlz Graphically proved to be the best /r/drama mod.
In that thread, /u/glmox tried to take on Lawlz. He said 'i feel like this graph is not sourced from a reputable dataset'. Lawlz fired back with an amazing come back:
Your mom wasn't sourced from a reputable data set
In that thread, /u/vr4el endorsed LawlzForMod and became a mod of the campaign sub(/r/lawlzformod)
ComedicSans tried to put Lawlz down, but seeing what's happened at present, I guess karma's a bitch
The next instance was when Lawlz tried to drop a second hint out here
These amazing campaign strategies included suggesting a different mod and then himself to not seem too selfish
He also spoke about how he'd mod /r/Drama
Seeing the success of the LawlzForMod campaign, BOOC decided to mod Lawlz
This pleased many and upset those on the extreme left like minn-ee-sottaa
Hereby, the ongoing MinnieForPrison campaign started
Official Campaign Subreddit: /r/minnieforprison
That's when the LawlzForMod's biggest enemy came.
The LawlzForMod responded energetically with a lengthy press release on the matter
Press release
/u/PantherChamp came out in support of Lawlz with a circlejerk styled post on the LFM campaign subreddit
Within 2 days of Lawlz being a mod on BOOC, they decided to remove him.
Note: This isn't because he's a bad mod, it's just that he didn't fit in with the SJW crowd so he asked them to remove him. So it was more voluntary than anything
His reaction
/u/BestOf0utrageculture decided to praise Lawlz's modding skills and add Lawlz to a new sub
He was mod again
A week after this drama, LFM released their official campaign slogan
Isn't it beautiful?
In the drama thread on this, /u/riemann1413 comes in starts agreeing with rumours about ML being a whiny brat
We will never forget your betrayal.
It's been recorded here
The LFM campaign slowly went by before it received another endorsement, from a /r/drama mod this time!
A fempire mod, /u/zachums endorsed Lawlz
Here comes the serious bit. In an incident that shocked the world, he abusive /r/drama mods violated MasterLawlz's human rights as mentioned in the The Universal Declaration of Human Rights just to get some survey results from him
Born were two new enemies of the LFM campaign
Things got a bit unsteady for the campaign following those incidents
In a surprising turn of events, Lawlz gained another endorsement - Sam white endorsed Lawlz for mod
That's when the campaing started recovering. We came up with a new strategy. As you see in this post, we made Lawlz establish friendly conditions with LPC, a drama mod, to get him back on the /r/drama modteam
We waited along until we got our biggest endorsement of all time
Truly one of the best SRD mods of all times, /u/oxus007 (also my alt) endorse lawlz for mod
Oxus provided energy drinks which he stored in bottles from the salty tears which SRDines cried out
This made the Trump train faster
Our biggest enemy crossed our path 5 days ago
He said that he was in support of Pedophiles. He said that was in support of child rapists. To quote /u/hypnozooid
These are the type of people we're fighting against, someone so morally bankrupt they enjoy child rape instead of wanting Lawlz to be a mod.
He said that he'd mod Laurelai before Lawlz.
The admins were genuinely unhappy with these comments and decided to ban comedicsans. With no further opposition, and with support from the admins, the LawlzForMod campaign could successfully Make Lawlz Mod Again