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submitted by ThyDocco
I've really had enough of one of our mods being a disgusting lying fuck so I'm outing him once and for all, if the mods ban me so be it. 
If not, I expect /u/ComedicSans to resign his mod position for the disgrace he's brought on us.
First off the basics;
Name: David Oliver Taylor-Smith
D.O.B.: 22 - 03 - 83
IRD (Kiwi sin): 87237916
Address was tricky for me to track down because our lovely mod David here lives in a gated community in Christchurch NZ. Luckily I'm a real lawyer myself (more on why I say real later) and I have plenty of high-flying connections to help me out.
The gated community is unlisted and I shit you not this neckbeards family have lived there since it was founded in 1892 and they've kept the totally fucking bizarre to anyone but I guess normal if you're a degenerate bigot like /u/ComedicSans ruleset it was founded with. It's called Canterbury Hills and they don't allow non-whites, homosexuals or women over 18 that aren't married to live there. I fucking shit you not.
The coordinates(addresses are unlisted) are 39.1163° N, 125.8059° E and I have a guy who does PI work for me checking it out so I'll have pictures of David and the gated community sometime next week. 
Father: Oliver Taylor-Smith (Né Smith, yes his dad cucked his own name loool)
Mother: Avis Taylor-Smith (Née Taylor) 
Both his parents are retired, both heavily loaded and seem to spend most of their time hanging out with Jeffrey Epstein on his plane and island which really explains a lot about /u/ComedicSans, aka David.

So now onto why I say 'real' lawyer. I was able to track down his 'company' but from what I can tell David is pretty much a kind of brute force bully for hire for the corrupt and degenerate high flyers of the world. He doesn't so much lawyer them out of trouble as bribe and blackmail. 
Obviously my proof of this involves too many people who would absolutely swamp me in legal bills to publicise it anywhere official so you're just going to have to trust me. 
What I can give you is historical records of his dealings.
Starting with his first, personal foray into his 'lawyer' career.
David has been married three times, and his first ended mysteriously in 1992 when his wife (whose name I won't share to avoid undue harm to the family) was found mauled in a local Christchurch forest. He was a suspect and defended himself in court and somehow(read: bribe and threaten) managed to convince the Judge that it was a Dropbear that had swam from Australia. You can read about this more here;
His second wife 'ran away' in 1995 after 2 years of marriage. 
You can read about her here, check under T;
His third wife was actually a mail order bride and David somehow convinced a court in 2005 again that he was not guilty of trafficking in sex slaves, but still managed to have his reputation tarnished despite his wealth and power. His third wife was put into witsec after this and given a new identity because of what I can only presume were thugs hired by David constantly harrassing her, you can read more in these links;

I challenge any of you fucks to seriously defend this monster now. 
I have to say that after finding out all of this I'm not really surprised that he's such a woman-hating racist piece of shit all over the place. 
If I disappear before posting the pictures you know he has more power than I've discovered.
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