I'm a feminist and believe in protecting women and enforcing harsh punishments on rapists.
Did you know the majority of women and I guess male children are raped coming into the US by mexicans?
According to feminists, the majority of rapes aren't even reported! so this number may be higher. I also hear from mexican rapist apologists that the number is somewhere between 55-60 % of rapes. Regarldess even if that was true, if most rapes aren't reported, the number still goes back up to 80% based on the liberal world view.
Trump respects women plenty, he insulted a couple. Big deal! Have you seen the women at Trump rallies? I've been to two and the women are absolutely beautiful, ecstatic to be there and they are shown plenty of respect. Just because Trump has made some comments that may or may not be "sexist" against a couple people, deson't mean he meant "all" women.
also fuck that muslim family. The father has questionable ties to organizations that are sympathetic towards terrorists. And what that family did is pathetic.
They used their dead son as a pawn for the Shillary Clinton Campaign to attack Donald Trump. What was Trump supposed to do? sit there and take it like a bitch?
Trump didn't start the war that got his son killed and he certainly didn't advocate for that war. Hillary did, and She's manipulating that family into using their dead son to push the liberal democratic narrative. It's a farce and Trump did the right thing in defending himself.
Sorry, but i'm a minority and I am not offended by anything trump has said and neither are the women in my family. We are all conservatives and support trump.