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[–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (23 children)
I'm not white and I'm supporting and voting for trump.
I fucking can't stand the real racists which are the liberals and democrats, trying to control minorities and saying they're weak and need to the liberals to defend them.
Stop telling us how to vote and what to do, think and feel! its fucking offensive! let us choose our own path!
I'm not convinced by this stupid article.
[–]toxicroach [score hidden]  (1 child)
You should go to one of his rallies.
[–][deleted]  (17 children)deleted/removed
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (16 children)
    minorities are already experiencing a "shit show".
    employment numbers aren't that great, race relations is god awful, I'm sure we can all agree to that.
    Trump was right, what do minorities have to lose by electing him?
    Under Obama, things have been atrocious.
    [–]Zelkiiro [score hidden]  (7 children)
    Trump was right, what do minorities have to lose by electing him?
    Their rights, dignities, and legal status, maybe?
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (6 children)
    honest question.
    as a minority. What right will I lose by voting for trump and having him be president?
    [–]Zelkiiro [score hidden]  (5 children)
    If you're even vaguely of Hispanic or Arabic descent, most likely your right to live in the U.S. for one.
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (4 children)
    There are plenty of brown people from all walks of life who lives in the US legally because they were born here or immigrated legally.
    I was born here, so Trump doesn't threaten my way of life. When he talks about the invaders, he means illegal immigrants who danced across our borders doing the Macarana and they simply need to go back where they came from, it isn't fair. We gotta build the wall.
    Even if you didn't care about the illegal immigration issue, Trump should at the very least be met halfway to protect our borders. Why is protecting our borders such a bad thing?
    [–]Zelkiiro [score hidden]  (3 children)
    Why is protecting our borders such a bad thing?
    Because it's hilariously hypocritical for the descendants of the Europeans (who -illegally- entered the continent and proceeded to massacre the Native Americans) to demand the nation's borders be fortified to prevent people from entering -illegally-. It's the ultimate "Fuck you, got mine!" move.
    [–]Thefalloutplayr [score hidden]  (1 child)
    Yeah and that was 300 fucking years ago! We are all descendants from Africa right so to bring that argument is fucking retarded. If we let them continue to pump drugs in this country we continue to lose lives to them and the illegal immigrant problem is horrible for one they do take our jobs because they work for less and the companies don't hire Americans because we cost more and companies only want money,two they have been proven to have committed the majority of crimes, three when their caught their either sent back or get told hey "go home" (which they don't) and no consequences for coming illegally I feel like the left doesn't understand the word illegal....Hillary Clinton send classified information on her unsecured email...Hillary Clinton pushes for easier immigration Hillary Clinton pushes to take our second amendment, Hillary Clinton lied under oath, Hillary Clinton singlehandedly murdered 4 Americans, Hillary Clinton says she has always supported Mexicans but then calls them taco bowls,Hillary Clinton bout out the MSM, Hillary Clinton was caught committing voter fraud Hillary Clinton caught manipulating the race to the DNC Hillary Clinton lied to the national public.....I could go on and on but it's fuckheads like you that are ruining our country....trump was right about one thing and the city's have had it good to long and it's time rural America get some fucking recognition the sleeping fucking giant has awoken in this country which the 4 fathers knew would happen if Hillary Clinton is elected it will inevitably be the end of the United States of America and the moment she's calls for a gun ban the us military will not stand with the government,no they will form militias and it will be another American Revolution the military stands with the people the police will stand with the people the churches stand with the people and remember the government workers have family and when the government calls for genecide they will defect and this all will lead to the end of liberals and the left
    [–]Zelkiiro [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Hillary Clinton singlehandedly murdered 4 Americans
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (0 children)
    The indians didn't have our sophisticated legal system and property laws... so as far as I know, the european settlers came here legally.
    The mass genocide of the natives was... horrid, sure... but they weren't doing anything with the land. look at all the good that was accomplished by settling in the US and creating a beacon of hope from the mistakes of our european ancestors (well mine at least, not sure where you're family is from).
    This is why we call you guys "regressives". You just want to keep going back in the past and beating us over the head with the stick of mistakes that we personally didn't make. Times have changed, people are changing, the geo politics is changing so this whole "LOL WHITE MAN DA ORIGINAL ILLEGAL" bullshit argument doesn't fly with most people and nobody takes it seriously.
    [–]Rotkreuz [score hidden]  (5 children)
    Except that Donald Trump doesn't like minorities either. He thinks Mexico is actively send rapists over the border, he still thinks the Central Park 5 is guilty of SOMETHING and should be put to death, he has zero respect for women, and he also attacked the family of an Islamic American Veteran who died in Iraq. Need I go on?
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (4 children)
    I'm a feminist and believe in protecting women and enforcing harsh punishments on rapists.
    Did you know the majority of women and I guess male children are raped coming into the US by mexicans?
    According to feminists, the majority of rapes aren't even reported! so this number may be higher. I also hear from mexican rapist apologists that the number is somewhere between 55-60 % of rapes. Regarldess even if that was true, if most rapes aren't reported, the number still goes back up to 80% based on the liberal world view.
    Trump respects women plenty, he insulted a couple. Big deal! Have you seen the women at Trump rallies? I've been to two and the women are absolutely beautiful, ecstatic to be there and they are shown plenty of respect. Just because Trump has made some comments that may or may not be "sexist" against a couple people, deson't mean he meant "all" women.
    also fuck that muslim family. The father has questionable ties to organizations that are sympathetic towards terrorists. And what that family did is pathetic.
    They used their dead son as a pawn for the Shillary Clinton Campaign to attack Donald Trump. What was Trump supposed to do? sit there and take it like a bitch?
    Trump didn't start the war that got his son killed and he certainly didn't advocate for that war. Hillary did, and She's manipulating that family into using their dead son to push the liberal democratic narrative. It's a farce and Trump did the right thing in defending himself.
    Sorry, but i'm a minority and I am not offended by anything trump has said and neither are the women in my family. We are all conservatives and support trump.
    [–]Rotkreuz [score hidden]  (3 children)
    You have lame excuses for everything I listed except the Central Park 5. No response to that? Let me fill you in.
    These boys were forced to give a false confession to a crime they didn't commit, (a jogger was raped and beaten) and spent about 10 years in jail. During that time Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for these kids to be killed. The real criminal stepped forward and the kids were exonerated. Trump still questions their motives in the park to this day and thinks they were committing crimes. What lame defense can you drum up for that?
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (2 children)
    il. During that time Trump took out a full page ad in the New York Times calling for these kids to be killed. The rea
    lol, not lame excuses, but the truth.
    I don't really have an opinion on the central park drama. Yeah what he did was shitty, jumping to conclusions and bashing someone without hearing all the facts or evidence or waiting for a trial is stupid and fucking retarded. Trump was stupid in that moment. I'll meet you halfway on that if it played out like that. I've vaguely heard of the Central Park Jogger rape, but never bothered with it.
    Here's the deal... why hold Trump's feet to the fire on this one issue when... liberals and BLM thugs jump to conclusion every time a black person is killed by law enforcement?
    every time someone dies, everyone goes ape shit and immediately blames cops right away without a trial or evidence being heard.
    Also didn't reddit conduct a handful of witch trials that nearly got people killed or arrested during tragic mass shootings or terrorist attacks that were on going? Reddit got the wrong kid and were acting like cops when theyr'e really just basement dwelling losers who have no idea what they're talking about.
    Trump is not a cop and he was not there, not sure why he felt the need to comment on the Central park rape/beating, but he did and he was wrong and people keep doing this all time time, it's not just him.
    [–]Rotkreuz [score hidden]  (1 child)
    It's not just the fact that he was wrong. It's the fact that he refuses to apologize. When he was pressed about it, he said "well, what were they doing? Playing Checker?" The implication being that black people are thugs and always up to no good.
    [–]RonPaulaAbdulJubbar [score hidden]  (0 children)
    did BLM ever apologize to all cops they made blanket statements over? did reddit apologize for all its thuggish witch hunting?
    He made a stupid assumption and had a stupid opinion on the case, it's not the worst thing someone can do. His words held no weight or power. BLM's and reddit's did and it interfered with ongoing police investigation and BLM destabilized and destroyed entire communities with their rioting and looting.
    Trumps words were inconsequential
    [–]howitzer86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    Race relations are acceptable, if not strained. If you're black, it depends on your class and the battles you choose to wage in your day to day life. (edit: to be frank, most of it is on the micro-aggression level. Even if you're poor you have it good compared to life 60 years ago)
    I can live my whole life navigating this field. I know how to find work, I know how to handle political conversations at work, and I avoid attention from the police by driving a nice unassuming car, following the speed limit, and all the other rules.
    When black people suffer, they shouldn't blame a politician. That just opens the door for the next logical thing: seeking another politician to fix all of the problems.
    You know the old saying, "I'm from the government, and I'm here to help," being the beginning of all sorts of trouble. From Obama or Trump, promises to "help" us don't always go over to well.
    Help everyone. Americans in general are in trouble. When you do that, everyone benefits. When you just focus on one group, that breeds resentment, further racial tension, and other problems.
    [–]howitzer86 [score hidden]  (0 children)
    You're already being told what to think.
    edit: But you're not wrong about Democrats. The difference between you and I is that I see that we have no friends running for office. Just manipulators.
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