was a born jew who does some ghost writing for youtube sites and I wrote a screenplay I'm pitching in the fall.
I forgive Mel Gibson. Who here is not without sin? if we had a recording device on our person 24/7 in the last 5 years.... and the worst 5 minutes of the shit we said was broadcast for the whole world to see/hear, we'd be pretty fucked.
Mel Gibson is an artist, he's pure talent and he's a human being with flaws like most of us. I don't see him as racist or hateful. Maybe just an angry person who suffers from some sort of depression or anger issues.
we should extend love and patience towards mel, not scorn him for being a drunking mess a few years ago.
I think if he's made good on bettering himself and not having these outburts and shows genuine remorse over hurting many people, especially his fans, I think its our duty to promote and hold this artist up as a beacon of hope.
people can change. I love telling this story:
I think a year or two ago a christian conservative man was joining this protest against a mosque here in the US, expecting a large turn out, I think less than 5 people turned up. The man was chanting "islam bad, muslims bad, all muslims terrorists blah blah blah". The nominal muslims that attended that mosque came out, not to protest, but to invite the man in to have a friendly conversation and to get to know each other. He came out of that mosque a new person. He regretted his bigoted words, he felt horrible, he apologized and changed his mind.
People act like Mel Gibson killed their fucking dog. He's not a lunch bunch, he's allowed to fuck up.
get familiar