Hillary Clinton's national lead over Donald Trump remains steady at 6 points, according to the latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking Poll.
Clinton currently enjoys 48 percent support while Trump maintains 42 percent — the same margin as last week. The latest NBC News|SurveyMonkey poll was conducted online from August 29 through September 4 among registered voters.
In a four-way general election match-up, Clinton leads Trump by a slightly narrower 4-point margin — 41 percent to 37 percent. That is also unchanged from last week. Libertarian candidate Gary Johnson gains a single point in support with 12 points and Green Party candidate Jill Stein drops a single point with 4 percent.
Both candidates enter a crucial period of campaigning as get-out-the-vote efforts ramp up in key swing states in the last two months ahead of the general election in November.
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Clinton continues to do well in the Northeast and West but Trump remains competitive with her in the Midwest and South. Currently, the Democratic nominee holds a 16-point lead in the Northeast — 53 percent to 37 percent — and a 16-point lead in the West.
Trump and Clinton are now tied in the Midwest — which includes crucial battleground states like Ohio and Iowa — and Trump has a 1-point lead in the South.
Clinton's campaign raised nearly $150 million in August — making last month the best fundraising haul she's had in the entire campaign cycle. A large portion of this money will likely be devoted to targeting voters through advertisements and get out the vote efforts in key battleground states.
Trump continues to lag behind Clinton in both fundraising and spending and will need to make up crucial ground in outreach efforts to stay competitive with the Democratic campaign in the months ahead.
The NBC News|SurveyMonkey Weekly Election Tracking poll was conducted online August 29 through September 4, 2016 among a national sample of 32,226 adults who say they are registered to vote. Respondents for this non-probability survey were selected from the nearly 3 million people who take surveys on the SurveyMonkey platform each day. Results have an error estimate of plus or minus 1.0 percentage points. For full results and methodology, click here.