The Biggest Cover-Up In History

This documentary tells the tale that the victors still do not want you to know.

Read The Book

This documentary is based upon the ground-breaking book by Thomas Goodrich. Available on Amazon.

Eye-Witness Quotes

We only hear what the victors have to say about World War II, and rarely ever from the victims.

Recommended Resources

Get some context for this documentary by watching some essential videos.

Hellstorm at The Myrtle Beach International Film Festival

Report by Shield Maiden at Renegade Tribune

On a nice, warm Saturday afternoon a good crowd had gathered at Broadway Cinemas in Myrtle Beach, South Carolina. We were there to watch Hellstorm, a documentary by Kyle Hunt and Tom Goodrich, illustrating the horrific and oftentimes unimaginable treatment of the German people after World War II. As well done as the film is, it is certainly not for the faint-hearted, but nonetheless it is still imperative for every person of European descent to see this for it gives us a glimpse of what could happen if the Jews have their way and do successfully implement their New World Order.

Cgv8ccSVEAAGMdFNarrated by Renegade Tribune’s own Sinead McCarthy, it was almost surreal to hear her voice coming out of big theater speakers instead of my computer. It felt like a big moment, to have a film that presents the other side of the story, the side we never get to hear because it’s been silenced by Jewish opposition, was actually playing in a large movie theater and even drew a good crowd considering the subject matter. It was not easy to sit through an hour and a half of rape, torture, and genocide of millions of innocent men, women, and children. The most stomach churning part pointed out that some German women were forced at gun point to have sex with dead, rotting corpses. This seemed to be the breaking point for some audience members because after that a few got up and walked out. Most stayed however, and to my pleasant surprise they did not all walk out when the Jewish element was brought into the picture, although this was a point which unnerved some, as I would later find out.

Once the film was over, most of the audience applauded. The lights came up and Kyle Hunt was then brought out for Q & A. Sporting a ponytail and a nice blazer, Kyle reminded me of the hipster guys I used to see when I hung out at the local liberal coffee shops back in my twenties, certainly not an evil “Nazi” type of guy.

The first comment he received was from a young man who was upset with the Jewish element of the film. It was something along the lines of, “Oy vey! Why did you have to point out these guys were Jews? What does that have to do with anything?”

Kyle pointed out to him that the Jewish element had everything to do with it and then moved on because the guy’s kvetching was irritating him as well as taking time away from other people’s questions. Kyle also took the opportunity to point out to the audience that in many countries a person can be put in jail not just for questioning the validity of the Holocaust, but simply for questioning the six million number, even though at Auschwitz the plaque with the number of people killed has changed from originally claiming four million to now just 1.5 million. I was never good at math, but I’m pretty sure that changes the six million number just a little bit.

This triggered another audience member, a young man who argued that you couldn’t go to jail for questioning the Holocaust. Something tells me Ernest Zündel and Silvia Stolz might disagree (they have both been thrown in jail numerous times for questioning the Holocaust). Clearly, this man is unaware that questioning the Holocaust is a punishable crime in Germany and many other European countries.

A few other audience members commented that they felt the film was “one-sided” even though Kyle explicitly says that in the beginning of the documentary that they only wanted to focus on the German side. I can’t help but find these people’s opinion of one-sidedness patently absurd since we have heard ONLY one side for seven decades. There have been thousands of books, films, and TV series dedicated to the Holocaust. Impressionable children in middle school are instructed to read The Diary of Ann Frank, a book which should be flushed down the toilet for how full of shit it is, but not once did we ever learn about what the Germans suffered through. Indeed, all we have ever heard is, “OMG! Those evil Nazi’s!” I would wager that every single one of us had a history teacher who referred to Hitler as the devil incarnate; one of my history teacher’s actually told us the story of the lampshades and soap as if it was real even though it’s been proven to be a hoax.

After the brief Q & A, we all filed out into the theater hallway. I asked a few audience members what their thoughts were on the film. One middle aged woman named Cindy commented that she felt the film was one-sided and was very unhappy with Kyle for using the word “alleged” to describe the atrocities of the Holocaust, which was very real in her mind since she had been to the Holocaust Museum and saw the shoes of the little Jewish children that were killed. I asked Cindy’s mom what she thought of the film and got a more direct answer: “I hated it.”

I will give them credit for at least being willing to watch Hellstorm and to sit through the whole thing, but it saddened me that even after learning about the truly horrific, evil, and barbaric treatment the Germans were subjected to, they still could not shake their Jewish programming. To them the Jews are the biggest victims of all time and always will be.

I’m going to assume that most, if not all, the people reading this know that the Holocaust is a made up Jewish lie, but let’s suspend reality for a moment and say that it actually did happen as they claim. Although that would have been horrific, it would still be nothing compared to what the Germans suffered after the war. The narrative is that the Jews starved to death in concentration camps or executed. Meanwhile, German women were raped to death, literally crucified with nails hammered into their hands, and as I mentioned earlier, sometimes forced at gun point to have sex with the corpses of dead men on the streets of what was left of Germany. German men had their testicles crushed and some were forced to eat their own excrement. Which would you rather suffer? At least starving to death you could die with some type of dignity.

In conclusion, Kyle made an excellent point at the end of Q & A; he pointed out that no one on Earth should ever have to suffer anything like this ever again and that is the point of watching a film like Hellstorm, to know what happened and what could happen if we don’t put a stop to it now. What I wish some of the more critical audience members could understand is that the Jews want Hellstorm for the entire world. We don’t have to go down that road. If enough people would wake up to world Jewry and understand how much damage the Jews have done and how intent they are on creating far more than what the Germans experienced, we can prevent another Hellstorm, and if we have to use violence to defend ourselves, so be it. Every white person, and even non-white for that matter, should be ready to do whatever it takes to defeat the Jews so that future generations can thrive, live happily among their own, and never suffer anything like this ever again.

I want to personally thank Kyle and Tom Goodrich for being brave enough to take on this subject matter and to spend the time, money, and tremendous effort it took to make this film. Most people simply parrot whatever is fashionable or “politically correct” so it takes some guts to show a film like Hellstorm at a film festival and be willing to stand there and take criticism from brainwashed people without flinching once. Hellstorm made me realize how much we’ve lost and how much we still stand to lose.

Hellstorm Got Over 1.5 Million Views in One Year Despite Censorship

Last year on May 1st I released a documentary that would go on to shake the world. I knew it would reach a lot of people, but I had no idea just how big it was going to be until it launched. It received over 10,000 views in the first 24 hours and then averaged about 10,000 views per day for the first week. In the first three months this official youtube upload of Hellstorm racked up around 100,000 views per month. Then it was banned worldwide for a copyright claim, which was successfully contested, yet this version still remains unavailable.


Since I made this film publicly available for anyone to copy, the truth would not be stopped. People around the world uploaded the film to their own channels on youtube, some added subtitles in their own languages and we even had a whole German voiceover done, others put it up on other video sharing sites and made it available for download on torrents, while others purchased and burned DVDs for distribution. Because some of uploaders did not use the original title, I was not even aware of some of these copies until recently. All in all, the documentary has been viewed WELL more than one and a half million times less than one year later.

The top 14 uploads on Youtube that I was able to find are as follows (rounded to the nearest thousand views):
581,000 + 340,000 + 199,000 + 87,000 + 79,000 + 62,000 + 44,000 + 43,000 + 35,000 + 32,000 + 25,000 + 21,000 + 11,000 + 6,000 = 1,565,000

That total does not include any of the views outside of youtube, DVD plays, or torrent downloads, which would add tens of thousands more at least. Also, one “view” on Youtube could actually be a group of people watching the documentary together, meaning that at least 2 million people could have watched Hellstorm by now. If Youtube’s view counts have been altered to reduce the perceived popularity of the film, which happens, the number could be even far more.

This is quite incredible for a film that had less than $4,000 for a production and marketing budget! Our enemies could only wish to get such results with so little spent, but their tired old narratives will continue to flounder, since people have been inundated with Allied propaganda for the past 70 years and do not feel compelled to spread this narrative far and wide, even if they still believe it.

Photo dated 25 February 1945 showing residents and emergency personnel lining up bodies to be burned at the Old Market in the east German city of Dresden, following allied bombings 13 February 1945. The 60th anniversary of the massive fire bombing of the city, which killed anywhere between 25,000 to 135,000 people, many of them refugees fleeing the Russian advance, will be commemorated in Dresden 13 February 2005, amidst calls by far-right parties to hold a mass rally in Dresden on the occasion. AFP PHOTO SLUB DEUTSCHE FOTOTHEK/WALTER HAHN (Photo credit should read WALTER HAHN/AFP/Getty Images) BRL103

On the other hand, Hellstorm is right in line with the truth-seeking zeitgeist of our age, as people are beginning to realize that almost every narrative spoon-fed to us by the jewish media is the inverse of reality. Once folks understand they have been lied to in a big way, and realize the terrible situation we are in today is actually a result of the victory over Germany in WW2, then they feel compelled to shout the truth about Hellstorm from the rooftops. Or at least to share it on social media.

The success of Hellstorm has our enemies very worried. They had a campaign of rating the film as 1-star on IMDb, countering all of the 10-star ratings, to make it seem like WW2 truth is not popular and to discourage others from seeing the film.

Sign up at IMDb to leave a review
Sign up at IMDb to leave a review

Unfortunately for them, their campaign to discredit the film has not worked, so they have decided to take their efforts to the next level. In the past few days leading up to the 127th anniversary of Adolf Hitler’s birthday, I received messages that versions of the film on Youtube, including my own and ones on other channels, have been banned around the world (except for the US) because of a bogus copyright claim by BBC Worldwide.

Although I wonder how many views the film would have by now if there had been no censorship of my main upload a few month after the release, I think that the efforts to stop the viral success of the film will only backfire. People around the world realize that this truth is verboten and will find ways to get around censorship.

Watch the film here!

Activism to Expose the Dresden Holocaust

On February 13th I went out with fellow activists Sinead and Brian to distribute Hellstorm flyers across a town with a large German population. We met up on a nice sunny day, folded the flyers into tri-folds to make them easier to hand out, and then proceeded to hit the town.

Initially we looked for any younger folks who might be interested in learning the truth about World War 2 and the crimes that were committed against innocent Germans. The reason we didn’t target the older folks, who were in abundance in this aging and increasingly non-White town, is because they have been subjected to decades upon decades of brainwashing, and even if they were to learn the truth, they likely do not have the will or social media presence to really spread awareness. We are looking to win the youth to our side with our activist campaigns, since it is their future that has been sold down the river, and many of them know it. Many of the younger folks were fairly receptive to receiving a flyer about a free documentary available online, especially since it was coming from normal people who weren’t looking to sell them anything, ask for money, or recruit them to any cult.

Once we reached out to anyone who looked like they might be interested, we started to place the flyers in some strategic locations around the town. We didn’t use any tape or tacks, but just tucked them away where people might come across them and want to learn more. Sure, we could get in some trouble for “littering” someday, but frankly that’s the least of my worries in this world.

After getting a lot of flyers out, we stopped for some authentic German beer in a German restaurant with live music. It was a fun setting to discuss jews, White genocide, Dresden, and other taboo “conspiracy” topics. Although drinking should not be the primary focus, I suggest any small groups that go out to do some activism also stop in for a pint (or litre like me!) since it will make the experience even more enjoyable, and may even loosen some lips and provide some liquid courage to more timid activists. Plus, if people have a good time, they will be more likely to do it again and possibly bring friends, and soon you very well may have an activist club on your hands. Already people in my general vicinity have gotten in touch with me after seeing our Dresden activism and would like to get involved.

You might be thinking that such efforts are futile, but I assure you they are not. Even if absolutely no one checks out the documentary, at the very least we built comradery and increased morale. And if just one or two people watch the film and learn the truth, they very well may spread it around to their friends and post it on social media, perhaps reaching thousands of new people. And all we had to do was print out some flyers and spend a few enjoyable hours in the sun. It’s the least we can do for the innocent victims of the world’s worst war.

The Dresden Inferno – An Allied War Crime

This is a mini-documentary that Wayne from Justice 4 Germans put together about the fire bombing of Dresden on the night February 13th to 14th, 1945 with eye-witness testimony, describing a heinous, outrageous, Allied War Crime and a story of survival. The footage comes from various German sources which Wayne translated and narrated into English.


Hellstorm Flyers: Honoring German Victims by Exposing the Truth of World War 2

The anniversary of the horrific Dresden bombings is on February 13th.

I want to make sure more people know about what happened to the German people during that “good war”, so I put together a very simple flyer that can point people in the right direction.

Hellstorm Poster
Download the PDF


Download the PDF
Download the PDF

The flyers can be handed out, posted on message boards or in some strategic locations, sent in the mail, and distributed in other creative ways. College campuses and city centers could be a great place to get the word out. A passerby can simply take a photo of the QR code in the center and get directed to the website where they can watch the film for free. I suggest distributing the fliers in a synchronized fashion on the night of February 12th. While taking to the streets is important, let’s not forget to post links to the documentary all over social media on the February 13th.

Since the release of the film last May, Germany has been invaded once again, but this time she has an occupational government that won’t stand up for the folk. In fact, the traitorous government, headed by the Communist Merkel, invited the rapist army to come and run wild. Children are being attacked, girls are being raped, and the police won’t step in and help. In fact, the only people they have been attacking are the patriotic dissidents opposed to the destruction of Germany.

water cannons pegida

The situation will only get worse unless we rise up as united Europeans and defend the honor of our women and ensure a future for our children!

We need to set the record straight regarding what happened to Germany, not only to honor the victims, but also because World War 2 is used as the justification for everything that is befalling White Western civilization today. Our enemies conquered Europe and her people. They unleashed their hatred by raping, robbing, torturing, and mass murdering in the most sickening ways imaginable. In just a few days they turned one of the most beautiful cities in Europe into a smoldering ruin, burning defenseless elderly men, women, and children in the worst holocaust any people ever experienced.

These twisted psychopaths still celebrate the carnage to this day and want Bomber Butcher Harris, who orchestrated the firebombings, to “do it again”.

We will see justice enacted.
We will see Germany’s honor restored.
We will see our world freed from this tyranny.

Hellstorm – Now in German!

Millions murdered . . . Millions raped . . . Millions tortured . . . Millions enslaved . . . Millions of men, women and children cast to the winds. . . . No matter what you have read about the Second World War, no matter what you have been told about it, no matter what you believe happened during the so-called “Good War” . . . forget it!

Now, for the first time in over 70 years, learn what the war and “peace” looked like from the loser’s perspective. Learn what was done to Germany and her people in the name of “freedom, democracy and liberation.” In their own words, in graphic detail, this is their story. . . .

Hellstorm–The Death of Nazi Germany, 1944-1947



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All of us, without exception, suffered the same. . . . And to make matters worse, these atrocities were not committed secretly or in hidden corners but in public, in churches, on the streets, and on the squares. . . . Mothers were raped in the presence of their children, girls were raped in front of their brothers. . . . and as a rule not once but several times.
—– A German Woman

Kill them all, men, old men, children and the women, after you have amused yourself with them! Kill. Nothing in Germany is guiltless, neither the living nor the yet unborn. . . . Break the racial pride of the German women. Take her as your legitimate booty. Kill, you brave soldiers of the victorious Soviet Army.
—– Jewish Propagandist, Ilya Ehrenburg

There is also a full German version of the documentary!

UPDATE: Hellstorm Now Banned All Around the World

NOTICE: The main upload of Hellstorm (well over 300,000 views in 3 months) is currently not able to be seen on Youtube in all countries around the world. However, you can still view different upload of the video on Youtube, like this one with all of the subtitles:

Here’s the first message from Youtube:

Banned in: France, Germany, Czech Republic, Poland, Israel, Italy, French Guiana, French Polynesia, French Southern Territories, Guadeloupe, Martinique, Mayotte, New Caledonia, Reunion, Saint Pierre and Miquelon, Wallis and Futuna, Austria, and Switzerland.

And here is the second message:


Banned in: Venezuela, West Bank, British Virgin Islands, Guyana, Paraguay, Guinea-Bissau, Palau, Guam, Guatemala, Puerto Rico, Greece, Equatorial Guinea, Belarus, Pitcairn, Guinea, Gambia, Greenland, Pakistan, Gibraltar, Ghana, Guernsey, Papua New Guinea, Georgia, Grenada, United Kingdom, Gabon, Panama, Bangladesh, Belgium, Burkina Faso, Bulgaria, Micronesia – Federated States of, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Barbados, Swaziland, Saint Barthelemy, Bermuda, Brunei, Bolivia, Bahrain, Burundi, Benin, Bhutan, Zambia, Bouvet Island, Botswana, Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba, Brazil, Bahamas, South Africa, Belize, Jamaica, Jordan, Jersey, Vanuatu, Singapore, Suriname, Samoa, Armenia, Albania, Angola, Anguilla, United Arab Emirates, Andorra, Antigua and Barbuda, Afghanistan, Aland Islands, Svalbard and Jan Mayen, Azerbaijan, Australia, Aruba, Sao Tome and Principe, Antarctica, American Samoa, Argentina, Nepal, Rwanda, Iraq, Iceland, Serbia, Fiji, Ireland, Indonesia, Saint Helena, Isle of Man, British Indian Ocean Territory, Romania, Niue, Djibouti, Denmark, Sierra Leone, Dominican Republic, Dominica, Algeria, Tuvalu, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Sri Lanka, Liechtenstein, Lebanon, Japan, Laos, Libya, Saint Lucia, Liberia, Lesotho, Qatar, Oman, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Cook Islands, Cote d’Ivoire, Colombia, China, Cameroon, Chile, Cocos (Keeling) Islands, South Georgia and the South Sandwich Islands, Canada, Congo, Central African Republic, Congo – Democratic Republic of, Cyprus, Christmas Island, Costa Rica, Curacao, Cape Verde, Cuba, Turkey, South Korea, North Korea, Kuwait, Taiwan, Trinidad and Tobago, Tanzania, Kazakhstan, Cayman Islands, Turks and Caicos Islands, Kyrgyzstan, Togo, Chad, Tajikistan, Tokelau, Kiribati, Cambodia, Tunisia, Tonga, Timor-Leste, Turkmenistan, Kenya, Portugal, Philippines, Haiti, Thailand, Namibia, Syria, Sint Maarten, Niger, Norfolk Island, Nigeria, South Sudan, Nicaragua, Netherlands, El Salvador, Norway, Slovakia, Finland, Slovenia, Falkland Islands (Islas Malvinas), Somalia, Senegal, San Marino, Faroe Islands, Seychelles, Solomon Islands, New Zealand, India, Sweden, Sudan, Ecuador, Uzbekistan, Estonia, Egypt, Western Sahara, Spain, Eritrea, Ethiopia, Marshall Islands, Macedonia, Myanmar, Mali, Macao, Mongolia, Morocco, Holy See (Vatican City State), Monaco, Saint Vincent and the Grenadines, Montenegro, Moldova, Madagascar, Saint Martin, Malaysia, Mexico, Mozambique, Saint Kitts and Nevis, Northern Mariana Islands, Montserrat, Mauritania, Mauritius, Malta, Malawi, Maldives, Zimbabwe, United States Virgin Islands, Comoros, Peru, United States, Hungary, Croatia, Vietnam, Uruguay, Latvia, Iran, Hong Kong, Ukraine, Uganda, Honduras, Russia, Heard Island and McDonald Islands, United States Minor Outlying Islands, Nauru

Well, it seems the documentary has drawn the attention and ire of the “victors.” It’s a good sign.

The German Version of Hellstorm is Now Available

HÖLLENSTURM – Der Tod Deutschlands – 1944-1947

Egal, was du ueber den zweiten WK gelesen oder in Filmen gesehen hast, was dir darueber erzaehlt worden ist, was du darueber dachtest…du musst es vergessen! Mache dich mit der Wahrheit jener Jahre vertraut, die 70 Jahre lange zusammen mit den ehrlichen Menschen eingekerkert war. Nun, zum ersten mal seit 70 Jahren, werde gewahr, was Deine Eltern und Grosseltern durchgemacht haben. Dies ist deren Geschichte, die sie aus Angst vor den Juden geheimhielten.

Millionen vergewaltigt…Millionen ermordet…Millionen gefoltert…Millionen versklavt

[Hellstorm – The Real Genocide of Nazi Germany] – Thomas Goodrich & Kyle Hunt

Thank you to everyone involved in putting together this German version, complete with German narration and voice overs. Let’s get this to as many Germans around the world as possible!

Hellstorm Documentary Brings the Book to Light

A great review by Dan Poole at

In June 2010, independent author Thomas Goodrich published a book called “Hellstorm,” which told the tale of what really happened to innocent German men, women, and children both during and after World War II. After several years of going mostly unnoticed, Hellstorm was turned into a documentary movie thanks to the efforts of Kyle Hunt.

Released on May 1, 2015, the documentary hasn’t yet been covered by mainstream media sources, but it’s rustled enough feathers that the BBC, the Daily Mail (twice), and NBC have all published reports in the last two months chronicling just a small taste of what the German people were subjected to by the Allies. The documentary covers the full extent of the horrors in seven different DVD chapters: Terror bombing, rape, the Baltic Massacre, defeat in the west, death camps, purges, and ethnic cleansing. Here is a summary of each of those seven chapters… Read the rest

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