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Soft paywallBurning Man participants attack rich parasites at festival (
mexicanlizards が 2時間前 投稿
[–]DoktorSteven 24ポイント25ポイント26ポイント 1時間前 (1子コメント)
This kind of thing always happens with these big festivals. They start off very rough and tumble, and eventually big money moves in and it becomes a shell of its former self. It happened with Warped Tour, Lollapalooza, Ozzfest, and probably most famously with Woodstock during its revival in the 90's. The "real" Burners will just have to go start a new festival from the ground up if they want to avoid rich people. Burning Man isn't going back to their idilic version of it.
[–]LandShark805 [スコア非表示] 56分前 (2子コメント)
To have a gated suburb at Burning Man kinda misses the point.
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] 5分前 (0子コメント)
Yeah it is a little tone deaf. I can't say that I'm surprised at this. The whole point of BM is to get away from social stratification etc. Bringing in paid servants and hiring security seems very disrespectful of the original intent of the festival.
[–]FreeTheNipps [スコア非表示] 53分前 (2子コメント)
They should ban posts like this that are subscription only
[–]pingpongtits [スコア非表示] 1分前 (0子コメント)
It opened fine for me.
[–]darkbarf [スコア非表示] 11分前 (0子コメント)
I'm using chrome with adblock and it opened fine therefore I shouldn't be denied a post just because you have a problem others do not
[–]Darkciders [スコア非表示] 26分前 (6子コメント)
If you have to resort to thuggish violence and intimidation tactics to force people to adhere to your principles, you're doing it wrong.
[–]Listento_DimmuBorgir [スコア非表示] 4分前 (0子コメント)
ideas so good theyre mandatory!
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 19分前 (4子コメント)
Yup, you won't become successful with violence
[–]Zeverish [スコア非表示] 12分前 (1子コメント)
World History might have something to say about that.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 10分前 (0子コメント)
Well modern day society might have more of something to say about it!
[–]Allmstsfr [スコア非表示] 8分前 (1子コメント)
Isn't hiring security and bouncers to bounce your ass out the same thing as thuggish violence?
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 7分前 (0子コメント)
Nope, not at all
[–]indoninja 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント 1時間前 (16子コメント)
They are parasites because they paid for more luxury?
[–]mentalxkp 27ポイント28ポイント29ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
Based on what started burning man, yeah. It is as formal as rules and laws, but the social mores expected there are to share what you have, help each other out, that kind of thing. Being wealthy was never supposed to get you a better experience. But that's changed over time, and the amount of money that's being going into the event has caused changes not appreciated by those without. It used to be the new hippie commune, but now it's as American as walmart.
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 15ポイント16ポイント17ポイント 1時間前* (12子コメント)
The event is described as an experiment in community and art, influenced by 10 main principles, including "radical" inclusion, self-reliance and self-expression, as well as community cooperation, civic responsibility, gifting, decommodification, participation, immediacy and leaving no trace
By paying people to work for them during the event (decommodification), and having an exclusive campsite ("radical" inclusion, civic responsibility, community cooperation), they've upset people who actually give a shit about why burning man was started. Like if there were a big rally to stop deforestation, and there was a group of people there just burning trees, like truckloads of trees being loaded into a fire for no reason, people who went there to prevent deforestation would be upset, even if the people burning trees were handing out bottled water to their buddies.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 56分前 (3子コメント)
Well, good science is done by repeating experiments, and Burning Man seems to have come to the same conclusion every naive hippie commune bullshit comes to eventually.
Eventually, if your "community" is full of cool interesting people, and there's lots of drugs and sex and fun, eventually you'll attract very not-cool people, but your hippie ideals of "everyone's welcome" won't allow you to tell them to go away and everything will get ruined.
The "revolution" doesn't win, what happens is its appropriated by the same corporate whores everyone hates, or, all the people who started it and made it great get disillusioned with what's its become and bow out and it collapses under its own weight.
Burning Man isn't about radical inclusion, or self-reliance, it's about Paris fucking Hilton renting an Airstream and doing MDMA and cocaine with her rich friends and posting shit to Instagram all day while her logistics staff cleans the sand out of her shoes when she finally passes out.
That's Burning Man now. The counter-culture types would be wise to just stop going.
[–]Qrunk [スコア非表示] 31分前 (0子コメント)
Dont forget completely trashing the ecosystem of the BLM lands they rent. Big green bitey bugs etc.
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] 28分前 (0子コメント)
This only happens if you aren't willing to violently defend your democracy from tyrants.
Liberalism need to get back to its roots in the American, French, and Russian revolutions.
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] 26分前 (0子コメント)
Well, good science is done by repeating experiments, and Burning Man seems to have come to the same conclusion every naive hippie commune bullshit comes to eventually. Eventually, if your "community" is full of cool interesting people, and there's lots of drugs and sex and fun, eventually you'll attract very not-cool people, but your hippie ideals of "everyone's welcome" won't allow you to tell them to go away and everything will get ruined.
Exactly. Like when OWS had free food at the park and then a bunch of homeless people came. Suddenly they wanted to protect their investment (in this case, food to keep the protests going), just like, I dunno, Wall Street wants to?
[+]indoninja スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント 1時間前 (7子コメント)
It may be described as that, but that isn't the reality.
And that reasoning makes their actions even more pathetic. Their attack violated the principle of not leaving a trace.
Spoiled children mad that other kids have nicer toys, nothing more.
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 42分前 (3子コメント)
They don't belong there with their hired help.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 30分前 (2子コメント)
They do though, and that's the problem. "Everyone" belongs there according to the Burning Man crowd.
But everyone actually doesn't, and that's a hypocrisy the communal hippie types can't ever reconcile.
How can you make "everyone welcome" when doing so will result in your ideals being supplanted by the vast majority of people who don't actually agree with them?
The answer is you can't. Real Burning Man shit, the real old-school Burning Man, dusty, sketchy, crazy, passionate and not being recorded from every angle with 100,000 pocket cameras doesn't exist anymore.
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 20分前 (1子コメント)
You've got it wrong. It's not that everyone belongs and therefore they must automatically be allowed to come. It's that the "social experiment" and ideals of a burn event are violated by allowing exclusivity, paid labor, and 'celebrity rich' visits.. those things have got nothing to do with a burner event. BorrowedOrBlue, I urge you to go to your local burn event to see how it is really done. If my local event suddenly had exclusive parties and hired labor instead of the shared communal gifting we do, I would be shocked and feel like the event was supplanted by rich party seekers who would put down none of the effort and not be involved in the community. They do not belong at the event as they currently are doing it. They must not have gotten the message.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 14分前 (0子コメント)
You've got it wrong:
To be "radically inclusive" means that you can't kick out people that are not themselves "radically inclusive" because then you yourself would not be "radically inclusive." You would be as commonly inclusive as any other group.
And that's the rub. Burning Man is dead if these people are there, and Burning Man is dead if they kick them out.
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント 1時間前 (2子コメント)
Not really, cutting cords doesn't prevent people from cleaning their campsite, 200 gallons of potable (drinkable, aka clean) water doesn't leave much of a trace. Sounds like the kids are trying to make it a reality, if your campsite is gonna get fucked for being a dick, people who don't support "radical inclusion" are gonna get the boot, ironically not very inclusive but what you gonna do?
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] 25分前 (0子コメント)
Democracies always (eventually) have to be defended from aristocrats with force, or face dissolution at the hand of those with money/power.
[+]indoninja スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] 52分前 (0子コメント)
Sounds like the kids are trying to make it a reality
A reality of spoiled thugs trashing stuff because they think another group is more spoiled.
[+]RealRepub スコアが基準値未満のコメント-8ポイント-7ポイント-6ポイント 1時間前 (1子コメント)
Get your GED. what's your healthcare plan look like. How much are rippers. How many times over median income is college.
[+]RealRepub スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
How much are elope S. EPIPENS.
[+]walking_dead_girl スコアが基準値未満のコメント-9ポイント-8ポイント-7ポイント 1時間前 (29子コメント)
Bunch of douchebag hipsters attacking another group because they a better setup and some 'luxury' and didn't offer to share it with them. Jealousy.
Having never been to burning man, and no desire to do so, nonetheless I don't believe revelers have the authority to decide who is 'worthy' of being there and who is not. Everyone can bring their own supplies and do things their own way. A better prepared group is not required to provide for those less prepared at a festival. They are not owed anything. They don't have to like or respect it, but they're not justified in destroying it. Time to grow up.
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 16ポイント17ポイント18ポイント 1時間前* (3子コメント)
Key points are, inclusion, community cooperation, gifting, decommodification, and civic responsibility.
[–]cochnbahls [スコア非表示] 55分前 (2子コメント)
I thought it was just for getting fucked up on weird drugs and prancing around naked.
Also doing sexual favors for said weird drugs.
[–]RebootTheServer [スコア非表示] 7分前 (0子コメント)
It is. People are just lying about it
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] 39分前 (0子コメント)
Yeah and that's why (hopefully) you don't go to Burning Man.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue 13ポイント14ポイント15ポイント 1時間前 (18子コメント)
I'd say it's equally as douchey to be some rich tech snob, and go to some radical alternative lifestyle hippie festival and act like you actually believe in any of that shit, or anything other than abashed capitalism and hedonism, and just take a big asparagus piss all over the stated ideals of the festival, just to put a bunch of pictures on Instagram or whatever because that's what Burning Man is now is like virtue signaling that you're connected to counter-culture or something.
Basically these people want to associated themselves with the "cool" of Burning Man, but don't want any part of what made Burning Man cool in the first place.
That's going to lead to some resentment. But Burning Man has been fucked for awhile now. Once corporate whores and tech people and trust fund kids started turning up it was fucked. That's the tragedy of communal living though is you can't kick out the assholes or the exploiters so the cool people are the ones that end up leaving.
It won't be long until there's a fucking McDonalds or Coke camp there.
[–]twominitsturkish [スコア非表示] 49分前 (1子コメント)
Agree 100%, great original idea that's been sort of a victim of its own success.
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] 24分前 (0子コメント)
The tragedy of the commons.
[+]1989Batman スコアが基準値未満のコメント-13ポイント-12ポイント-11ポイント 1時間前 (4子コメント)
rich tech snob abashed capitalism corporate whores trust fund kids
rich tech snob
abashed capitalism
corporate whores
trust fund kids
Occupy Wall Street called and said they were retarded five years ago, you really have no excuse.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 54分前 (3子コメント)
That's who goes to Burning Man now and who these people have a problem with.
Once it became instead of counter-culture, main-stream culture, the thing that it used to be was over. This is just the moment it finally came to fruition.
Burning Man lost its soul years ago but it still had the legend of its previous glory when you actually had to suffer a little bit for the experience and in so doing probably cared about it for that reason.
Now you can just buy an all inclusive vacation package and have everything set up for you. You don't participate anymore you just spectate. And these types of people don't want any part of what Burning Man was supposed to be hence the "closed camps" and fucking security guards.
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] 28分前 (2子コメント)
So? They can fuck off.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 24分前 (1子コメント)
Okay, and then what do you have left exactly? A fucking EDM show. There's one of those every night of the week in every town.
The problem is these hippies and all their cool shit is why everyone wants to go. Do you not see how ruining the thing you came there for is bad?
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] 6分前 (0子コメント)
It looks like they're learning about supply and demand.
[+]happyscrappy スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] 51分前 (9子コメント)
Tech weenies made this "radical alternative lifestyle hippie festival" what it is. Tech weenies were going to this festival before you even heard of it.
What are the stated ideals? They don't include hating others for having money and wrecking other people's stuff, I know that much. And if the people who resent others are the ones who end up leaving it'd probably be a fine thing.
[–]Bluest_waters [スコア非表示] 42分前 (1子コメント)
walling yourself off from the community because you got money and special things you don't want to share with the community is EXACTLY DIAMETRICALLY opposed to the core values of the original burning man founding philosophy
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] 30分前 (0子コメント)
Attacking others is EXACTLY DIAMETRICALLY opposed to the core values of the original Burning Man.
Attacking others isn't Peace, it isn't Love, and it isn't Respect.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 46分前 (4子コメント)
Tech weenies made this "radical alternative lifestyle hippie festival" what it is.
Right, they made it just another big soulless festival instead of the super cool thing that drew everyone out there to begin with.
I went to Burning Man in the early '90s before it got whored out.
You can't go to Burning Man anymore it doesn't exist. What it was then is not what it is now and never will be again.
If you didn't go before about 2000, you'll never get to go because that thing isn't a thing anymore. Thanks to the tech weenies that made it "what it is now."
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] 29分前 (3子コメント)
No, they made the actual festival. The one you went to. The one you go to now, the one you went to in the 90s.
You never asked anyone else what they did in the 90s? Never noticed the number of tech people there?
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 23分前 (2子コメント)
Oh you were there? Not my experience at all. I bet you weren't though.
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] 17分前 (1子コメント)
So you never asked anyone else what they did? How did you not notice the number of tech people there? I guess you thought it was a bunch of plumbers who were rigging up their art with EL wire?
Tech people were a big part of the rave scene in the 90s and they were a big part of growing Burning Man. Both in the years you liked and in the years you don't like.
Honestly, this is no different than any other thing which grows. Everything gets diluted when it becomes more inclusive. We could be talking about reddit with this conversation. We could be talking about digg. We could talking about fedoras! Everyone always says something was cooler before other people got here.
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] 7分前 (0子コメント)
Not fucking billionaire CEOs. Maybe people that wanted to be. Maybe some that eventually did it but most people I met there were way too fucking out there to ever succeed like that. If there were future tech-giants or current ones there, they sure didn't act like it.
But they do now.
Honestly, this is no different than any other thing which grows.
I don't disagree at all. That's the nature of anything. When it gets big it loses its soul because the people providing that soul can't have the same amount of influence.
Size changes any organization from a business to a hippie festival.
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] 37分前 (1子コメント)
Radical inclusion is one of the ideals. Security guards and closed campsites don't exactly match that.
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] 31分前 (0子コメント)
Not hating others is one of the ideals. Attacking others doesn't exactly match that.
[–]Beasty_Glanglemutton[🍰] [スコア非表示] 52分前 (2子コメント)
I watched the video of the 2014 event, and it looked like the Vegas strip. I half expected to see Cirque de Soleil there. "Radical self-reliance" my balls. I've seen Super Bowl halftime shows that were less elaborate.
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] 29分前 (0子コメント)
Yeah but those artists pay their own way and get donations to build and put on shows and everyone who attends can watch for free.
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] 23分前 (0子コメント)
People sacrifice a lot for their art to look good and put a lot of time and effort into their creations.
Youre criticism is rooted in how good the art is.
[–]Bluest_waters [スコア非表示] 43分前 (1子コメント)
listen here
These "hipsters" that everybody loves to hate were the ones that started this Damn Festival in the first place!
Without them it doesn't even exist!
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 31分前 (0子コメント)
Hence, "the parasite class" of the rich
[–]MetroidsGun -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
B-but muh enlightenment!
[–]TheRedEminence -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント 1時間前 (3子コメント)
One day, not too far distant, the gated community crowd will wake up to discover that the gates can be locked from either side.
[–]Macinsocks 9ポイント10ポイント11ポイント 1時間前 (2子コメント)
So edgy.
Is your mom taking you to Hot Topic later?
[–]jeb_manion 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
After she finishes drawing all of those Jared Leto joker tattoos on him
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] 20分前 (0子コメント)
If you're really that jealous that someone can say something poignant, you should try harder to make an intelligent response next time.
[–]genechem [スコア非表示] 44分前 (0子コメント)
Picture of thr camp?
[–]Picklefruit 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
It's sad to see to a wealthier group come in seeking an experience that largely promotes the exclusion of others based on perceived wealth. I've never been, but Burning Man always seemed, at least to me, to be an experience more than anything - why wouldn't you want that to encompass every conceivable expression of reality?
That said, humans gon' human, and there will always be someone who isn't happy with what they don't have that you do, and some of those will surely find the inspiration to act on those feelings.
Vicious cycle, I guess.
[–]ManualNarwhal -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント 1時間前 (23子コメント)
I wish the article could suggest any other way for the non-rich to protect their festival and way of life. It's not like they can outspend the richers. The only thing the non-rich can do is use their superior numbers and violence.
As I think we shall all see pretty soon as income inequality reaches new records.
[–]TheGuyAboveMeEatsPoo [スコア非表示] 1分前 (0子コメント)
lol. Why do you think welfare exists? Its to keep rubes placated. You'll never revolt for more as long as your basics are met.
[+]MetroidsGun スコアが基準値未満のコメント-6ポイント-5ポイント-4ポイント 1時間前* (3子コメント)
Or they could not be jealous, petty shitbirds and you know, leave them be, maybe go enjoy the event they traveled out there for?
edit laughing at mad jelly hipster downboats.
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] 22分前 (1子コメント)
Or maybe reverse shun them. They can close their gates you can barricade them in.
If they want a border, set up a border. Put up a fake guard shack outside. Dress some folks up as border guards. Put up a guard tower and fake barbed wire.
Make them pass through a checkpoint. Hand them passports. Ask them every time they leave what they are doing and where they are going. How long they plan to stay.
Practice radical exclusion to the exclusive.
Make it an art piece!
I mean dont force them to actually talk to the guards but a checkpoint with two guard towers outside their gates would be a potent reminder of what they are doing is wrong. If they wall off burning man from their compound wall them off. If they want a border give them one! Break out some Soviet uniforms.
This kind of social commentary would get a lot of press.
[–]MetroidsGun [スコア非表示] 2分前 (0子コメント)
Commentary about what? That some people aren't celebrating something the way you want them to? Shit, join the idiots who got mad at starbucks last year.
[–]Slimerbacca -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
Agreed, is it so hard to just have fun
[+]-SKIN- スコアが基準値未満のコメント-6ポイント-5ポイント-4ポイント 1時間前 (8子コメント)
Ruining the rich peoples' camps - which have literally no impact on the poor people's Burning Man experience - isn't about bringing Burning Man back to its roots, it's about jealousy and throwing a tantrum because somebody else has something you want. Also, poor people calling rich people "parasites" is hysterical.
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 8ポイント9ポイント10ポイント 1時間前 (7子コメント)
Literally no impact on the poor people's Burning Man experience
Danielle Palmer, another Burner, accused the camp of having "paid staff and bouncers". She said: "You're a closed camp and not very welcoming. I got yelled at for coming to close to your 'gates'.
Sounds like they were effecting other burner's experience.
[–]Slimerbacca -5ポイント-4ポイント-3ポイント 1時間前 (4子コメント)
So go where you are welcome
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント 1時間前 (3子コメント)
You're talking to the people who had their lines cut, trailers glued shut, and campsite flooded because they weren't welcome right? Plus I really like the DJ playing at White Ocean, I hope the bouncers let me in so I can see a music act at this inclusive music festival.
[–]Slimerbacca -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント 1時間前 (2子コメント)
If you don't feel welcome by any group of people, go find a different group
[–]T0MB0mbad1l [スコア非表示] 58分前 (1子コメント)
You're still talking to White Ocean right? The people who run burning man literally said 'It makes sense that you have been sabotaged as you are a closed camp and not welcoming'." Sounds like DJ Paul Oakenfold doesn't feel welcome at burning man, maybe he shouldn't come back.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 53分前 (0子コメント)
Kind of talking to anyome
[+]Slimerbacca スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント 1時間前 (7子コメント)
They can get educated, work hard, and become successful
[–]BuddahBeenBusy [スコア非表示] 56分前 (4子コメント)
In what country does education and hard work make you successful? It's much easier to become rich by being born that way.
[–]PussyPoppinPlatypus [スコア非表示] 42分前 (2子コメント)
Always looking for the easy route huh?
[–]BuddahBeenBusy [スコア非表示] 31分前 (1子コメント)
My point is that education and hard work will not make you rich. Its a lie. Who you know has more to do with it and who you know has to do with what neighborhood you grew up in, schools you attended, and who your family "summers with". That is how wealthy you were born.
Get your head out of the 50s propaganda. Work hard cause it's your ethic. Get educated because you need to grow as a person. But don't be fooled into thinking those 2 things are the path to riches. Just ask any adjunct college professor. Well educated, hard working , far from rich based on their jobs.
[–]PussyPoppinPlatypus [スコア非表示] 13分前 (0子コメント)
Not every person in the world has the goal of becoming rich. Maybe your professor falls in that category. But for you to say that the wealth you're born with will decide your wealth in your lifetime is a fallacy. I know plenty of people that come from nothing and because of hard work and education have made themselves wealthy.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 54分前 (0子コメント)
Won't get a good job without both the education and working hard
[–]1989Batman -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント 1時間前* (1子コメント)
/r/lostgeneration and /r/latestagecapitalism would probably be subs that you'd enjoy laughing at.
Those people- and lots of redditors- would really rather whine than do what you suggest.
Yeah, I can't stand those morons. Blaming others for their failures
[–]1989Batman -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
Poor people smell funny though.
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] 33分前 (0子コメント)
And how much do tickers cost?
[–]TheGuyAboveMeEatsPoo [スコア非表示] 6分前 (0子コメント)
Only those deemed worthy will be allowed to see utopia. Why does this sound familiar? Fuckin left wingers.
[+]Slimerbacca スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント 1時間前 (21子コメント)
And if you can't afford it maybe work hard and you will be there some day
But violence will only keep you as a beggar. It's okay to be jealous, but try and see who they did to get their money, not try and put them down
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] 34分前 (7子コメント)
There's a difference between being rich and being rich and going to a festival that is about being a community and radical inclusion and then having a closed campsite with security guards and loud ass generators and not sharing anything.
Money is suppose to get you nothing at Burning Man. That was the point. The whole entire point. If you want to buy an experience get the fuck to somewhere else.
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] 31分前 (1子コメント)
This is true. I mean if you are rich patronize some burning man artists or something. Help fund development of installations. Don't wall yourself off in compounds.
[–]yvaN_ehT_nioJ [スコア非表示] 16分前 (0子コメント)
It's just like that bit from World War Z where the peasants storm into that compound for the rich and famous.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 26分前 (4子コメント)
Why should they have to share anything?
[–]LinkovitchChmofsky [スコア非表示] 16分前 (3子コメント)
Because that's the whole point of the festival...
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 14分前 (2子コメント)
It is? Times have changed over the years
Im willing to bet the violent idiots didnt share much at all
[–]darkbarf [スコア非表示] 5分前 (1子コメント)
Have you ever been to Burning Man? Then why the fuck are you commenting on it?
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 5分前 (0子コメント)
Nope and cause I can!
[–]RandomH3r0 [スコア非表示] 32分前 (5子コメント)
Did you read the article? It wasn't about jealousy. It was a push back against wealthy people creating private camps at the festival that include paid staff to take care of their needs. People feel that this goes against the spirit of the event.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 27分前 (4子コメント)
A pushback because they were jealous
[–]RandomH3r0 [スコア非表示] 2分前 (1子コメント)
Maybe you would have a point if the rich goers simply had a more elaborate setup. However, it seems that they seem that their actions had some bearing on the situation.
I guess if you feel the need to simplify the argument to poor versus rich though, jealousy is a good of a reason as any. I have a feeling it goes beyond that and like other posters have commented, the Burning man of the past is not the burning man of today and going forward into the future. Different people and different values have lead to conflicts.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] たった今 (0子コメント)
The simplest of arguments is to just leave them alone
and if you use violence for conflict resolution then there is a reason you aren't rich
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] 2分前 (1子コメント)
This guy is just a troll from The_Donald
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 1分前 (0子コメント)
Then I clearly voted for the wrong person in the primaries and you are also pretty poor with facts!
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 29分前 (6子コメント)
When they want to make their money off the backs of others and then come to a radical 'social experiment' bringing in paid labor and security guards to exclude themselves from the community/communal experience which is a burn event.. yeah I doubt its jealousy. The rich just need to get out. They are the parasites.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 27分前 (5子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 19分前 (4子コメント)
If you say so bro. Keep that money in your pocket.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 17分前 (3子コメント)
How else do you become rich?
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 15分前 (2子コメント)
Ask your buddies who made it off the backs of others.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 15分前 (1子コメント)
Don't even know what that means, but yes you do have to work hard to get money
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] 2分前 (0子コメント)
Yeah the Billionaire's son who inherited his fortune and uses it to crash parties in the desert definitely works harder than the poor old women in my neighborhood who haven't had a day off in 20 years. Tone deaf.
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] 53分前 (0子コメント)
Another person having more money than doesn't prove they are a better person than you.
But you wrecking their camp because they have more money than you does prove they are a better person than you.
[+]Trumpenisator スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] 55分前 (12子コメント)
Ha. Funny next year just bring more security problem solved. Fucking poor people always have to be jealous and ruin other peoples time.
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 28分前 (11子コメント)
Just the kind of attitude which never belonged at a burn event. Please stay away from the true experience if you are not ready for it.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 18分前 (8子コメント)
Or just let the people be who have security and go have fun on your own!
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 17分前 (7子コメント)
Or do what these activists did and take back Burning Man?
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 15分前 (4子コメント)
It won't be taken back, Burning Man organizers want these people
And if you are too focused on violence there is a reason you aren't part of the richer class
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 13分前 (3子コメント)
You assume much. Have a good day mate. I'm sure Burners will do what they will.
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] 13分前 (2子コメント)
Except for get a job!
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 12分前 (1子コメント)
lol, what a douche. I'm sure most all of them have a job.
Id be willing to bet if they do it is nothing great
[–]Trumpenisator [スコア非表示] 13分前 (1子コメント)
They haven't taken back anything lol. You want to know where this is going. Every single fucking regional burn eventually will be bought out just like this one you stupid ignorant fucks. Money talks. Just because we have it and you don't doesn't mean we have to roll around in your filth with you.
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 10分前 (0子コメント)
Money speaks to devils like you.
[–]Trumpenisator [スコア非表示] 15分前 (1子コメント)
Get out of America if you don't like me there. Go burn in Africa or some shit if you want to oppress the fucking public.
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] 14分前 (0子コメント)
How about I get you out of America?
[–]Supermanic_Soul -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
Why do I feel like calling in a MOAB strike?
[–]1123581321345589144b -2ポイント-1ポイント0ポイント 1時間前 (2子コメント)
The battle between the haves and the have-nots. Always a beautiful thing.
[–]An_Ultracrepidarian [スコア非表示] 21分前 (0子コメント)
That really not what this is.
None of people going to Burning Man are "have-nots" (otherwise they couldn't afford it). This is about a bunch of people who go there expecting to maintain (rightly or wrongly) some set of techno-hippie ideals getting pissed off at a bunch of other people showing up and conducting themselves in ways that conflict with said ideals.
[–]TammyK 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント 1時間前 (0子コメント)
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[–]DoktorSteven 24ポイント25ポイント26ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]LandShark805 [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]FreeTheNipps [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]pingpongtits [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]darkbarf [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Darkciders [スコア非表示] (6子コメント)
[–]Listento_DimmuBorgir [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]Zeverish [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Allmstsfr [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]indoninja 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (16子コメント)
[–]mentalxkp 27ポイント28ポイント29ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 15ポイント16ポイント17ポイント (12子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]Qrunk [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]indoninja スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント (7子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]indoninja スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]RealRepub スコアが基準値未満のコメント-8ポイント-7ポイント-6ポイント (1子コメント)
[+]RealRepub スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント (0子コメント)
[+]walking_dead_girl スコアが基準値未満のコメント-9ポイント-8ポイント-7ポイント (29子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 16ポイント17ポイント18ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]cochnbahls [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]RebootTheServer [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue 13ポイント14ポイント15ポイント (18子コメント)
[–]twominitsturkish [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]1989Batman スコアが基準値未満のコメント-13ポイント-12ポイント-11ポイント (4子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]1989Batman [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]happyscrappy スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] (9子コメント)
[–]Bluest_waters [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]BorrowedOrBlue [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Beasty_Glanglemutton[🍰] [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Bluest_waters [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]MetroidsGun -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]TheRedEminence -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]Macinsocks 9ポイント10ポイント11ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]jeb_manion 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]AphoticStar [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]genechem [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Picklefruit 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]ManualNarwhal -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント (23子コメント)
[–]TheGuyAboveMeEatsPoo [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]MetroidsGun スコアが基準値未満のコメント-6ポイント-5ポイント-4ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]MetroidsGun [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント (0子コメント)
[+]-SKIN- スコアが基準値未満のコメント-6ポイント-5ポイント-4ポイント (8子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 8ポイント9ポイント10ポイント (7子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca -5ポイント-4ポイント-3ポイント (4子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca -4ポイント-3ポイント-2ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]T0MB0mbad1l [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]Slimerbacca スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント (7子コメント)
[–]BuddahBeenBusy [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]PussyPoppinPlatypus [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]BuddahBeenBusy [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]PussyPoppinPlatypus [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]1989Batman -1ポイント0ポイント1ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]1989Batman -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]TheGuyAboveMeEatsPoo [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]Slimerbacca スコアが基準値未満のコメント-7ポイント-6ポイント-5ポイント (21子コメント)
[–]stoddish [スコア非表示] (7子コメント)
[–]crusoe [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]yvaN_ehT_nioJ [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]LinkovitchChmofsky [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]darkbarf [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]RandomH3r0 [スコア非表示] (5子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]RandomH3r0 [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (6子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (5子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]jaskot [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]happyscrappy [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[+]Trumpenisator スコアが基準値未満のコメント[スコア非表示] (12子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (11子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (8子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (7子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (4子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (3子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (2子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Slimerbacca [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Trumpenisator [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Trumpenisator [スコア非表示] (1子コメント)
[–]Ministry1 [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]Supermanic_Soul -3ポイント-2ポイント-1ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]1123581321345589144b -2ポイント-1ポイント0ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]An_Ultracrepidarian [スコア非表示] (0子コメント)
[–]TammyK 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)