@adnanjanuzaj stunner secures#SAFC's place in#EFLCup third round: http://www.safc.com/news/team-news/2016/august/report-sunderland-v-shrewsbury …pic.twitter.com/8RI8BWifhV -
Happy to get my first goal for the club and through to the next round
#SAFCpic.twitter.com/dQOUkXJZSX -
Thanks for the warm reception
@SunderlandAFC fans yesterday! Looking forward to the new seasonpic.twitter.com/S9HnD8L488
Sunderland fans with a new chant for Januzaj "Sometimes I, Januzaj"
#safcpic.twitter.com/nMxPJlroWa -
@adnanjanuzaj This must be worth a retweet, Adnan! Welcome to@SunderlandAFC!https://twitter.com/lydiajane13/status/764840031982936065 … -
Happy birthday tillo
@anto_v25 -
Happy to get back on the pitch in our first pre-season game! And good to start with a win
Congratulations to
#EidMubarak to all my Muslim friends and fans celebrating around the world! -
Thank you for everything, for your trust and leadership. I learned a lot from you !
#legendforeverpic.twitter.com/FGxbnCZD2k -
Hard work, new ambitions
#PreparationIs#NewSeason#BigSeasonpic.twitter.com/lfeSTf9Fd6 -
Ramadan Mubarak to all our Muslim fans around the world.