If You Want to Live Life Fully Kill the Nice Guy
Most men play life small.
Because they are nice.
Or at least, that's how they appear on the surface.
They are agreeable, amiable, and work very hard to make others happy, but in reality, they are living a lie.
They say yes when they want to say no, they suppress emotions, and they do all of it out of selfishness, hoping that their perceived niceness will result in some sort of gain.
To live fully, to live a powerful life, and be a grounded man, you have to kill the nice guy.
Speak your truth, live in integrity, and do not set out to appease others.
Be kind, of course, but do it from a place of abundance, where you are giving to the world because you are already so full, not from a place of scarcity where you are kind because you want something in return.
You Need to Burn Your Bridges
Want to succeed?
Burn your bridges.
While everyone has their own path, one of the quickest ways to ensure success is to cut off all chances of failure.
If you quit your job, move to a new city, leave a relationship, or sell a home, that's it.
There is no turning back.
When you give yourself no choice but to succeed, you will find that you are stronger than you ever thought.
[–]lonewolf-chicago -2ポイント-1ポイント0ポイント (0子コメント)