全 2 件のコメント

[–]TVTestPattern 4ポイント5ポイント  (0子コメント)

Give it time man... I'm assuming you are younger.

Things will change.

Last night I hosted my weekly jam session with the boys at my place. We get together to drink and smoke and jam every week... One guy brought his girl with him this week and and by the look on her face all evening as she watched us one thing seemed clear to me. She has never had that kind of excellent group experience with her girls and never will.

This is why women invade male spaces... and why every women you will ever meet will tell you the same thing in private... "I hate all that girl crap, all my friends are guys."

Of course all her friends are guys... girls don't have friends like you & I think of it... they have assets.

Count your blessings.

[–]SoulsCreep 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I like a good sausage party with my buddies. College parties are the worst. Nobody ever gets laid and everyone tries to be cool and shit lol. My roommate and I went just to steal beer and make fun of people. Not to their face [im not a bully] unless theyre assholes.