I work in an office that employs more women than men. I also work in an office that has more varying extreme personalities than any group of colleagues I've experienced first hand or learned of through some outlet or another. As you can imagine this presents frequent obstacles for someone like myself (a young man trying to practie MGTOW and enjoy a life of clarity and reason).
I continually have to deal with catty, gossiping, back stabbing, hypocrisy and double standards. For example, as I work in the commercial sales world, my boss(beta bitch of a "man") expects me to wear long sleeves so that my tattoos are covered and I must abide by a professional dress code of slacks/dress pants and a collared shirt. No jeans, sweaters, t shirts, runners or anything that could be seen as unproffesional. I do not have a problem following these rules as they make sense to me, this is a career path I chose and I understand how important appearances and first impressions are in the field I work in. What I do not understand is the woman in our work place are allowed to walk around with exposed tattoos. They wear jean Capris, skirts, tank tops, hoodit's, etc, shit we even have someone in the accounting department who walks around in bare feet or flip flops all day... all showing far more of their tattoos (and some are hideous trailer trash tattoos) than I ever could without being charged with public indecency. Why is it fair to expect me to abide by dress code rules but when one of the women here got asked to cover her tattoos there was this big petition because we were denying her right to freedom of expression. On top of all this shit I have two arrogant man hating feminists who work on my floor close to me and I have to hear their bullshit hate speech and completely inappropriate work place discussions everyday.
The point of this post other than to rant about my workplace is I wanted to ask fellow MGTOW how would you handle this situation? Would you just ignore it because these idiotic self absorbed women aren't worth your time and the beta bitches who have some how wound up in positions of authority at my company will never understand my point of view? Would you quit? Would you go to the labor board? Would you take a stand and wear shorts and a t shirt everyday until you either got fired or their were some changes I'm policy?
I have a girlfriend, who I love very much as she is the most understanding person I've met - man or woman - and she continually shows me qualities that I wish were present in all women. I consider myself lucky to have found one of the rare breed of the opposite sex, one who shares many of my values and ideals and in the few areas we do have a difference of opinion she doesnt expect or even wish me to conform to her own values and ideals. I was raised by my mother, so to label me a woman hater or mysoginis would be very ignorant. With that being said I truly hate most of the women I work with and I think they are counter productive to our succesful company. 95% of the drama in our office is caused by women and 75% of the time it involves only women, the other 25% of the time it's a women accusing one of us of being rude or policitically incorrect.
I typed this quickly on my phone so please excuse any grammar or spelling errors.
[–]MidnightZap 3ポイント4ポイント5ポイント (0子コメント)
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[–]Knxguymgy 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (0子コメント)
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