ジョージ・ホッグ(George Hogg)は“I see a new china”という本を1944年に出している
「侵略者日本の残虐暴いた英記者」 習氏が称賛、記事存在せず
ジョージ・ホッグ(George Hogg)はマンチェスター・ガーディアンなどに記事を送っていましたがフリージャーナリストでしたので、そりゃ「在職記録」なるものは無いかも知れませんね。
He set to work as a free-lance journalist, sending reports to The Manchester Guardian and The New Statesman.
中国は2008年にドイツなどと合作で、ホッグ氏を主人公にした映画「チルドレン・オブ・ホァンシー 遥(はる)かなる希望の道」を制作した。この中でホッグ氏は赤十字職員と偽って南京に入り、中国市民を殺害する日本兵を写真撮影。日本兵に見つかり処刑される寸前に中国共産党の軍人に助けられる。
映画の中国語原題は「黄石的孩子」(”The Children of Huang Shi (2008) ”)です。オーストラリアでは、”Children Of The Silk Road”とも題されています。
While the film is full of historical inaccuracies about Hogg’s life, its portrayal of wartime China and Hogg’s courageous actions are quite accurate. Accounts of his time in China are available in Rewi Alley’s biography of Hogg Fruition, The Story of George Alwin Hogg (Christchurch: Caxton Press, 1967) and in Hogg’s own book, I See a New China (London: Little Brown, 1945), as well as in the two biographies and autobiography of Alley and the two books by Alley about the Shandan Bailie School (You Banfa and Shandan).
要するに映画はホッグとRewi Alleyの2人のエピソードを下敷きにしているわけで、映画では割とよくある話です。実話ベースだからと言って実話そのままでは映画になりません。イランアメリカ大使館人質事件の実話として上映された映画アルゴにしてもかなり脚色されていますよね。そして、脚色されているからと言って、イランアメリカ大使館人質事件が捏造だったということもなりません。
”The Children of Huang Shi (2008) ”が脚色されていることを理由に、南京事件やホッグが日本軍の残虐行為を見たことまで捏造扱いすることもできません。まあ、ネトウヨには理解できないでしょうけどね。
ホッグは“free-lance journalist”というのは上述した通りです。南京に行ったというのは映画上の演出であって、行ったのは上海や漢口です。そこで日本軍の残虐行為を見ているようですし、そもそもその後、八路軍に同行し日本軍による掃蕩作戦の真っただ中も経験していますから、見てないわけもありませんしね。なぜか、産経記事では「ホッグ氏は上海入りした後、湖北省黄石市に移り、孤児施設で教師を務めた」となっており、八路軍に同行した経歴は隠ぺいされているようですが。
ちなみに以下は、1944年に出されたGeorge Hoggの“I See A New China ”にある紹介文です*2。
"George Hogg went to China in 1937, soon after the beginning of the second phase of the ""China incident,"" and, so far as we know, is still there. He can therefore claim to write with some authority on war-time China. He was in Hankow, as United Press correspondent, when the Japanese took the city. Then he worked his way to North China, and slipped out of Peiping to join the guerillas behind the Japanese lines. He toured this area for many months, seeing how the guerillas operated, sharing their life, dodging with them from village to village one jump ahead of marauding Japanese columns, sliping across the Japanese-held railways and motor roads under cover of darkness ; he visited Chu Teh, Commander-in-Chief of the 8th Route Army, in his elusive headquarters. He takes everything in his stride so easily that it is only from the introduction by Rewi Alley (the Father of the Chinese Industrial Co-operatives) that one learns that he had found himself in the midst of one of the first large-scale Japanese "" cleaning-up campaigns "" against the guerillas. But Hogg had not gone to China merely to be a roaming war correspondent. He wanted to live among the people themselves, to see what the war was doing to their daily lives, to find what new forms of society were developing, and what new industrial revolution was taking place in the hidden villages. So he crossed the Yellow River into Free China, and made his way to Paochi, birthplace of the Chinese Industrial Co-operatives. There he became secretary to Lu Kuang-mien, C.I.C. director in the North-West Region, learned to speak Chinese without an accent, and acquired a great deal of knowledge about the co-ops, both on the village and on the national level. Turning again to Hogg's personal experiences, we read of his journeys down the Han River to the cotton fields of Hupeh and up the Soviet Union's little publicised ""Burma Road"" to Langchow (a town which was almost more Russian than Chinese during the peak period of Soviet aid for China), and of his own really big achievement in organising a technical school for co-op apprentices?of which, despite the author's modesty, it is obvious that he made a first-rate job. He gives us an intimate picture of Rewi Alley, the ""Father"" of the C.I.C., and tells us something of the long struggle which Alley has waged with Chungking on behalf of the co-ops. Hogg knows and loves the Chinese people, and he has written-a book about them which is true, balanced and understanding. The people crowd into his pages as casually and with-as much vitality and variety as they crowd into the buses he travels in and the meetings he attends. He has a sense of humour and a sense of proportion; he takes the rough with the smooth ; he can be "" practical "" without losing his realism. ""I See a New China ""?the first story of her guerilla industries, the Chinese Industrial Co-operatives, and of their fight to overwhelm the Japanese and to build a new civilisation?will take its place with the famous books by Edgar Snow on the China that is being reborn.? Book - in Fine [much better than Very Good] blue boards with gilt lettering - just a touch faded and minor bumping to the extreme corners and extreme ends of the spine. Contents, clean, bright and tightly bound. Dust Jacket - Good Plus Plus - a nice bright jacket - very small amounts of loss to the extreme ends of the spine and extreme corners, repaired to verso, light sunning but all of the lettering remains bright and distinct. A Lovely Copy of this First Edition Especially in its Scarce dust jacket. " Size: 7.5 inches tall by 5 inches. 163 pages. Quantity Available: 1. Shipped Weight: Under 250 grams. Category: Travel & Places; Biography & Autobiography. Inventory No: F296-1051. Hardcover
- 68 https://www.google.co.jp/
- 33 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/
- 22 https://t.co/zRg5aCW1My
- 21 http://d.hatena.ne.jp/Apeman/
- 19 http://blog.livedoor.jp/hanatora53bann/
- 11 https://socialmediascanner.eset.com
- 8 http://www.google.co.jp/url?sa=t&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=web&cd=1&ved=0ahUKEwitu42A0uzOAhVFJ5QKHXo6Am4QFggeMAA&url=http://d.hatena.ne.jp/scopedog/&usg=AFQjCNEWKYPv8v-SoGRMHDYKJBVsHlKhMw
- 8 https://t.co/eHXU1Mi0iE
- 5 http://b.hatena.ne.jp/?iosapp=1
- 5 http://b.hatena.ne.jp/Apeman/