@anneapplebaum @NoahCRothman And when people express confusion & want clarity, they're told "look it's really simple" — he's gas lighting
@anneapplebaum Some of us see what's happening. I expect forgeries to be included in the#OctoberSurprise with limited time to disprove. -
@anneapplebaum Yep. Aggressive wrong-footing of the audience common from bullies. They like to feel the marionette strings trembling. -
@anneapplebaum Also: He wears business suits and highly-polished shoes. Very Russian signs, those. -
@anneapplebaum@intelhistorian What's the (Russian) tactical advantage in Trump making himself look indecisive/unsure ? -
@anneapplebaum@dandrezner we've always been at war with Eastasia -
@anneapplebaum.Trump campaign horrifying but daily news cycle command goes on & on. Voters don't seem to care about issues just theatrics. -
@anneapplebaum Nah, it was Germany who tried to persuade Mexico into attacking the USA. -
@anneapplebaum yale deconstruction, relax. -
@anneapplebaum v. much widespread in communist Eastern Europe. Arbitrariness keeps ppl on their toes & "leaders" in control -
@anneapplebaum It also fits Boris Johnson 'intelligence' model: holding 2 conflicting views at same time but opting for most selfish? -
@anneapplebaum How does it work and is its usefulness probably restricted elsewhere? -
@anneapplebaum can't be repeated often enough.... And yet, both sides.......