NPI is an independent organization dedicated to the heritage, identity, and future of people of European descent in the United States, and around the world. It was founded in 2005 by William Regnery and Samuel T. Francis, in conjunction with Louis R. Andrews.
NPI hosts regular public events and conferences; we publish books, journals, essays, and blogs; we produce videos and podcasts—all dedicated to the revival and flourishing of our people.
NPI is a registered not-for-profit organization (501c3) in the United States. All contributions are tax deductible.
What We Do
Radix Journal
Radix Journal is NPI's popular website for writings on culture, politics, and society.
NPI hosts regular conferences, mostly in Washington, DC. Video and audio of every speech is available on YouTube and Soundcloud.
Washington Summit Publishers is NPI's sister organization; it produces books on culture, critical theory, and human biodiversity.
NPI publishes research and analysis on society, history, and culture.
Richard Spencer produces weekly videos on . . . well . . . everything.
President and Director
The National Policy Institute
M.A. The University of Chicago
B.A. The University of Virginia
Richard Spencer is President and Director of The National Policy Institute and Washington Summit Publishers. He is the founder and Editor of Radix Journal and
He was formerly an Assistant Editor at The American Conservative magazine and Executive Editor of Taki's Magazine (Takimag). In 2010, he founded
Spencer is a frequent essayist and blogger at Radix Journal; he hosts the weekly Radix Journal podcast; and records regular video blogs.
Spencer’s publications and activities have been reported on by the New York Times, the Washington Post, the Chicago Tribune, National Public Radio, The Rachel Maddow Show, Buzzfeed,,, among many others. Spencer has been a frequent guest commentator on the cable network RT International.
Spencer has addressed every NPI conference and has been a guest speaker at the Property and Freedom Society, The Traditional Britain Group, American Renaissance, and the HL Mencken Club.
Richard holds a Bachelor of Arts from the University of Virginia and a Master of Arts from the University of Chicago. He was a doctoral student at Duke University, before becoming a journalist.