What’s he hiding? Donald Trump has blown off nearly his entire remaining campaign schedule

When the week began, Donald Trump’s upcoming campaign schedule was chock full of public rallies across several states, as the losing candidate seemed to be at least enjoying the adoration from those in the room as he continued to fall further out of contention. But by week’s end, Trump essentially no longer has a campaign schedule. In fact, apart from a single rally in a state where he’s losing by nineteen points, Donald Trump has blown off literally every public campaign event remaining on his schedule. So what’s going on?

Back when Trump first canceled his scheduled rally in Oregon, it seemed to be a tantrum resulting from a public fallout he had with an influential local hotelier in Portland; he would have had no strategic reason to campaign in the state anyway. When he also abruptly canceled his public rallies in Colorado and Nevada, two swing states where he’s losing and he desperately needs help, some theorized that it was because he was trying to avoid giving his long promised speech clarifying his haphazard and self-contradictory immigration policy. But when his Arizona rally was canceled in a manner which left him denying that it had been canceled, all hell broke loose.

Almost immediately after Trump’s campaign announced that the Arizona event was the latest to get canceled, Trump himself fired back by insisting that it was not only still happening, it was being moved to an unspecified larger venue. But his own staff subsequently confirmed again that there is no Arizona rally, and his official schedule on his website lists no such event.

In fact the only thing remaining on Donald Trump’s campaign schedule at all is a planned rally in Everett, Washington on August 30th. That event makes absolutely no strategic sense, as he’s currently behind Hillary Clinton by nineteen points in the state, and has zero chance of winning any electoral votes there no matter what he does or doesn’t do there.

Yet the Trump campaign has informed local police that they can indeed expect Trump to show up, and that no cancelation is expected. But this comes at a time when Donald and his own campaign can no longer even agree on whether the mythical Arizona event still exists (and according to all the evidence it doesn’t).

So if Trump decides that Washington event is as much of a waste of time as we all know it is, and cancels it, he’ll have literally nothing remaining on his public campaign schedule. That basically means he’s quit. Some have speculated that he may be canceling events in order to prepare for the debates against Hillary Clinton, where he’ll be severely overmatched. But the first debate isn’t for another month, so this explanation doesn’t make sense. The bottom line is that Donald Trump has blown off his entire schedule for reasons that his own campaign appears to be confounded by, and for reasons that he certainly doesn’t want the public to know about. So just what is Donald hiding?

Daily News Bin
Contributed by Daily News Bin staff


  1. James M Grandone on August 27, 2016 at 7:09 pm

    He’s undergoing a complete makeover. He will return as Ronald Reagan.

    • Clare on August 28, 2016 at 6:30 am

      Well, St. Ronnie did have better hair!

  2. Steve L. on August 27, 2016 at 8:01 pm

    Hi, folks. First time commenter, but been a fan of DNB for quite a while. Indeed, one must wonder what’s been going on with the Donald’s sudden move towards canceling events.

    Could it possibly have something to do with the Trump University issues, the last case of which has just gone thru it’s final pre-trial conference? Or the Jane Doe rape trial starting as soon as 2 weeks from now?

    • dbtheonly on August 28, 2016 at 2:51 am

      I thought the Trump University fraud cases were postponed until after the election.

  3. Nelda B on August 27, 2016 at 8:16 pm

    Maybe he’s having some cosmetic surgery done?

  4. Leticia on August 28, 2016 at 2:47 am

    Didn’t he cancel other public speaking events at the early stages of the republican race when someone in his family was sent was death threats? He keeps saying ugly things about Mexicans being rapists and drug dealers! Guess what, they do have a few cartels in Mexico. I’m sure they’re not itching to come to the US, but they’re not going to sit back and let this man stop them from making their profit. I think he’s getting threats again.

    • Louise ely on August 28, 2016 at 12:15 pm

      One question for the Trump regarding people here illegally, did it occur to you that there are people from countries that are here illegally!

    • Jerry on August 29, 2016 at 10:42 am

      I do not think it is death threats, or any such thing. He, his family have Secret Service protection. It may be he has given up, or something to do with his current court cases.

  5. Victor Flores on August 28, 2016 at 4:49 am

    This is what happens when a clown runs for POTUS.

  6. Nightflyer on August 28, 2016 at 5:34 am

    Personally, I think he knows he’s getting hammered, he’s exhausted by the intensity of the campaign, overwhelmed by massive negative media coverage, flailing at being held accountable for the first time in his life for his every word, unable to cope because he doesn’t understand anything about government and politics, genuinely amazed by the sheer hostility and rejection he’s receiving from vast sections of the American people, and afraid in his narcissistic soul (which has self-hatred at its core) that he will not only lose, but lose huuuuuuuugely.

    At this point, he’s probably having a bit of a psychological breakdown from the disaster, and is mentally frozen by the situation, paralyzed, and probably looking for a way out. Unfortunately for him, he created his own mess, with a great deal of help from the Republican Party that now wishes he would go away, and he is trapped in it.

    • MtBaker on August 28, 2016 at 11:49 am

      Nightflyer, you’ve hit the nail on the head.

    • Louise ely on August 28, 2016 at 12:22 pm

      Election night should be a short one requiring a pizza & a bucket of popcorn!

  7. Keith Mathews on August 28, 2016 at 6:00 am

    The Daily News staff missed an obvious and important reason why Donald Trump’s staff may be cancelling rallies in states where he has already lost the Electoral College votes:

    The staff is now under new management altogether, from only a week ago. A new CEO and a new Campaign Manager have been appointed and are sweeping the previous administration clean of prior commitments. They intend to re-invent both Donald Trump and his strategy. Whether they succeed or not is TBD.

    Clearing up his schedule designed by the outgoing management is the first step. Certainly some firings of further staff members is imminent. A new startegy will emerge as they get hold of the situation and try and solve it their way.

  8. Paul Burns on August 28, 2016 at 9:16 am


  9. Paul Burns on August 28, 2016 at 9:19 am

    CHICKENS are coming in the COLOR ORANGE now !

    • MtBaker on August 28, 2016 at 11:51 am

      And they’re coming home to roost.

  10. The Bleepin Liberal on August 28, 2016 at 9:42 am

    He started getting daily briefings and got smacked by reality, and is scared shitless and does not want the job anymore.

    • Bobbie on August 28, 2016 at 11:13 pm

      I agree completely. I have been thinking, he just ran for the attention; and NEVER believed that he would be in the position he is in now. He is scared to death and is hiding for many legal reasons on top of his failure with the flood, the pathetic and rude attempt at gaining the black vote, the empty hall at a recent rally. He cannot emotionally process because as a psych major, I see a complete narcissist and maybe a few other mental disorders.

  11. Katharyn on August 28, 2016 at 11:40 am

    He is still fundraising but has cancelled his rally’s which are expensive, no-brainer here he is lining his pockets

  12. Thomas Peterson on August 28, 2016 at 11:58 am

    He’s a worthless piece of crap & is starting to realize that he doesn’t stand a prayer or a chance becoming the POTUS, but he does have a chance in HELL & ending up in the HOT SEAT. Hooray!!

  13. mark on August 28, 2016 at 12:44 pm

    doing debate prep with Ailes and Ingraham, the conservative henchfolk

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