How 'Angry White Male' Wayne Allyn Root Knows That Trump Has Deep Support Among Black Voters

Wayne Allyn Root, one of Donald Trump's most sycophantic surrogates, appeared on TheDove TV's "Focus Today" program yesterday to promote his new book, "Angry White Male: How the Donald Trump Phenomenon is Changing America—and What We Can All Do to Save the Middle Class."

During the interview, Root dismissed polls showing that only one percent of black voters support Trump, declaring that Trump's black support is secretly much higher because every black person Root meets tells them that they love Trump.

"I do so many interviews and they're always on Donald Trump's behalf," Root said. "I'm like the ultimate Donald Trump defender all over the country nowadays. And every interview I do, when it's live in a TV or radio station, when the interview is over, you know, the whole newsroom hates me; they're all liberal Democrats, they're all staring at me like they're trying to burn a hole in my brain and they hate me and they want me to go away and they'd like to stab me. But then, every single time I run into one of the people in the newsroom who is black, African American, whatever term you'd like to use, and they always come up to me and they whisper in my ear, 'I love it, I'm for Trump.'"

Because of this, Root says, he knows that polls showing almost no black support for Trump are totally untrue and that Trump will actually receive 15 to 20 percent of the black vote in November.

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