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| subbookkeepper AUS
• 7h |
| energysohigh OK
• 6h |
87% still seems low
• 5h |
Birth defects
| B_T_F_O FL
• 4h |
Or fat fingers.
...then they realize Hillary is winning in the "fucking traitor" poll and don't give a shit.
| SlashSero JPN
• 2h |
The other 13% had $0.05 deposited into their account.
| fwipfwip
• 3h |
There's always a few outliers.
| UnoriginalNickname
• 2h |
It's rigged.
| robottonic PA
• 5h |
Clearly this poll was hacked by Russia.
| NineToFiveTrap WV
• 4h |
Underrated post
| atomic1fire
• 4h |
With a cloth?
| moffetts9001
• 2h |
You can't hack with a cloth. ARE YOU KIDDING ME
| Snoozebum AK
• 3h |
With a saw.
| negative-effect TX
• 5h |
Donald Trump should have been incuded in this poll because of his temperament.
How could you allow DRUMF access to our NUKES?! ARE YOU FUCKING KIDDING ME?! REEEEEEEE
-Colin Kamperdick
| stabbingrobotroberto AZ
• 4h |
You're on to something here. I notice that you have called him "Kamperdick", which is very close to calling him "Kämpferdick". This would mean that you're insinuating he is similar to the Anime character in that series, who was a blue haired boy who changed into a girl. Sounds pretty accurate to me.
| 0ddsss CA
• 48m |
Trump will make anime real.
| Tyranith
• 17m |
Well he made memes real, so I guess anything is possible
| Butts_Magoo AZ
• 2h |
Do people not know he can LITERALLY single handedly launch nukes if someone insults him? Procedures and approval be damned.
| Fallskjermsoldat SVK
• 3h |
The only poll that Hillary actually wins.
| MythArcana
• 5h |
Finally a poll I can believe.
| IOnlySayWewLad
• 4h |
| CountryFriedBacon USA
• 3h |
Is Chelsea Manning Chelsea Clinton's married name? AKA Diane Simmons or whatever her covert email name was? I think putting her on the poll might be an Easter Egg.
| DoktorMantisTobaggan IN
• 3h |
His name is Bradley Manning. He changed his name to Chelsea a few years ago because he's a transvestite or something.
| Wise_Batta DC
• 2h |
Oh look Hillary! There's finally a poll out this week where you're ahead of Trump!
Oh wait...
| KoviCZ
• 15m |
| trumpcoatbot USA
• 14m |
We are 12.77% of our goal to coat the 1,394,928 great people of San Diego, California. Lets make sure everyone gets a coat in the United States! For every Centipede a coat for every coat a Centipede!
This bot was created by devious1087, feedback always welcome.
| AliceInMindPalace TX
• 24m |
| donkey_democrat
• 3h |
| TankerD18 ARMY
• 53m |
That guy's a true piece of shit, in my opinion. Snowden and Assange are different, they actually leak information in the interest of making people more free and more aware of the inner workings of the government. Manning was just butthurt the Army didn't have time for his genderfluid bullshit back then, and spread a bunch of shit on the walls that didn't need to be leaked that didn't make anyone any more free by knowing it.
| KennedyPh
• 2h |
| [deleted]
• 1h |
| TankerD18 ARMY
• 52m |
I agree though, who the fuck on Wikileaks is going to say the people who leaked to/run Wikileaks are more of a threat to national security than Hillary Clinton? That shit is biased as hell.
That's like someone on /r/The_Donald doing a poll saying "who is the greatest threat to national security: Hillary Clinton, Donald Trump, Mike Pence, Milo, or Harambe?"
| FetterHarzer MAGA
• 1h |
Can have nothing to do with her being the atm most important/popular. nah