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[–]Hindu-Nationalist 8 points9 points10 points  (5 children)
I've been in US since several years, and have many relatives who are living here since decades. Never before any of my Indian friends or family have seen any racism. But since Trump has started spewing hate, I've been subjected to racism and several of my family and friends have the same experience.
Most of those racists hate is not directed towards India, but towards Muslims. Those dumbfucks can't differentiate between Hindus & Muslims and Indians & Pakistanis.
Here are some of our experiences in the past 6 months:
  • I was walking in downtown, when some Trump boys riding on a pickup truck yelled at me, "Fuck you ISIS!"
  • My uncle was traveling in a bus, a racist man pointed at him and yelled "There is a live bomb in the back"
  • My friend who was visiting from India was kick out of a club, when his white American friends asked the security why? They replied "we don't want jihadis here, he will scare everyone".
  • My cousin was looking for an apartment, he went to an apartment building and he was told by manager, "we don't allow Muslims here". My cousin is not even a Muslim, he is now considering to sue them.
Also, many Indians (mostly Sikhs) have been attacked and killed by ignorant racists who thought they were Muslims. These hate crimes happen almost every month.
If Trump becomes President, these racists will openly start attacking Muslims, and they will also attack Hindus and Indians because they can't differentiate between them.
[–]3lit3n3ss 12 points13 points14 points  (2 children)
the question was how it impacts india, not indian americans...
[–]ITS_JUST_SATIRE_BRO 2 points3 points4 points  (1 child)
And what about the millions of indians who want to visit the states?
[–]3lit3n3ss 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
why would that benefit india, that would benefit america, as indians visiting america are an import to india and an export to america (tourism is an export)...
[–][deleted]  (1 child)
    [–]PatterntheCryptic 4 points5 points6 points  (0 children)
    It's the same thing that happened after Brexit, and closer to home, the 2014 elections - the crazies get emboldened to act on their bigotry because they see it as an approval of their beliefs.
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