Trump shares tweet claiming Clinton's 'mentor' was 'KKK member'

Republican presidential nominee Donald TrumpDonald TrumpTrump shares tweet claiming Clinton's 'mentor' was 'KKK member' Pence: Trump’s changing immigration stance is ‘classic CEO process’ Trump spokeswoman: Position on immigration “not really complicated” MORE shared a tweet that tied his Democratic rival, Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonTrump shares tweet claiming Clinton's 'mentor' was 'KKK member' Wasserman Schultz dodges question about DNC emails Kaine tweets with the cast of 'Veep' MORE, to the Ku Klux Klan. 

Trump reposted a tweet on Saturday morning that slammed Clinton as "Crooked Hillary" and claimed she said “a KKK member was her mentor.” 

The tweet was posted by user @DiamondandSilk, the account of the duo of black sisters, Lynette Hardaway and Rochelle Richardson, who frequently speak at Trump’s rallies.  

The sisters told CNN that the tweet was a reference to the late West Virginia Sen. Robert Byrd, who was a former KKK member. In 2010, Clinton mourned his death and said Byrd was “a true American original, my friend and mentor," CNN reported. 

Clinton’s campaign recently released a video tying Trump to the KKK. The video featured clips of KKK leaders and white nationalists who had been vocal about their supporter for the GOP nominee.

Her video was released ahead of her major “alt-right" speech in which she hoped to link Trump to the radical far-right group that’s associated with white supremacists. 

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