'Never Trump' group launching swing-state ads

"Never Trump" Republicans are launching a new television ad in several key swing-states that urges Donald TrumpDonald TrumpA brief history of Paul LePage making people angry Army training slide branded Clinton as ’insider threat’: report 'Never Trump' group launching swing-state ads MORE to step down as the GOP nominee and be replaced by another candidate, according to Politico.

"Number one, I'm not a masochist, and if I was dropping in the polls where I saw I wasn't going to win, why would I continue?" Trump says in an interview featured in the ad, titled "Keep Your Word."

The 30-second add also displays a number of poll projections that show Trump losing to Clinton in November by a wide margin.

"Resign the nomination. Let the RNC replace you so we can beat Hillary," the ad concludes.

The ad will start appearing on television screens in suburban Florida, Virginia, Ohio and Michigan on Tuesday according to a leader of an anti-Trump organization called Free the Delegates.

Regina Thomson, the leader of the group, said she is hopeful that the ad will eventually make it on the Fox News Channel.