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submitted by MAGA-OR-OUT
I have got my hands on some important leaks. I got moderator privileges by pretending to be a cuck for months. This is the golden moment: I got what I needed, evidence for multiple moderators working for CTR.
In the start, I simply thought these were delusional, uneducated libtards, but I quickly found out that there was something deeper going on...
The glorious nimble moderators have confirmed that I am in fact a moderator of ETS.
Now, I have some leaks, which are much worse than what I expected to find.
At least two moderators are paid by CTR. The number might be higher.
This E-Mail, along with many similar ones, was found in the moderator G-Mail account. The account contains long conversations about targeting techniques and how the ETS moderators (whom operate by many accounts) could help making Reddit be more pro-Hillary.
At first I thought "this is huge", and then I wondered if they were "just" in contact with them or actually employed. It quickly made sense:
It should be obvious at that point that they have deep ties to CTR and HRC's campaign. But wait, there's more
Seriously, this shit should get them banned.
Of course screenshots can be faked, but I guarantee (on my centipede grave) that they are not.
I'll keep you updated. Make Reddit Uncucked Again.

E: Formatting
all 8 comments
[–]THICKJUICYTRUMPSTEAK 2 points3 points4 points  (0 children)
If mods confirmed it then I guess this is SPICY
[–]freedomnaGA 1 point2 points3 points  (2 children)
/u/TehDonald /u/Viking83 sticky please!
I want to see ETS drop their tendies!
OP: Edit your image removing the time stamp and your name. You do not want to blow your cover!!!
[–]MAGA-OR-OUT[S] 1 point2 points3 points  (0 children)
They're already getting suspicious, I'll probably be demodded and banned in a few hours. I'll keep you updated.
[–]Da_UniqueUser 0 points1 point2 points  (2 children)
You're lying and I refuse to fall for it, ETS troll. "On my centipede grave" is a dead giveaway. None of us talk like that.
[–]freedomnaGA 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Why would ETS claim that they are CTR? Isn't the ETS narrative that CTR doesn't exist on Reddit?
[–]MAGA-OR-OUT[S] 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
I am completely sincere. I even spend hours talking to /u/TehDonald about how to leak this in an efficient way.
[–]milelongkingkongdongMN 0 points1 point2 points  (0 children)
Looks pretty legit..who are the mods of that sub?
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