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(Today, 10:33 AM)
Poster#1's Avatar
Holy Decision-Making Batman!

This is actually what you call an RPG. You have tons of choices is kinda overwhelming (in a good way). I played FO3 and loved it and was super hyped for Fallout 4. After 20 hours it became super boring. It doesn't feel like an RPG, just a bad shooter with crafting elements that nobody asked for. It's really baffling to see how much the series dropped from FO3 and NV.

Did anyone in Bethesda play Fallout:NV?????
(Today, 10:34 AM)
takriel's Avatar
Bethesda is not capable of creating a very good RPG such as Fallout New Vegas.
(Today, 10:35 AM)
Xater's Avatar
With Skyrim they decided that making RPGs is tough, so they stopped.
(Today, 10:36 AM)
peanutbutterlatte's Avatar
I mean, yeah really. Cant imagine anybody enjoying 4 over NV. Obsidian majorly drank Bethesda's milkshake.
(Today, 10:36 AM)
TheMoon's Avatar
You know you could say you like NV better and think FO4 falls short without resorting to this umm... "colorful" language. :D

Originally Posted by Poster#1

Did anyone in Bethesda play Fallout:NV?????

No, nobody else played it.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:37 AM)
selo's Avatar
Agreed, bad shooter and pretty uninteresting quests. As for me, I gave up after 10 hours, I think witcher 3 quests spoiled me.
Junior Member
(Today, 10:39 AM)
xviper's Avatar
i think Fallout 4 is good but everyone thinks it's bad because of The witcher 3, it sits the bar for RPG games far too high, now everytime i play an RPG game i think of The witcher 3
(Today, 10:41 AM)
Poster#1's Avatar

Originally Posted by xviper

i think Fallout 4 is good but everyone thinks it's bad because of The witcher 3, it sits the bar for RPG games far too high, now everytime i play an RPG game i think of The witcher 3

It doesn't match FO:NV let alone The witcher 3.
Joey Ravn
(Today, 10:42 AM)
Joey Ravn's Avatar

Originally Posted by Poster#1

Did anyone in Bethesda play Fallout:NV?????

What's a New Vegas? I thought the last expansion for Fallout 4 was Nuka World!

In all seriousness, I love New Vegas for its narrative, but I vastly prefer FO3 in terms of setting, character and overall "world". I haven't played FO4 just yet. I'm waiting for Nuka World to be released to play "the full experience".
(Today, 10:43 AM)
peanutbutterlatte's Avatar

Originally Posted by xviper

i think Fallout 4 is good but everyone thinks it's bad because of The witcher 3, it sits the bar for RPG games far too high, now everytime i play an RPG game i think of The witcher 3

I think TW3 is just okay and still found FO4 dull as dishwater. It wasn't even as good as FO3.
(Today, 10:43 AM)
TheRedSnifit's Avatar
New Vegas is one of the best WRPGs by far, only behind Baldur's Gate II and maaaaayyyyyybe Fallout 2. Narrow it down to the last decade and it's the best by far.
Last edited by TheRedSnifit; Today at 10:46 AM.
(Today, 10:45 AM)
Truant's Avatar

Originally Posted by TheRedSnifit

New Vegas is the GOAT WRPG. It's by far the closest game to Baldur's Gate 2 in terms of quality and scale.

I completely agree. It's up there with the best of them. Absolutely amazing experience.
(Today, 10:46 AM)
Roulette's Avatar
press 1 for like falout nv!!!
(Today, 10:48 AM)
Shredderi's Avatar
Yeah I was super disappointed by Fallout 4. First Fallout I couldn't finish. Like, not even close. Have no desire to go back with mods either. I just don't think Bethesda Software is a high tier developer anymore. I mean they even regress from their own past games. Bethesda has some good studios under it, but the main Bethesda studios is just not that good anymore.
(Today, 10:48 AM)
SugarDave's Avatar
New Vegas is one of the best games of all time, so it only makes sense it shits on a game that's okay at best.
(Today, 10:49 AM)
ebullientprism's Avatar
Thing is, it was never gonna match up to NV in pure RPG design. Bethesda just dont have the chops to do something as good as that.

What annoys me is that they didnt even try. Instead they took the path of least resistance.

Maybe Obisidian will get to do the next Fallout, with those graphics and shooting mechanics. A man can dream.
(Today, 10:50 AM)
Steel's Avatar
Yeah... I need another reasonably large budget Obsidian RPG like New Vegas, dammit! Hopefully that will be the next world of darkness game.

In the meantime I'll take their isometric stuff.
(Today, 10:53 AM)
CloudWolf's Avatar

Originally Posted by xviper

i think Fallout 4 is good but everyone thinks it's bad because of The witcher 3, it sits the bar for RPG games far too high, now everytime i play an RPG game i think of The witcher 3

It doesn't take The Witcher 3 to see that Fallout 4 is a joke of a RPG.

I liked the ending though, in the same way that I like The Room. It was so bad.
(Today, 10:54 AM)
Darkwater's Avatar
You're not wrong, but I cannot replay New Vegas. The animations are so ugly, they make me want to stab my own eyes out.
(Today, 10:54 AM)
miladesn's Avatar
The game had so many side quests, good side quests at that and a lot of them tied to the main quest without being obvious. People liked to hate on the map design but I thought it was amazing. Unlike Bethesda's games, you had a little direction early in the game it felt linear in a way on your road to New Vegas but it was a great experience to me. Reaching there, the city didn't look good or anything, but there were so many places to go and you're introduced to the factions, it was so fun. Most fun I had with an RPG still even after Witcher 3 or Dark Souls. Last AAA game that I felt you can actually role play and it does matter to the story.
Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
(Today, 10:55 AM)
BigTnaples's Avatar
Nah. Not even close.

New Vegas was a glorified mod of FO3. (A great mod mind you).

Fallout 4 added a lot of much needed additions, and some things we didn't even know we wanted. Not to mention the overhauled engine.
Sauna? Penis.
Doorknob? Penis.
School? Penis.
Date night? Penis.
(Today, 10:55 AM)
Rad-'s Avatar
What holds NV from being up there with GOAT WRPGs like BG2 is the combat gameplay. It's total shit. Like one of the worst in any WRPG imo. TW1 level bad, PST level bad.

Bethesda doesn't have the writing talent to make a well written game (well Morrowind was alright in that area so I guess they can get lucky :p). So you shouldn't really expect a RPG when you play their modern games but an adventure game. Fallout 4 is a very good adventure action game.
Last edited by Rad-; Today at 10:58 AM.
(Today, 10:56 AM)
Poster#1's Avatar

Originally Posted by BigTnaples

Nah. Not even close.

Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
(Today, 12:55 PM

Sorry, i had to :p.
(Today, 10:57 AM)
Transistor's Avatar

Originally Posted by Xater

With Morrowind they decided that making RPGs is tough, so they stopped.

Fixed that for you. Elder Scrolls has been on a downward slide since
(Today, 10:57 AM)
MattyG's Avatar

Originally Posted by Poster#1

Holy Decision-Making Batman!

This is actually what you call an RPG. You have tons of choices is kinda overwhelming (in a good way). I played FO3 and loved it and was super hyped for Fallout 4. After 20 hours it became super boring. It doesn't feel like an RPG, just a bad shooter with crafting elements that nobody asked for. It's really baffling to see how much the series dropped from FO3 and NV.

Did anyone in Bethesda play Fallout:NV?????

This line makes me think that you're jumping on the NV bandwagon and just regurgitating rhetoric that you've heard about FO4, because 3 and 4 really aren't that much different in terms of decisions (and I don't mean that Fallout 4 has a lot, I mean that 3 really has barely any of consequence as well). This reads a lot less like a well thought out critique and more as a "hey guys, look I agree and I'm going to make my title as hyperbolic as possible to show it!

Sorry if this all sounds harsh, I'm just tired of the one-uppsmanship that seems to pervade a lot of critiques like this where it's less about the citique itself, which is usually barebones at best, and more about shitting on something better that the last guy did (mostly referring to your title here).

I think there's a very interesting discussion to be had here, really. I like both games, but I recognize Fallout 4 has problems when it comes to player agency. I just wish these citiques focused more on why New Vegas worked so well on a more micro level, because many games have lots of choices, but they don't all work out the way Nwe Vegas works. Why is it that New Vegas does? And how does Fallout 4's lack of player agency in the story affect the structure of the game as a whole and make it differ from that of New Vegas? Those are the types of discussions that I think are worth having, not the same "man, Bethesda really fucked up, huh? Choices man, you've got lots of 'em in NV, which automatically means it's amazing." Those are the same discussions that we have constantly around here and that threads that start out with such broad and hyperbolic criticism inevitably seem to devolve into.

I am willing to allow a "I want another Obsidian Fallout" bandwagon though. Fallout New Orleans be real pls.

Also, to not be a hypocrite, I'll present a point of discussion I'm curious about; what does everyone think of the way Far Harbor handled choices and player agency? While I didn't think it was up to New Vegas standards, I did think it was a huge improvement over the base game. It seems that they either were rushed on the main quest for the base game and not on Far Harbor, or the shift to a smaller experience made it easier to manage choices that had consequence. Though I will admit, those choices still were largely contained to the situation then and there rather than the overall state of the game world. There seems to be something fundamentally wrong with the way Bethesda perceives choice in their games, as the ones they usually give to us rarely if ever have long reaching effects.
Last edited by MattyG; Today at 11:26 AM.
(Today, 10:58 AM)
Sanctuary's Avatar

Originally Posted by Xater

With Morrowind they decided that making RPGs is tough, so they stopped.

(Today, 10:59 AM)
Despera's Avatar
I enjoyed 4 more than NV, and thought NV was only slightly better than 3.
Sad Affleck
(Today, 11:00 AM)
Sad Affleck's Avatar
No doubt. F4 is a better shooter though so that's something I guess.
(Today, 11:00 AM)
KainXVIII's Avatar
(Today, 11:00 AM)
Transistor's Avatar

Originally Posted by Sanctuary


You. I like you.
(Today, 11:01 AM)
Yautja_Warrior's Avatar
I personally like Fallout 4, I agree its not as good as New Vegas but I don't think its a bad game. The base building is pretty cool and mods help add even more to the game too.
(Today, 11:02 AM)
exmachina64's Avatar

Originally Posted by KainXVIII

Best mod ever.
(Today, 11:02 AM)
yuraya's Avatar
New Vegas is pretty much the definition of a role playing game. Starting convos with some npc's give you like 6 different dialogue options half of which require certain attributes to be trigger. The amount of missions, factions and depth/structure to those missions were out of this world. All that tacked with a damn good survival aspect and western postapoc setting makes it a legit GOAT rpg. DLC was also very good. Its Obsidian at its best. And it still holds up so damn well despite being a 2010 game. Especially on pc.

Bethesda isn't really in the same league as Obsidian but I think they are still a good dev. They need to deliver on Elder 6 and it better be big.
(Today, 11:04 AM)
blly155's Avatar
i quite enjoyed Fallout 4. it's my 3rd most played game on steam and i've spent more time with it than any other fallout game. i played 3 but couldn't bring myself to finish it. i've got New Vegas on my PC but feel like i've left it too late. the thing putting me off most is the graphics. i know i can mod it but i've never felt confident enough to do that.
(Today, 11:07 AM)
MattyG's Avatar

Originally Posted by blly155

i quite enjoyed Fallout 4. it's my 3rd most played game on steam and i've spent more time with it than any other fallout game. i played 3 but couldn't bring myself to finish it. i've got New Vegas on my PC but feel like i've left it too late. the thing putting me off most is the graphics. i know i can mod it but i've never felt confident enough to do that.

Take a look at the modding tutorials on this YouTube channel and try it out when you feel ready. I knew nothing when I started either and was terrified, but it's actually fairly simple.
The Hamburglar
(Today, 11:08 AM)
The Hamburglar's Avatar
Playing new Vegas currently for the first time. One thing I don't like about these open world western RPGs is that the main quest lines are incredible short. I don't care if there is a ton of side content.
(Today, 11:09 AM)
Nere's Avatar
Anyone else read the title and thought of the Dragon Age 2 OT http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=422971 ?:D
(Today, 11:09 AM)
Stimpack's Avatar
Fallout 2.
(Today, 11:11 AM)
MattyG's Avatar

Originally Posted by The Hamburglar

Playing new Vegas currently for the first time. One thing I don't like about these open world western RPGs is that the main quest lines are incredible short. I don't care if there is a ton of side content.

New Vegas' can actually be pretty long if you make certain choices in the main questline (if I recall correct, I haven't played all the way through it in about 3 years).
(Today, 11:12 AM)
GeoramA's Avatar
Yep and best of all: no stupid, useless settlements. FO4 was a gigantic disappointment.
His Majesty
(Today, 11:14 AM)
His Majesty's Avatar

Originally Posted by Poster#1

Holy Decision-Making Batman!

This is actually what you call an RPG. You have tons of choices is kinda overwhelming (in a good way). I played FO3 and loved it and was super hyped for Fallout 4. After 20 hours it became super boring. It doesn't feel like an RPG, just a bad shooter with crafting elements that nobody asked for. It's really baffling to see how much the series dropped from FO3 and NV.

Did anyone in Bethesda play Fallout:NV?????

I think they did. The showdown with the multiple factions at the end reminded me of the Battle for Hoover Dam in Fallout: New Vegas. You also get to do jobs for different factions and have to choose at a crossroads. Sadly Bethesda couldn't back it up with good writing and consistent worldbuilding. Also a disappointing lack of C&C.

The removal of skills also severly impacted the role-playing potential. No more different skill-checks, only a charisma check once in a while.

Originally Posted by The Hamburglar

Playing new Vegas currently for the first time. One thing I don't like about these open world western RPGs is that the main quest lines are incredible short. I don't care if there is a ton of side content.

A lot of the side-content actually intertwines with the main quest. It's not mandatory to complete but it fleshes out the factions a lot. (unless you go the Legion's route)
(Today, 11:14 AM)
Transistor's Avatar

Originally Posted by Nere

Anyone else read the title and thought of the Dragon Age 2 OT http://www.neogaf.com/forum/showthread.php?t=422971 ?:D

Ah, yes, how could I forget about Shit Mountain
(Today, 11:16 AM)
ActWan's Avatar
FO4 sucked. I guess the voiced protag influenced the limited dialouge options a bit, but mainly Bethesda's new linear take on the game...maybe if the plot was actually any good it would be kind of acceptable, but no, it was shit.
Last edited by ActWan; Today at 11:18 AM.
Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
(Today, 11:16 AM)
BigTnaples's Avatar

Originally Posted by KainXVIII

Jeeze. Little much.
(Today, 11:17 AM)
SOR5's Avatar
Is it a mountain I can climb?
(Today, 11:18 AM)
TheVampire's Avatar
Slap some mods on it and NV gets even better !
Last edited by TheVampire; Today at 11:20 AM.
(Today, 11:21 AM)
Regginator's Avatar
You'd almost ask yourself the question of why the fuck don't they license the Fallout IP to Obsidian so they have more time and resources for their flagship Elder Scrolls title. It's like a perfect win-win. I'm sure Obsidian would love to do it, and I think Todd Howard and his team prefer the Elder Scrolls universe.
(Today, 11:21 AM)

Originally Posted by BigTnaples

Nah. Not even close.

New Vegas was a glorified mod of FO3. (A great mod mind you).

Fallout 4 added a lot of much needed additions, and some things we didn't even know we wanted. Not to mention the overhauled engine.

Rofl, I don't think they get any points for updating their engine to 2010-esque technology. There wasn't a single point where I thought Fallout 4 looked good.
Todd Howard's Secret GAF Account
(Today, 11:24 AM)
BigTnaples's Avatar

Originally Posted by Regginator

You'd almost ask yourself the question of why the fuck don't they license the Fallout IP to Obsidian so they have more time and resources for their flagship Elder Scrolls title. It's like a perfect win-win.

Please god no. Obsidian can do spin offs, certainly. And that's fine. But they have yet to prove that they can make their own big title.

All their best work has been done with much of the work already done (KOTORII, FO:NV), and their Alpha Protocol had some good ideas, but was ultimately a bargain bin C title.

They are good at improving upon and iterating on others work, and writing good quests. But there's nothing to say that they can make their own big titles from scratch. Let alone a brand new Ip.
(Today, 11:27 AM)
Stevey's Avatar

Originally Posted by BigTnaples

Please god no. Obsidian can do spin offs, certainly. And that's fine. But they have yet to prove that they can make their own big title.

All their best work has been done with much of the work already done (KOTORII, FO:NV), and their Alpha Protocol had some good ideas, but was ultimately a bargain bin C title.

They are good at improving upon and iterating on others work, and writing good quests. But there's nothing to say that they can make their own big titles from scratch. Let alone a brand new Ip.

Have you played Pillars Of Eternity?