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[–]AbyssPepsiDew 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

This is almost the decklist from the guy in London(?), his build was pretty cool but good to see you made top 4 again :3

[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Yeah, I took the idea of POC from him (atleast he was the first one I saw using it in the TCG) and then when I saw Hoban using it at the ARG, I just though 'why not try it out for fun' and it ended up actually being really good.

Like I said on one of the comments below, my build is pretty standard, the only difference from many others it's that is not catered too much towards the mirror since I play none.

[–]Badmann#FreeMyNiggaInfernityArchfiend 0ポイント1ポイント  (4子コメント)

Can I see a decklist please?

As a fellow nekroz player your deck seems a lot different.

[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (3子コメント)

It's a the bottom of the post

It's a standard Nekroz deck really, I just don't play the Shared Rides/Book of Eclipse on the main due to the lack of mirror matches.

[–]yungrichballer 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

lol I netdecked that azn guys build too and I got 2nd place too. His reasoning was good, but there are better builds my friend. Lettuce practice together?

[–]tommoexSpellcasters Supreme 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

I notice you actually play decisive armor but I seem to find it terrible and the decks been doing much better without it. What do your opinion on it?

And what combos did you manage to pull off with phantom of chaos?

[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

I didn't really see Decisive Armor much and when I saw it, it helped me OTK. I find it really good against rogue decks and decks with little to no backrow since you can OTK easily, but I understand people starting to cutting him. I sided it out most of my matches. What do you play instead of DA? I've also noticed a lot of people cutting Clausolas to 1 but I actually like playing 2 (but understand the logic of only playing 1).

I used Phantom of Chaos eff to copy Brio and bounce back a Delteros and a Dark Law and in another game used it to copy a Barbaroid as well (even though the game was already won). Tbh it's a really good card, I only drew it dead once (opening hand, had nothing in grave, was against a Vanitys Fiend/Dark Law field), but other than that it's always a reliable card. I wish I drew more into it. You can also copy Herald to protect yourself/bait stuff.

It's also really good to bait out backrow (makes your opponent waste Fiendish and so on) as well as being a lvl4 (you can just xyz with it since it goes back to 0/0 or just protect it with Valk for one more turn).

[–]ImAussielicious 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Congratulates on 2nd place! :)

I was out last night for my Birthday, so was unable to attend today with my usual Tellarknights ;) >.< had a blast of a time though!

Great report, keep em up :) LOVING that tech of Phantom of Chaos, must have been so hilarious today. XD

[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

Thanks man! Nice seeing you had a great time :)

POC is hilarious and really helpful as well xD

[–]ZxChrono 0ポイント1ポイント  (2子コメント) No I don't miss Twister, I've been testing without it and so far so good. Once I start missing them I'll let you know, definitely didn't miss them during the LA regionals this weekend.

Nice consistently topping, so close to that first. My build is more focused on the mirror because every locals I go to is filled with them. Depending on the turnout I end up switching the 2 rides with Mforce, it just puts in too much work there is a lot of Yosenju Stun at locals as well and with Veiler I'm not worried about Trish really (it can be dodged sometimes but it's k).

Djinn yes very hit or miss, tbh it has nothing to do with it being bad vs good players. It's just a sacky card, they draw the out or they don't. At least in the mirror match at locals we usually side Djinn's out for the set (feels like super poly in dolls all over again).

Sorcerer over Princess I keep preaching this to everyone it's a thing. Yes princess has her situations she helps but it's very situational.

I was running double dank holes the first 2 weeks from release date, I hated opening doubles it happened a lot and yes awkward hands. I ended up putting book of moon back in for the Trish plays when dodging skill drain/veiler.

Denko Rekka I used to run it like I've said in the past but it just doesn't cut it anymore. Once everyone caught on and then... standby phase Fragrance/Mistake/Vanity's, uh yeah no. Decree puts in too much work and just because it's a "bad" topdeck doesn't make it bad especially in how we are transitioning back into a backrow heavy format again. I've had no regrets having it over Denko especially against all of the Qli's main decking extra hate for the Nekroz matchup.

During the first week I ran the build with 2 rota. It definitely made my hands feel like I could tutor everything at will. In the end I cut it because I just find it a bit redundant in a deck that searches everything already, I sometimes did come across situations where I wish I had the rota but it wasn't significant enough to make the cut.

I'm not a fan of the Phantom variant so I don't want to leave any input on that. Anyways hope you get 1st next week and good luck with those hands.

[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント  (1子コメント)

Seems like a very solid list, probably better for a large event expecting mirror matches rather than locals. My build/side would be significantly different if there were more Nekroz players around.

Djinn has won me a couple of games, but it's really annoying drawing into it early game while having no relevant plays with it, becoming a dead card. I guess I was just unlucky against the BA player, because otherwise I would've locked him out of the game.

Sorcerer is a good card but I've always felt Shurit does the job better being able to be a whole tribute along with searching Brio/Clau that technically search the rest of the deck and Trish as well. Being able to search Unicore/Valk/Gungnir with Sorcerer is nice, especially in mirror matches to get the Valk in hand. I'm might try it out. People also know how to play around Dance Princess as well (before everyone had to read the card and I had people Snatch Steal my Trish and ending up Snatch Steal'ing my Dance Princess because they didn't read the eff properly)

The problem I have with playing traps like Mirror Force and Decree, is that good players won't side out all their MSTs, so they'll hit your important backrow. Even though you can bluff setting Ritual Spells, as soon as I flip the Vanitys/Decree, they have the MST ready. Maybe I've just been unlucky, I do understand your reasoning behind Decree over Denko and I've seen this discussion a lot (I think it's up to player's preference really, I've been testing both as well).

Other thing I've found, is that Denko is a lot faster, even though you lose a -Ju summoning, you basically get a free turn in which you can go of and even if you don't OTK, you can protect him with Valk. I played 2 Denko and 2 Decree to test both (I played 3 Decree in the past and didnt like drawing multiples).

I tried POC for fun really, but it does really open some interesting plays and no one is really expecting it. It's a fun tech, again, up to player preference really.

Thanks for the feedback though, appreciate. I had much better hands this week that I had last week, and tbh that has to do with running 40 cards (I was running 43 last week and just seemed to draw all my non-engine cards lol).

[–]ZxChrono 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

That's what I took to the regional. My locals is a decent size and it's common for it to have 5-6 rounds(sometimes 7). Everyone basically plays meta decks so it's full of BA, Qli, and Nekroz currently with your rogue decks and Yosenju stun. I pretty much am better off having deck cut for playing against Nekroz and Qli because that's all I really end up playing against.

Denko does absolutely nothing in the Qli matchup as long as Skill Drain is a card ran at 3 and that's why it doesn't cut it for me at my locals. The card is amazing against rogue decks but we already stomp those decks so I rather keep my main and side to play vs Qli and Nekroz.

Once we get hit on next ban list I'll be at 40 cards I'm sure of it but it's working great now as it is at 44. Well keep it up and hope you get 1st next time.