Hey guys, I'm back with yet another report and I'm back playing Nekroz. I've been practising and testing them, and even though I still think I'm not the best Nekroz player I can be, I'm getting better :P
Tbh I'm still loving Nekroz, I find them very fun to play and challenging as well. I still do some questionable plays and misplays from time to time, which is something I need to address (everytime I see someone playing Nekroz, I know exactly what to do, but when it's my turn, sometimes I just tunnelvision into one play and dont look at a bigger perspective).
There were 5 rounds today, no Nekroz players besides me, quite a lot of other meta decks (Burning Abyss, Qlis, Sknights).
Round 1 - Bye (most exciting match of the day!)
Round 2 - Burning Abyss
Game 1 - I've played against him before, he is know for playing Burning Abyss. I choose to go first, open the Djinn lock (Lavalval+Clausolas) and have Gungnir and Trish in hand. He tries to Raigeki, I chain Gungnir, and he scoops.
Game 2 - I don't draw too well, he goes for the double Dante shenanigans, phoenix wing blasts my Brio and I'm left with close to no resources. He goes on summoning a Vanitys Fiend and flips Mask Change II to summon Dark Law. I try to stall for some turns but draw no outs and scoop.
Game 3 - I open the Djinn lock again, searching Trish in the end while having Gungnir. He asks me if I have Gungnir and proceeds to scoop. I think he still had a chance to comeback, but I understand the feeling.
Round 3 - Burning Abyss
Game 1 - All the Burning Abyss! I open terrible, double Rites, double MSTs and another card I can't remember. I set everything and pass. He OTKs me next turn. I could've atleast searched Brio>Valk with one of the Rites to stall. That cost me the game. I just wasn't expecting BAs to OTK me, that was a terrible misplay from my part.
Game 2 - Really good game. I open the Djinn lock, but he had the Raigeki! The game goes back and forth a lot but he ends up stopping one of my pushes and I proceed to lose because he manages to put a lot of damage on board. I topdeck a Denko followed by a Decree and lose.
Round 4 - Qliphorts
Game 1 - Oh god, Qlis. Game 1 he starts, summon Carrier, set 4. Yay. I try to go for Manju and he Skill Drains. I go for Kaleido and he Vanitys. I keep stalling a couple of turns with the Valk loop but end up not seeing any of my MSTs. He proceeds to win while sitting on the floodgates.
Game 2 - I choose to go first, make a Ragnazero and have a Twister in hand. I choose not to set the Twister because I dont care about Scout that much, I just want to hit the floodgates. My priorities with MST/Twister are Vanitys>Skill Drain>Scout. Anyway, he doesn't seem to open very good, but opens with Scout, sets 1, plays Carrier and equips Saqlifice to bait my Ragnazero, I use it, expecting a Skill Drain, but he has none. I draw one, destroy his monster, he plays Laser Qlip, pendulums, tributes for Disk, activates Disk and tries to go for a lot of damage. I had Valk in hand (which I searched, he most've forgotten) and stop his push. I proceed to Trish him and just game him.
Game 3 - He goes first, but doesnt seem to open floodgates again. He searches Scout with Summoners Art, summons a Carrier with Saqlifice and passes. I go Ice Hand and try to suicide, but he Fiendishes it. His turn he destroys my Ice Hand, I activate, pop his Scout (he had another one) and SS Fire Hand. My turn and normal summon Manju, search and go for Exciton, blowing up his Pendulum scales, field and backrow. He has to topdeck from now. He doesn't draw anything relevant and I game him next turn.
Round 5 - Satellarknights
Game 1 - He is known for playing Sknights and maining some weird and unconventional techs. Today he was maining 2 Doggy Divers and BLS along with Mask Change II for Dark Law. Oh. Game starts, he goes Deneb, yay, set 2 and passes. I try to go for the usual Kaleido play expecting a Vanitys but it goes through. After some back and forth, I just end up Trish'ing him and leaving him with no resources.
Game 2 - I don't really remember the start of the match, but I remember the end. He has Delteros and Dark Law face up on the field. I have a Unicore I managed to protect with Valkyrus. I draw into Phantom of Chaos. I search with Brio, activate POC to copy Brio, bounce Delteros and Dark Law, make a Valk, push for a lot of damage, then MP2 make Rhapsody, banish Deneb and Doggy Diver (I dont want the BLS topdeck) and tribute Rhapsody to draw. He doesn't draw into anything and I just win from there.
I get top 4 again!
Top 4 - Satellarknights
Game 1 - Satellarknights again! This time it's a different player. I notice he doesn't play many defensive traps as he just keeps flipping Call and Oasis while having no response to my summons. The game goes a bit back and forth due to his Fiendish and D-Prisons, but I end up making a Djinn lock Brio. I keep poking with it (I didn't want to overextend into a TT/Mirror Force/wtv) and he ends up fiendish it. I draw Manju, activate eff and he alphas. Next turn I draw Senju, activate eff and he alphas. Turn afterwards, I draw another Senju, activate eff and he alphas again. He pass 2 turns while nothing happens and I draw into another Senju, he has no answers and poke a little more. I try to make Decisive Armor, but he D-Prisons it. Next turn I draw into POC, use its eff to copy Decisive Armor, pop a backrow, make a Unicore, push for a bit of damage and then end up with a Cowboy for game!
Game 2 - He goes first, summons Deneb, yay and sets 4. I summon Denko and go of from there, sending Barbaroid to summon Unicore and Valk while having a POC in my hand for next turn. He sets a monster in his turn, having no real outs to my field and passes. I summon POC, copy Barbaroid and finish the game just for the style points. I was happy already to pull of the Barbaroid-Phantom of Chaos, so I didn't really care about anything else now!
Finals - Burning Abyss
Game 1 - I go first, open the Djinn lock while having Trish in my hand. He Raigekis me, again (he had Raigeki round 3 as well). From losing quite a lot of resources from the Djinn lock, I never really comeback into the game and he just keeps stopping my plays (using Dark Hole when I finally Trish and Farfa'ing my Exciton Knight).
Game 2 - What a game this was. I ended up with 4 cards in the deck, he had 2 if I recall correctly. I open the Djinn lock again and have Gungnir ready. He Books my Clausolas and then Dark Holes. Good god. The game then goes back and forth, I keep recycling Valks, he keeps recycling Cirs and Dantes. I try to go for Trish 2 times, he had Lancea both times. I Djinn lock him again atleast 2 times more in that game and he manages to Raigeki and Book of Eclipse out of it. I misplay a little bit after his Lancea, which kinda cost me some resources, but the game ends when he manages to make Nightmare Shark for game. What a game. Even though I was quite unlucky since he always had the outs for every single play I did, I was happy that I lasted that long and manage to drag out the game and almost win (he ended up with 700 lp I think).
I end up 2nd place again (if you've read my past reports, you know I have a tendency of ending up 2nd). This is my 5th 2nd place in the last month and half. I just don't seem to be very lucky when I get to the finals. Even though there were certain things I could've played better, it all ended up with the fact my opponent had the answers and I didn't. Tough luck, but I'm happy with the results nonetheless, especially because I pulled some nice Phantom of Chaos plays!
My decklist in case anyone is interested: http://i.imgur.com/UaGtytz.png
Cards I would change would be:
1 Djinn (it wins game but it also loses games, I hate playing it and it's such a risky play, it rarely pays out against good players)
Dance Princess (didn't really do much rather than being a lvl4 for the Djinn lock, I dont have any card I would prefer to play over her, but I dont think shes as useful as she might look)
Dark Hole (atleast 1, I think 2 is too much, but I was afraid of Dark Law, TK and the Fiends, but Dark Hole at multiples can create some really awkward hands and situations)
Royal Decree (probably going to drop it for other side deck cards, it's just too slow, an horrible topdeck - Denko atleast its a 1700 beater when you topdeck it - and its only superior to Denko at really awkward situations - when your opponent already has face up floodgates, which means you're at a disadvantage)
Cards to reconsider:
Veiler (I didnt like it when I mained 2 last week, but it might be a good answer since a lot of people are playing BAs and Sknights)
RoTA (it's a free ritual summon since it gets either Shurit, meaning you dont need to waste your Brio search to get it, or Clausolas, giving you a free ritual spell, I think it's good, but it's hard to find space for it)
Book of Eclipse/alternative to Dark Hole (since there are little to now mirrors here, I dont like Book of Eclipse, but I might try some different techs to see if any work, since I'm not liking double Dark Hole either)
MVP card - Phantom of Chaos, so good. I now regret siding it out during my last game in the finals, might've been really useful!
[–]AbyssPepsiDew 2ポイント3ポイント4ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]Badmann#FreeMyNiggaInfernityArchfiend 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (4子コメント)
[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (3子コメント)
[–]yungrichballer 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]tommoexSpellcasters Supreme 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 1ポイント2ポイント3ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]ImAussielicious 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)
[–]ZxChrono 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (2子コメント)
[–]OmniSlashPTNekroz of Satellarknight Ophion[S] 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (1子コメント)
[–]ZxChrono 0ポイント1ポイント2ポイント (0子コメント)