Donald Trump reneges on $100,000 ‘flood victim’ donation to Louisiana anti-gay hate group

What’s worse than handing out useless Play-Doh to to Louisiana flood victims while claiming you’ve donated a hundred thousand dollars to help them, but giving the money to a local anti-gay hate group instead? How about about reneging on the donation entirely. In a debacle which keeps finding ways to get even worse for Donald Trump, who has a notorious reputation for not paying his bills, it turns out he never wrote the $100,000 check to anyone at all.

After Donald Trump claimed to have donated the six figure sum to Louisiana flood victim relief, it later turned out that the donation was instead earmarked for a local anti-gay hate group which masquerades under the name “Greenwell Springs Baptist Church” but is fronted by notorious anti-gay crusader Tony Perkins of the Family Research Council. The group subsequently confirmed that it was the beneficiary of Trump’s promised cash donation, rather than the legitimate local charities that the state’s Governor had recommended. But now the fiasco has somehow managed to get even worse.

The leader of the anti-gay hate group now says that the $100,000 check never arrived. In a classic case of ‘the check is in the mail,’ he’s now being told by Trump that it’s supposed to arrive by this upcoming Friday. That would be a full week since Trump left town, even as the Louisiana flood victims continue to go without much needed supplies or shelter. So even if Trump were giving the money to a legitimate group, it wouldn’t be helping any victims because he never did go through with the promised donation.

In other words Donald Trump has reneged on the donation; if it were going to happen, it would have happened by now. Did he decide not to write the check once it was exposed that he was giving the money to an anti-LGBT group instead of flood victims? Or was he just not paying his tabs as per usual? By the way, there’s still no evidence that the Play-Doh truck was donated by Trump either.

Daily News Bin
Contributed by Daily News Bin staff


  1. Nightflyer on August 24, 2016 at 6:18 am

    Donald Trump….the king of the grifters.

    Learned everything he knows from Henry Gondorff, played by Paul Newman, in “The Sting.”

  2. Toni on August 24, 2016 at 7:20 am

    Bullshit. The church did receive the check per Killough and that is fact. Check facts before you post hateful things

    • Jerry Parnall on August 24, 2016 at 8:11 am

      Glad you straightened that out Toni, You sweet little Gay Hater you lol xoxo

    • Dawn Schermerhorn on August 25, 2016 at 7:41 am

      Toni….you need to check your facts…..this church has not received the check trump had promised…..I am more angry that it is an anti-gay hate group he promised the money to and not a flood relief group….this guy is a despicable human being

  3. Kevin on August 24, 2016 at 3:14 pm

    Is there anything to back this up? Any facts? There are no links to any news site or source. How can we insist that conservatives tell the truth if we’re so willing to make stuff up as well?

    • Rebecca on August 25, 2016 at 8:12 am

      I’ve looking at Daily News Bin’s posts for a week or so and there don’t seem to be many source citations.

      • Rebecca on August 25, 2016 at 8:13 am

        Sorry, I meant to say “I’ve been looking . . . “

  4. Referee40 on August 24, 2016 at 5:02 pm

    Despite Trump’s assertions to the contrary, Trump will always be a gaya basher.

  5. Lon on August 25, 2016 at 10:06 am

    Hey, folks- Trump is running scared-as well he should-because all of his lies, deceit, gay & woman bashing and demeaning, his lack of any substance or reasoning in these ‘policies’ he is proposing . . .on and on and on. It’s becoming much more difficult for Trump Lovers to continue apologizing for this fool’s gaffes and outright lies. But that doesn’t seem to matter to you TLs-you believe whatever this serial liar tells you as gospel. How unfortunate when Trump loses in a landslide worse than any political figure has suffered in the history of our country that he will abandon you all (all 3 of you that is !!), decimate the Republican party, return control of both the senate and House to democratic hands (where it shouild have been all along) and basically destroy the RNC. Remember the whigs and torries ?? You Reps will be consigned to the political and historic trash bin. Good riddance, I says . . .sayonnara !!!

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