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Take a stand. In the face of ignorance and bigotry - don't shut-up, Shut-App!

Take a stand. In the face of ignorance and bigotry - don't shut-up, Shut-App! Read More
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About this project

Have you ever felt yourself lost for words or too flustered to react in the face of overwhelming hate, stupidity, misogyny, ignorance or bigotry?

Too often, we reluctantly stay silent in those situations. We're too flustered or exhausted by sheer absurdity, or don't know the facts well enough, or intimidated by the loudmouth idiot, or know what we want to say but can't quite put it together, or always think of the perfect response 10 minutes too late. 

The end result is the same - we're frustrated, they get the alleged upper-hand, and sometimes even sway others around.

Whether it's the racist candidate and his supporters, your homophobic uncle at Thanksgiving dinner, misogynistic colleagues at work, or Facebook "friends" denouncing everything from science to feminism to civil rights - 

I am sick and tired of racist / sexist / xenophobic / homophobic / fact-repellent / logic-resistant people 'winning' arguments and gaining traction just by dint of being louder, allegedly-tougher, or spewing falsehoods without consequence

That's why I came up with "Shut-App!"

It's time to take a stand. Don't shut-up. Shut-App!

I want to make an app that puts the best answers, most persuasive arguments and most rhetorically-powerful responses to all common asinine arguments on all the hot topics - at the tips of your fingers. 

It's a tool that empowers anyone and everyone to take a compelling stand, regardless of access to reading materials or possession of rhetorical savvy. 

How does it work? Simple.

1. Pick the Topic


2. Find the senseless argument you're up against


3. Discover the best answers and comebacks.


  • Shut-App! will cover everything - All hot topics, all answers to all asinine arguments, with your submissions and suggestions helping us keep up-to-date.
  • Shut-App! makes everything accessible on spot - Arguments, facts, answers and comebacks ready to roll, no tedious searches.
  • Shut-App! ranges from persuasive and informative arguments to drop-the-mic comebacks - logic? facts? wit? just utter domination and awesomeness? whatever the situation calls for.
  • All answers researched, devised and approved by US and world debating champions of different backgrounds, genders and ethnicities - to ensure you get the best from the best.

So with Shut-App you can:

  • Clearly articulate your position
  • Elegantly persuade those you wish to persuade
  • Decisively win the arguments you want to win  
  • Own the, um, rear-end of those whose rear-end you want to own
  • And take a stand against ignorance and bigotry.




A tiny bit about us

I've spent my adult life teaching high school and university students the skills of rhetoric, argumentation, logic and debate, and coaching competitive teams. I've established programs for those who could not have it in their schools, and I've volunteered with youths to empower them to stand up, sound their voice, and make sense at that. 

(I'm also a former world universities debating champion)

Collaborating with me is a team of American and international debate champions of different backgrounds, faiths, genders and ethnicities.

The long term goal is to create something deeper and more educational, making this kind of knowledge and understanding accessible to everyone - with deeper roots. But that is a long process, and we have to do something now. 

Let's get it done quickly, then we can move on. It's time to start cleaning this mess up.


Risks and challenges

The requested amount is to develop a functioning basic app and make sure anyone knows about it. The challenge will be getting it up and working in time to actually change some minds (or at least unleash our righteous, logical wrath) when it matters most, to develop something beyond the basic, and most importantly - continue to the next stages, beyond Shut-App. The more support we get here, the faster and the better the app we can launch, and the quicker we can start doing something that matters..

Learn about accountability on Kickstarter


  • Absolutely. Every answer that makes it onto the app will have gone through both fact-checking and approval by professional debaters, but contributions are welcome and will get due credit. As for topics - any topic that is deemed important by the community of users - will be on the app.

    Last updated:
  • Answers will first and foremost focus on logic and facts, in a genuine attempt to explain your position and persuade the listener. For cases where the other party absolutely refuses to listen, makes inherently irrational points (racist ones, for example) or is generally just a troll, drop-the-mic comebacks are provided.

    Last updated:
  • Facts, logic and human decency decide what's right.

    * Racism, sexism, discrimination, generalizations of entire populations, etc - do not have any moral legitimacy nor logical/factual validity, and Shut-App will be 100% one-sided against them.
    (True, not every argument about race, gender etc. is inherently racist or sexist, and insofar as a valid argument is made, it will receive a valid answer. It's just that in my experience, fact-and-logic based arguments on these matters are relatively rare.)

    * Arguments about proven or empiric facts do not have two legitimate sides. Climate change is real, vaccines do not cause autism. Shut-App will be one-sided on purely-factual topics.

    * On topics that have two morally valid sides, but the facts seem to heavily be in favor of one of them, shut-App will go with the facts. For example, there are plenty of evidence of gun laws reducing gun violence, and so Shut-App will reflect that. If the evidence turn out to be false or new evidence emerge tipping the balance - Shut-App will change course, to go with the facts.

    * On topics where there are two legitimate sides and the facts are unclear or can reasonable be interpreted for either side - Shut-App will present both sides as equal.

    Most importantly - I will always be listening to feedback, and if a change in policy or an approach to a specific topic is warranted - that's what we'll do.

    Last updated:
  • Many people do understand the issue, but lack either the rhetorical ability to articulate their thoughts. Others might be exposed to certain arguments for the first time or with fresh eyes, and other still may use this exact opportunity to learn further. I certainly don't condone superficiality, I see this is as one, first step. Certainly not the last.

    Last updated:

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    Pledge $2 or more About $2.00 USD

    Comeback Kid

    Thank you! Your support is truly appreciated. You'll receive a personal thank-you e-mail, and achieve eternal fame with your name on the Wall of Righteous Backers.

    • Personal thank-you email
    • Your name on The Wall of Righteous Backers
    • Eternal fame
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    All gone! 52 backers
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    Pledge $5 or more About $5 USD

    Master Debater

    You're super. In addition to eternal fame, you'll get a personally-tailored shout-out on your Facebook or Twitter feed, exclaiming your righteousness to the world. Thank you!

    • Personal post/tweet exclaiming your glory
    • Your name on The Wall of Righteous Backers
    • Eternal fame
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    27 backers
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    Pledge $10 or more About $10 USD

    First Responder

    You're a true hero. For allowing Shut-App to be, receive early access to the beta version, you'll always have first access to any new additions, you will never - ever - pay for anything in-app, you'll get a personal shout-out on your Facebook or Twitter feed, and you'll be able to indulge in glorious satisfaction for supporting the cause of rational, factual discourse.

    • Lifetime premium membership
    • Beta access to app
    • Personal thank-you post/tweet
    • Personal post/tweet exclaiming your glory
    • Your name on The Wall of Righteous Backers
    • Eternal fame
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    119 backers
  5. Select this reward

    Pledge $20 or more About $20 USD

    Sutter-Apper on Display

    Let everyone know!
    In addition to all of the rewards above, you get a t-shirt exclaiming your righteousness to the world. Choose from:
    "Troll Owner",
    "Pitier of Fools",
    "I don't know what you did today, but I contributed to restoring some logic and sanity to our public discourse, so, looks like I won",
    The Shut-App logo on the face of a regrettable public figure candidate,
    or just the Shut-App! logo

    • Really really cool t-shirt
    • All previous rewards
    Estimated delivery
    Ships to Anywhere in the world
    Limited (62 left of 72) 10 backers
  6. Select this reward

    Pledge $30 or more About $30 USD

    Pitier of Fools

    Have pity for the fool that messes with you now.
    In addition to all of the rewards above, you'll receive a t-shirt exclaiming your righteousness to the world. Choose from:
    "Troll Owner",
    "Pitier of Fools",
    "I don't know what you did today, but I contributed to restoring some logic and sanity to our public discourse, so, looks like I won",
    The Shut-App logo on the face of a regrettable public figure candidate,
    or just the Shut-App! logo

    • Really really cool t-shirt
    • All previous rewards
    Estimated delivery
    Ships to Anywhere in the world
    Limited (1 left of 28) 27 backers
  7. Select this reward

    Pledge $30 or more About $30 USD

    Pitier of Fools

    Pity the fool that messes with you now!

    In addition to the t-shirt and all previous rewards, you get:
    A digital copy of "Spot On" - a book by the creator, describing how to apply a professional communicator’s secret tactics in your day-to-day life. Learn how you can systematically find the right thing to say in a given situation, phrase it effectively, convey clearly and persuasively, and avoid (or resolve) controversies and misunderstandings. Useful in both professional and personal settings, for just about anyone. Promise.
    (The book has not been previously marketed to the public)

    • A Digital Copy of 'Spot On'
    • Really really cool t-shirt
    • All previous rewards
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    Limited (42 left of 50) 8 backers
  8. Select this reward

    Pledge $35 or more About $35 USD

    Wise Sage

    All previous rewards, plus one of the following collections of wisdom about decision making and human behavior:
    "Predictably Irrational" by Dan Ariely /
    "Thinking Fast, Thinking Slow" by Daniel Kahneman /
    "The Tipping Point" by Malcolm Gladwell

    • One best-selling book of wisdom
    • All previous rewards
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    Ships to Anywhere in the world
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    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    Troll owner

    Ok, this is getting serious!
    In addition to all of the previous rewards, your email comes with a magic button, that allows you to ***summon a world-champion debater to lend you their support in a Facebook / Twitter / Forum argument!!***
    They will either advise you how to respond, or comment themselves, as you choose. Together, you will be sure to perfectly own any annoying trolls, friends, or friend-trolls.
    (one summon per reward)

    • World-class debater personally backing you in an argument
    • All previous rewards
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    Pledge $50 or more About $50 USD

    The Debaters Special

    Special reward for competitive debaters – a 60-90 minutes skype session with the project creator or his coaching staff, that produced numerous local and international debating champions. You and your team-mate are welcome to raise questions, send clips for feedback, ask for advice, discuss strategies and work with us to maximize your chances of winning your debate.

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  11. Select this reward

    Pledge $75 or more About $75 USD

    Diamond in the Sky(pe)

    In addition to all previous rewards, you will get a 45-minute Skype session with one of our team members - a US or international debating champion and coach - to consult you in their field of expertise. Have a big interview coming up? presentation? speech? Besides the good deed of supporting us, you can get the finest professional consultation, at the convenience of your own home.

    • Skype professional consultation session
    • All previous rewards
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    Pledge $100 or more About $100 USD


    That's what you are.
    You'll obviously get the t-shirt, the world-champion debater coming into the ring for you, the glorious satisfaction and everything else.
    But you, my friend, will also help shape Shut-App. You will be granted an active part in its making.
    You get to choose any topic, field or category, and because of you, it will exist on Shut-App, full with answers to all the arguments, witty comebacks and all. What is it that you care about? GMO's? Legalizing pot? Luxembourgian politics? Jordan or Lebron?Taylor vs Kanye? Whatever you say - you got it, and thanks to you, everyone else does, too.

    • Any subject of your choosing on Shut-App
    • All previous rewards
    Estimated delivery
    Limited (8 left of 20) 12 backers
  13. Select this reward

    Pledge $300 or more About $300 USD

    The best person in the world

    Tell you what, you get all of the previous rewards, you'll achieve extra-eternal fame with your name on our Wall of Founding Fathers and Mothers, and in know what, just tell me what you want, and let's discuss it. We're both reasonable people.

    • Surprise me
    • Your name on Founders list
    • All previous rewards
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    Limited (5 left of 10) 5 backers