Glad you asked. Obviously there isn't a rule book, and I certainly am not going to change any man's What I am expressing is a frustration that I have experienced. It is very challenging to want to date men in your own age range, and rather suddenly to learn that you are persona non-grata. It is/was a big wake up call. Could happen to you someday, and I wish someone had warned me how quickly things change. When you are a younger women, you are awash in so much attention, you have to actively shut men down all the time. I just assumed male attention was always that way, and at some point that attention goes to your younger counterparts.
I do understand, I can appreciate other women's beauty. However, I also admire that beauty can transcend age, or take a slightly different form. I admire women who age well, dress well, and are still attractive. I know the work involved, actually even younger women typically have to put in the work, it just changes. In any case, with the age thing so front and center on dating sites, and men just cutting off their options, it is just painful to realize you aren't on the radar screen.
Just as an example, imagine looking at a man your age, and his lower age range is a quarter of century lower, and his upper age range is ten years younger than he is. His choice, but honestly it hits you in the gut, that a man your age, isn't even willing to consider a women his own age. Yes, I could also see much younger men, and I have, however for the most part they are just looking for short term fun. Whereas the older man/younger woman, has a chance at something longer term.
As to the height preference, it is just that, and I always admire men who are shorter than me who ask me out! Actually, I find it a good indicator of their confidence. However, all things considered, given my choice, there is nothing like being at least slightly shorter than a guy.