High cost-performance stores which attract customers. Our ideas start from the design stage which is crucial in creating these types of stores. Our consulting includes various types of expertise acquired through a wealth of expansion experience as well as a marketing eye which has all the latest knowledge of market trends. Consulting is the step in the process where our clients can experience the full extent of our abilities.
Creating maximum value with limited costs. We have a skillful command of value engineering methods. Original design and cost reduction methods are considered from every angle without affecting the store value to cut down on overall construction costs.
Follow-up maintenance which impacts the value of your store.This important step in the process is also an area of expertise for BOSCO. We assure you immediate and precise support on the same day a problem occurs. Comprehensive service is available for all of your locations including those not originally prepared by us.
We here at BOSCO provide ideas for store solutions through interior design. Our original interior design single-mindedly serves clients by; Bringing the allure of your brand out in the open and differentiating it from yout competitors, Attracting the interest of consumers and converting that interest into concrete sales and Contributing to your profit and growth in future.
The main focus of our business is brand name apparel shops. In addition to individual stores, we also often handle the overall interior design of brand-name nationwide stores. We have an overwhelming strength in this field in which sensibility is demanded of each individual fixture. This strength is combined with our refined skills and ability to sense recent trends. We naturally provide feedback on all of our services to those in other industries as well.
Our services include “concepts”, “design”, “planning”, “construction” and “after-sales service/maintenance”. Without even one of these steps makes it difficult to create a store with allure and expandability. Therefore, we have integrated the entire process to create a system promoting totality. Our comprehensive services involve linking all areas and sharing a sense of responsibility which transcends one single area.The commercial environment provided by BOSCO is born from the shared high level of completion and cost effectiveness.
BOSCO means “forest” in Italian.
The commercial environment provided by BOSCO aims to become like a “brisk stroll through a forest” for consumers.
We also want the forest to be a “fruitful forest” for our clients.
The name BOSCO was chosen to serve these two roles.