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    Andre Gray Verified account @AndreGray7 · 8 Jan 2012
    Is it me or are there gays everywhere? #Burn #Die #MakesMeSick
    2,793 retweets 867 likes
      1. @AndreGray7 not okay wtf
        1 retweet 156 likes
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      3. 0 retweets 3 likes
      4. @SakhosPasses @ffsOsian @AndreGray7 Well why do you think that threatening people's lives is acceptable?
        2 retweets 4 likes
      5. @AlPatJ @ffsOsian @AndreGray7 he's not threatening them. That's just what he wishes to happen to them. A bit of a difference.
        0 retweets 0 likes
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      7. @SakhosPasses @AlPatJ @ffsOsian @AndreGray7 and that makes it ok? grow the fuck up!
        2 retweets 3 likes
      1. and this is allowed? @AndreGray7
        0 retweets 80 likes
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      3. @ClinicalAlexis @AndreGray7 It's utterly disgusting
        0 retweets 4 likes
    1. @AndreGray7 Burnley are going to sell him now
      3 retweets 34 likes
      1. @AndreGray7 if only clyne saw this prior to the match
        4 retweets 32 likes
      2. @CriticalKolo @AndreGray7 Is Clyne a Pillowbiter?
        1 retweet 2 likes
      3. 0 retweets 0 likes
    2. @AndreGray7 tryna delete this after the
      0 retweets 15 likes
    3. @AndreGray7 shocking and vile
      0 retweets 10 likes
    4. @AndreGray7 elite mentality
      1 retweet 9 likes
    5. @AndreGray7 WHAT A TWEET
      0 retweets 11 likes
      1. @AndreGray7 Expected more from a professional footballer, shocking.
        0 retweets 12 likes
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    6. WHAT THE FUCK LOL @AndreGray7
      0 retweets 6 likes
    7. @AndreGray7 shocking and vile
      0 retweets 5 likes
    8. haha! Very good tweet mate :) heard your a big boy account! The King should we say :) any chance of a shoutout you ledge? @AndreGray7
      0 retweets 4 likes

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