
Donald Trump’s proposed ‘extreme vetting’ test for immigrants is failed miserably by his supporters

deadstate Trump supporters

In a segment for this Thursday’s Daily Show, correspondent Jordan Klepper quizzed Donald Trump supporters to see if they could pass the strict “vetting test” that the GOP nominee has proposed for Muslim immigrants and refugees.

In a segment for this Thursday’s Daily Show, correspondent Jordan Klepper quizzed Donald Trump supporters to see if they could pass the  “extreme vetting” that the GOP nominee has proposed for Muslim immigrants and refugees.

During a policy speech this Monday, Trump said, “Only those who we expect to … embrace a tolerant American society should be issued visas.”

Unsurprisingly, the video is a clinic in human hypocrisy. One woman touts the importance of respecting people’s religion: Do you respect Christianity? “Yes.” Judaism? “Yes.” Islam? “No.”

“These extreme nations, they don’t treat women with respect,” said a man with a shirt with “Hillary sucks, but not like Monica” written on the front and “Trump that bitch!” on the back.

Another woman posited that females have “more hormones,” which doesn’t make then idea presidential material. “[Hillary] could start a war in ten seconds if she has hot flashes,” the woman said.

Ah, Trumpland.



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