I'm sorry

a guest Aug 18th, 2016 71 Never
  1. "MAGA, MAGA!"
  3. The muffled cries of Mr. Trump through his ballgag rang throughout the theater hall. Masterlawlz was giving him a performance of a lifetime, one thrust at a time. "Ten feet higher!" The little Master was grabbing Donald's hair and inclining his head ever upwards towards the heavens as his rhythmic pumping into Trump's anus sped up to allegro. "HIGH....ENERGY", the orange one gasped, as Masterlawlz unleashed a torrent of seed into Donald's boipussy. "Nothing personnel, kid, but this is only suite one of many". Masterlawls ran to the edge of the stage and wheeled out a grand piano with a set of clamps on top and had the Donald climb aboard and strap himself in. The vibrations of the grand piano ringing out its glorious notes was sending Donald over the edge. He turned his head slightly and saw the doors in the back of the auditorium swing wide open.
  5. "Good evenin' guvnah I heard there's some rime rolly jolly toot and holly goin' on in these here halls!"
  7. There stood a naked australian man, penis hanging down to his kneecaps, boomerang in one hand and a Foster's in the other.
  9. "Might I chance a biscuit and climb aboard an old sally to ripe rip an old cunt?"
  11. Masterlawlz was instantly under the Aussie's spell and stopped his concerto instantly to go pleasure the gleaming shaft of this mysterious stranger.
  13. "Tah names Comedicsans, but you can call me your boyfriend." Masterlawlz was too busy gulping down the man's member to notice the introduction. The Donald tried yelling out through his gag atop his piano bondage but all he could do was squirm and continue to watch his lover please another. This filled him with a strange sense of satisfaction, somehow amplified by masterlawlz's seed slowly dripping out of his asshole and all over the beautiful concerto piano.
  15. Comedic threw the boomering and it arced right into Lawlz's asshole, making him come instantly all over himself like a silly faggot. After crushing the Foster's can and tucking it into his pouch, Sans removed the boomering and inserted all three feet of his godly shaft into masterlawl's tight butthole, thrusting in rhythm to the australian national anthem, whatever the fuck that sounds like. Trump was covered in semen from above and below at this point, sweating profusely and wishing hard that this aussie would take his man harder than he'd take away mexicans.
  17. One thrust, two thrust, three thrust, four. Masterlawlz laid sprawled on the floor, unconscious, the power of aussie man-love having been too much for him to handle. Comedicsans cleaned up, hopped on his kangaroo, and left the concert hall forever.
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