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    Estrogen blocker

    I NEED a Estrogen blocker I'm almost 19 years old and I'm looking for one that could possibly kick my body into producing alot of testosterone permanently, I know some products can MABYE do this as I feel I'm not developed enough for my age, I'm 6'1 165lbs no bitch tits want some serious gains.

    First post too look forward to posting more
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    Pls go.
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    Medical Espada BitterBlossom's Avatar
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    Buddy...I have long hair...a feminine face, tiny asian bones and the gayest name on these forums and even I don't need estrogen blockers.

    You have enough testosterone at your age, get in the gym and train the right way.
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    Registered User Wrestle4's Avatar
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    Eat train and sleep. That will maximize your gains.
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    Raw Nats 2014 comeatmebro DDon1996's Avatar
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    So... If you want increased test levels.... And you don't care about ****ing with hormones....

    Why not just run a cycle of test?

    Log: http://forum.bodybuilding.com/showthread.php?t=159714881&p=1213186101


    "All things are poison, and nothing is without poison; only the dose permits something not to be poisonous."

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    ATG for life thehybridpyro's Avatar
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    if you had any google skills you'd be able to figure this out on your own
    Current Goal (Sept 14th)
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    Message Board King aaron315's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by BitterBlossom View Post
    Buddy...I have long hair...a feminine face, tiny asian bones and the gayest name on these forums and even I don't need estrogen blockers.

    You have enough testosterone at your age, get in the gym and train the right way.
    wow hold up, you're a dude?

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  8. #8
    ℳ@ḉ Ḏαḓⅾ⑂ Vinsanity32's Avatar
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    Everyone knows Estrogen blockers give MASSIVE gains righhhhht?
    "i dont spend hours on this forum posting pictures of myself so other teens can judge my body and tell me how great or not great my abs are like some 13 year old girl slumber party." -stomperfood

    I rep back son <3
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    Registered User racketteer's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by aaron315 View Post
    wow hold up, you're a dude?

    mind=blown, thought it was a chick. change your avi man
    "on the bech press i usually start off with 205 doing it 5 times then once i ad my usual extra 5 pounds on i can barely do it twice. How can i increase my chest cardio? so i can rep heavy weight easier" -dc1992hp

    come by and check out my log. I'm racing to a 275x5 bench and 185x3 strict press with comps.

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    Registered User Dante7's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by BitterBlossom View Post
    Buddy...I have long hair...a feminine face, tiny asian bones and the gayest name on these forums and even I don't need estrogen blockers.

    You have enough testosterone at your age, get in the gym and train the right way.
    ain't that the name of a magic card??
    gonna be a beast
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  11. #11
    Shoots The Middle AirChair's Avatar
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    Aromatase inhibitors can cause an increase in 5-alpha reduction of testosterone. IJS.
    To Quote an Idiot:
    "not wanting to bring up past threads, but steroids are hormones....therefore gh or hgh or igf-1 which are hormones....are steroids. they just are your typical d-bol of sorts."
    --Cummba01 (post ID #422039871)

    And no, those "..." weren't added by me to me him look like a tard, that's actually how it reads.
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  12. #12
    Registered User jordanhladun's Avatar
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    Just give me a good one to buy I don't care I'll do some steroids whatever lol, flame all you want or give me some better advice instead of a estrogen blocker if it's so stupid of me, don't wana do a cycle but if I have too then hey, we only live once right.
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  13. #13
    Shoots The Middle AirChair's Avatar
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    At your stats, you haven't even seriously tried to eat yet. Manipulation of feedback loops to boost any endogenous hormone is going to be a waste for you.
    To Quote an Idiot:
    "not wanting to bring up past threads, but steroids are hormones....therefore gh or hgh or igf-1 which are hormones....are steroids. they just are your typical d-bol of sorts."
    --Cummba01 (post ID #422039871)

    And no, those "..." weren't added by me to me him look like a tard, that's actually how it reads.
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  14. #14
    •Yo Bruh! You Mad?• xXTheSandmaNXx's Avatar
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    Originally Posted by jordanhladun View Post
    Just give me a good one to buy I don't care I'll do some steroids whatever lol, flame all you want or give me some better advice instead of a estrogen blocker if it's so stupid of me, don't wana do a cycle but if I have too then hey, we only live once right.
    Run nolvadex, google it an do some research
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  15. #15
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    I'm looking to buy Ergopharm 6-oxo, but I live in Canada, if anyone can direct me too a site or someone that would mask the package and ship it out to me. Nolvadex seems a little complicated too me is it a pill. Do I take say 4 pills before bed every night for 6 weeks like 6-oxo, or is it different. also I won't be taking anything else but whey protein and eating lots, with sleep of course or do I need to take something else with Nolvadex as well as consuming alot of calories. Will my estrogen levels sore when I get off it?
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    Not having any luck on google
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    Originally Posted by jordanhladun View Post
    Not having any luck on google
    Clomid is usally used as a PCT for Steroid cycles or Proviron I believe its called. Try vitalitypharm and go under anit-estrogen they will have some stuff there.

    But like everyone else said eat, sleep, and train before you go doing steroid cycles and I dont think you can permanently increase your test because your body will always try to balance things out and make sure you know what your doing before messing with hormones because you could cause a crash if you go messing around with stuff.
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    Originally Posted by ballzan View Post
    Clomid is usally used as a PCT for Steroid cycles or Proviron I believe its called. Try vitalitypharm and go under anit-estrogen they will have some stuff there.

    But like everyone else said eat, sleep, and train before you go doing steroid cycles and I dont think you can permanently increase your test because your body will always try to balance things out and make sure you know what your doing before messing with hormones because you could cause a crash if you go messing around with stuff.
    Thank you, I won't take steroids was merely saying that to get an answer like this, but I'm going to go with Proviron after reading about it, thank you for the site. Is there anything I need to be careful of and I was thinking of taking an amino acid while I work out will this be okay? I have worked out for 2 years without taking anything but NO Shotgun which i've realized to be a waste of money.
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    kid just go get some tren.

    you don't need a pct.




    let us know how much ur tits hurt.
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    Originally Posted by ballzan View Post
    Clomid is usally used as a PCT for Steroid cycles or Proviron I believe its called. Try vitalitypharm and go under anit-estrogen they will have some stuff there.

    But like everyone else said eat, sleep, and train before you go doing steroid cycles and I dont think you can permanently increase your test because your body will always try to balance things out and make sure you know what your doing before messing with hormones because you could cause a crash if you go messing around with stuff.
    lol this site is unbelievable. I get banned for truthfully saying that Fusion Bodybuilding's products are sensationalized bull**** (which they are) and this kid illegally sources prescription medications for someone without receiving an infraction.
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    Thumbs up

    Originally Posted by ACv3 View Post
    lol this site is unbelievable. I get banned for truthfully saying that Fusion Bodybuilding's products are sensationalized bull**** (which they are) and this kid illegally sources prescription medications for someone without receiving an infraction.
    Should you have any issues with FUSION BODYBUILDING, I would suggest you contact them directly. Please contact us toll free at 1.877.809.9686. They'll be more than willing to help you out.
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    Originally Posted by ACv3 View Post
    lol this site is unbelievable. I get banned for truthfully saying that Fusion Bodybuilding's products are sensationalized bull**** (which they are) and this kid illegally sources prescription medications for someone without receiving an infraction.
    Since '88 I've been serving them well
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