One of the things that you may think about when you go your own way is question whether being mgtow is a moral route to take. Whether you are being too selfish or not. Personally I think that when you find out the truth about dating a logical pov is to opt out and to refuse to pursue long term dating. To say no to marriage and commitment in dating.
People who are still blue pill see this as a selfish way of living their lives. It's also looked at as wrong or immature to do this. I think that the wrong thing is that we have people who think the man should be giving up his life and things he enjoys most to date a women he loves exclusively.
He usually gives up his hobbies, time with his friends and sometimes from seeing his own family. How are women not being selfish in these requests? How are women not being selfish when their desire is to have an expensive wedding and expensive ring on their fingers? How are they not being selfish when they refuse to date men outside of the top 20%? How are they not being selfish when they put their dating requirements at 6 feet tall and 6 figure incomes? How are they not being selfish when they need alimony from men and also spend child support on themselves?
My point is that morals are discussed in disagreement in MGTOW but the irony is that women seem to be immoral in their life and seem to be extremely selfish when it comes to dating and in life in general. Men sacrifice their lives for women and children. Men work long extremely difficult and stressful hours so that we could have the world we live in today. Men have no problem taking responsibility and taking blame for things as long as the job gets done.
For guys who go their own way we have this freedom to go our own way because men have made these sacrifices their whole lives and made moral choices. Going your own way is not selfish or immoral. It's a logical decision because it's 2016 and people should be able to take responsibility for their own lives and their decisions they make.
Women are all for independence, they need to start learning what it means to be a man and what he has had to do in order to make our lives where it is today.