@mattmajendie Algae. Probably.
@bendirs1 Loving the algae expertise. So why's pool next to it crystal blue? Asked an official who said "it wasn't this green this morning" - その他の返信を表示
@mattmajendie@bendirs1 or someone has wee'd in it. - さらに表示
@mattmajendie Has it turned green, or has it always been green? Green tiles? -
@CanHairy Was very clearly blue yesterday. Green and getting darker seemingly by the minute. Some suggesting it's algae and needs chlorine. - その他の返信を表示
@mattmajendie@CanHairy if indeed algae, it can be cleared up overnight. how embarrassing if so
@mattmajendie is it really? Usually means chlorine levels are off and it's algae, can happen really quickly - needs "shocking" -
@EquineHighStyle@mattmajendie Saw your message to Matt, Sally. How long does that process take? - その他の返信を表示
@ianherbs@mattmajendie I take it it's still green?!depends how bad it is, can take days to clear
@mattmajendie@_David_Edward same happened in one of our neighborhood pools. Algae. Not enough chlorine. Shock treat it. It'll be good Fri. -
@GomesBolt right but it's the OLYMPIC pool -
@_David_Edward 3rd world countries gonna 3rd world. -
@GomesBolt exactly, it's a fuster cluck
@mattmajendie late St Patrick's day ? -
@mattmajendie someone's dropped a couple of these in.pic.twitter.com/vNMM5Wsm7C -
@mattmajendie@nzaccardi The diving venue was jealous of the gymnastics venue... -
@mattmajendie@Trades_are_hard It's Brazilian St. Patrick's Day, or a chlorine problem. -
@mattmajendie@rlwjones chemical reaction with the divers' urine makes it green..? -
@HarryEverett_14@mattmajendie I’d wet myself if I had to jump off there tbf.