
Mike Pence said he and Trump simply have “different styles.” | Getty

Pence: I'm not Trump's 'clean-up crew'

Indiana Gov. Mike Pence is shrugging off any notion he's a one-man “cleanup crew” for his Republican presidential running mate, Donald Trump.

“I couldn't be more honored to be campaigning shoulder to shoulder with a man who I believe is going to be the next president of the United States,” Pence said on "Fox News Sunday," adding, though, that he and Trump simply have “different styles.”

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And that includes their approach to the press. Pence has for weeks said he would talk to Trump about lifting a campaign event ban imposed sometimes on some media, including POLITICO, for coverage that Trump didn't like.

Again Sunday, Trump blasted the media through his Twitter account, tweeting that, "If the disgusting and corrupt media covered me honestly and didn't put false meaning into the words I say, I would be beating Hillary by 20%."

Asked by Fox host Chris Wallace if the campaign would lift that ban, Pence responded, “I don't think Donald Trump is having any problem getting press at this point. He gets a lot an awful lot of attention.”

Asked whether stylistic differences like Trump’s statements regarding Khizr and Ghazala Khan, the parents of a slain American soldier, after the critical comments towards him at last month’s Democratic National Convention, or Trump’s remarks questioning NATO's mutual self-defense agreement, give Pence pause, the governor replied again that he's honored to stand shoulder to shoulder with Trump.

"Look, he's not someone that spent a lifetime in politics. He speaks his heart and he speaks his mind. Pence added. “And I truly do believe, this good man is going to be a great president of the United States.”