You know what is best thing about mgtow ? You can exercise and not fucking worry about stupid 6 pack ABS or adding impressive muscle mass - and not worring makes people happy.Actually I think it's really beta to kill yourself to get this six pack to impress females, it takes diet and fasting and the moment you are off diet here goes your six pack.Trying to bulk to impress females is not fun too, you must eat a lot and risk injuries by lifting heavy weight.The moment you stop lift heavy you deflate like balloon.Worrying about your body mass and six pack steals fun from training.I noticed when I stop giving fuck about six pack/body mass I stopped skipping training and it was fun again.When I was trying to impress women I pushed myself too much and I always ended up with injury because I was impatient trying to get fast my body mass and wholy six pack .
I recommend you guys to try calisthenics - it's free, injury free and fun way to exercise.You will get your six pack this way and it will be a lot internal validation and satisfaction to know you didnt get it for females.
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