On the left side of this street there is a big store where you can buy men. And on the right side there is a store where you can buy women. a woman goes into the men store. there are six floors - on every floor there a different men. the elevator works - but only one way: upwards. the woman has to decide if she wants to get out on a floor or go further upwards. she cannot go back. on the first floor, the elevator opens and a kind voice says: welcome to the first floor! men on this floor all have a steady job. the woman is happy, because nowadays it is not self-evident to have steady job. but on the other hand - she thinks - there are 5 more floors! so she stays in the elevator. so on the second floor the voice says: welcome to the second floor! all men on this floor have steady job and look handsome! the woman is even more happy. She thinks: Lets get out of here and get one of those! But, maybe there is more to come in the next floor! So she moves on to the third floor. The voice on the third floor says: All men on this floor have a steady job, look handsome and love children! The woman thinks: What could be better?! But she is to curious for the next floor. She moves on. On the fourth floor the computer voice says: All men on this floor have a steady job, look handsome, love children and are extremely romantic. Oh my god thinks the woman. Now I HAVE to get out. But on the other hand there are two more floors! I will risk one more! So on the fifth floor the voice says: All men on this floor have a steady job, look handsome, love children, are extremely romantic & help in the household! The woman can’t believe it! Does this even exist?! But no! I have to know what the last floor has to offer or I will never be happy again! She arrives on the sixth floor. The voice says: Welcome to the sixth floor! You are the 400.969.156th visitor on this floor! On this floor there are no men - this floor only exists to proof that woman are never satisfied with men.
On the other side of the street a man walks into the women store. On the first floor there is a sign that says: Welcome to the first floor. All women on this floor are attractive and like sex. The second floor was never entered by a man.