Hillary and Bill Clinton used N word slurred Jews, Sociopath Hillary mistreated people, Mainstream media mostly ignored, Internet not a factor when Clintons ruled, Citizen Wells resurrects scrubbed NewsMax articles

Hillary and Bill Clinton used N word slurred Jews, Sociopath Hillary mistreated people, Mainstream media mostly ignored, Internet not a factor when Clintons ruled, Citizen Wells resurrects scrubbed NewsMax articles

“Millions of cretinous and amoral Americans still admire Bill and Hillary Clinton, the two foulest amoral slimebags that have ever besmirched the White House. These two foulmouthed and lying psychopaths have been, and still are, blindly supported by masses of non-clinical morons, diehard Democrats, and whorish liberal journalists and their editors.

The Clintons’ habitual lies, gutter language, anti-Semitic outbursts, and anti-black slurs have been documented by reliable writers but have been — and still are — routinely suppressed by the so-called liberal media.”…Reinhold Aman, Ph.D.

“If the guilty and unrepentant get off easy, what type of
prosecution is this. It’s not time to blame the Independent
Counsel Law; blame the prosecutor who wouldn’t do his job.
Because of Kenneth W. Starr’s complicity, the most corrupt
administration in the history of the country continues with
no end in sight. God save us all.”…Christopher Ruddy, NewsMax July 1, 1999

“the Democratic Party overlooked the ethical red flags and made a pact with Mr. Clinton that was the equivalent of a pact with the devil. And he delivered. With Mr. Clinton at the controls, the party won the White House twice. But in the process it lost its bearings and maybe even its soul.”…Bob Herbert, NY Times February 26, 2001


After watching in real time articles about Barack Obama et al in 2008 being scrubbed and “rectified”, I made it one of my crusades to counteract the Orwellian efforts of the left to protect him.

The same thing has happened with the Clintons.

As reported here recently, many Newsmax articles from the 90’s and early 2000’s were scrubbed from the NewsMax archives.

Here is another NewsMax article from July 17, 2016.

“Hillary Slurred Jews 10 to 20 Times, Used ‘N’ word Too: Bodyguard

Former Arkansas State Trooper Larry Patterson, who was bodyguard to Bill and Hillary Clinton from 1986 to 1993, said he heard the first lady utter anti-Jewish epithets between 10 and 20 times over the course of his six years at the Arkansas governor’s mansion.

“If she disagreed with Bill Clinton or she disagreed with some of the Jewish community in Little Rock – or some of the ethnic community – she would often make these statements,” Patterson told WABC radio’s Sean Hannity Monday afternoon.

Patterson first went public with his account of Mrs. Clinton’s ethnic slurs in an exclusive interview with NewsMax.com’s executive editor Christopher Ruddy last September. (See:More Than Sex: The Secret Lives of Bill and Hillary Clinton Revealed!)

But Patterson’s story has gained new significance with the upcoming publication of “State of the Union,” a new book on the Clintons’ marriage that makes the same charge.

The one-time Arkansas state policeman said he stands by the story he told for the first time last year. “She would say ‘Jew Bastard’ or call her husband a ‘Jew Boy’ or an ‘MF Jew’,” he told the New York radio audience.”

“HANNITY: Did you ever hear Bill or Hillary use the “N” word?

PATTERSON: Certainly, certainly. They told jokes using the “N” word. Especially Bill Clinton did. And if one of the black leaders in the community, if Bill Clinton was upset with him, especially Robert “Say” McIntosh, he often used the “N” word to describe or in conversation with Mr. McIntosh. …

Earlier on Monday, another former Clinton bodyguard, L.D. Brown, told NewsMax.com that the president would regularly make derogatory comments about African-Americans in private.

“He has used the ‘N’ word before. … Bill would make snide remarks about blacks behind their backs,” Brown said.

Patterson said Hillary was no stranger to the “N” word either.

HANNITY: How many times did you hear Hillary use the “N” word?

PATTERSON: Probably six, eight, ten times. She would be upset with someone in the black community and she would use the “N” word, like, you heard they’ve got the president’s brother on tape using the “N” word. So, yeah it was used.”

Read more:


It is important to remember that when the Clintons ruled in the 90’s, there were fewer news sources and a much smaller internet influence. NewsMax was in the forefront of reporting on the Clintons and most of these articles were scrubbed as Christopher Ruddy cozied up to Bill & Hillary.

However, there were numerous witnesses to the evil and chicanery of the Clintons.

I intend to reveal as much as possible.

Reinhold Aman, Ph.D. has compiled a large body of Clinton evil.

The Foulmouthed & Lying Clintons

Reinhold Aman, Ph.D.

Millions of cretinous and amoral Americans still admire Bill and Hillary Clinton, the two foulest amoral slimebags that have ever besmirched the White House. These two foulmouthed and lying psychopaths have been, and still are, blindly supported by masses of non-clinical morons, diehard Democrats, and whorish liberal journalists and their editors.

The Clintons’ habitual lies, gutter language, anti-Semitic outbursts, and anti-black slurs have been documented by reliable writers but have been — and still are — routinely suppressed by the so-called liberal media. This article serves to counter and expose that shameless misleading of the public about the true character of America’s two supreme actors and how they talk in private.

Lest you think I am a Republican, conservative, or member of the imaginary “vast right-wing conspiracy”: I am an apolitical anti-politician. Because I despise blatantly lying politicians with all my guts, I am presenting this uncensored record of some of the foul language used by these two parasitical pieces of putrid puke that have been living off the taxpayers of Arkansas and the United States for many years — thanks to partisan, knee-jerk or imbecilic supporters. Anyone who admires or supports those two amoral swine is just as amoral as they are.”

Read more:


From Polidics June 1, 2007.

“There’s no doubt, Hillary Clinton called Paul Fray a “fucking Jew bastard.” If there were the slightest doubt, you can bet that vicious Hillary would have sicced her amoral $450-an-hour shyster David Kendall on every author, publication and news service that reported her anti-Semitic slur, regardless of how veiled and coy the media were about her vile outburst.”

“[Hillary] also resented [the state troopers’] constant presence and the loss of privacy that entailed. At times, a simple “Good morning, Mrs. Clinton” could provoke an attack.

“Fuck off!” she would bark. “It’s enough that I have to see you shit-kickers every day. I’m not going to talk to you, too. Just do your goddamn job and keep your mouth shut.””

“Patterson observed Hillary standing at the bottom of the stairs in the governor’s mansion, and Bill at the top of the stairs with little Chelsea beside him, as Hillary screamed at him at the top of her lungs: “Goddamn stupid fucking fool!” [NewsMax, 15 July 2000]

Patterson said Hillary was no stranger to the “N” word either. He heard her say “nigger” “probably six, eight, ten times. She would be upset with someone in the black community and she would use the ‘N’ word, like, you heard they’ve got the president’s brother on tape using the ‘N’ word.” [NewsMax, 17 July 2000]

Mary Lee Fray said that Hillary not only used an anti-Semitic slur but she shouted it so loudly “it rattled the walls. It was very clear,” she said. “Bill Clinton’s face became white as a ghost.” [FOXNews.com, AP and New York Post, 18 July 2000]Former Clinton campaign aide Neill McDonald, who has always been a Clinton supporter [Jewish World Review, 19 July 2000], confirmed the story, according to the New York Daily News. [Reuters, 17 July 2000] He heard the obscenity as he stood outside the room. [FOXNews.com, AP, New York Post, 18 July 2000]”

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70 responses to “Hillary and Bill Clinton used N word slurred Jews, Sociopath Hillary mistreated people, Mainstream media mostly ignored, Internet not a factor when Clintons ruled, Citizen Wells resurrects scrubbed NewsMax articles

  1. citizenwells

    “I think the most compelling thing about Hillary is that she will stop at nothing to achieve her end and that she views the public as plebeians easily seduced into believing her point of view.”…Linda Tripp

  2. flywithmike

    It is so obvious. As we look back at the Clinton years one might want to keep the barf bag close. Sorry Bill Clinton it is time you pay the price for all of the women you ruined.

    Mike Volin
    570 284 7477

  3. CW………..

  4. CW…….
    ……….and NOW Mzzzzzzzzzzzz.Clint is screaming to the world in her IRRATIONAL BARROOM SQUEALS, that Donald Trump is illiterate, too coarse, and otherwise unqualified to be POTUS………..boy oh boy look who is talking………..Mzzzzzzzzzzzz PIGGY herself. (PHEW)

  5. citizenwells

    Contrast the honesty and the treatment of Paula Deen with that of Hillary.


  6. citizenwells

    “Judicial Watch Announces the Schedule for Deposition Testimony in Clinton Email Lawsuit”

    “The Clinton email witnesses are scheduled to be deposed by Judicial Watch attorneys for as long as seven hours:

    May 18 – Lewis A. Lukens, deputy assistant secretary of state and executive director of the State Department’s Executive Secretariat from 2008 to 2011, who emailed with Patrick Kennedy and Cheryl Mills about setting up a computer for Clinton to check her clintonemail.com email account.

    May 27 – Cheryl D. Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff throughout her four years as secretary of state.

    June 3 – Stephen D. Mull, executive secretary of the State Department from June 2009 to October 2012, who suggested that Clinton be issued a State Department BlackBerry, which would protect her identity and would also be subject to FOIA requests.

    June 6 – Bryan Pagliano, State Department Schedule C employee who has been reported to have serviced and maintained the server that hosted the “clintonemail.com” system during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

    June 8 – 30(b)(6) deposition(s) of the State Department regarding the processing of FOIA requests, including Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, for emails of Clinton and Abedin both during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state and after.

    June 28 – Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and a senior advisor to Clinton throughout her four years as secretary of state and also had an email account on clintonemail.com.

    June 29 – Patrick F. Kennedy, undersecretary for management since 2007 and the secretary of state’s principal advisor on management issues, including technology and information services.”


  7. This SOW sounds to me as though she might be totally INSANE. UP IS DOWN, and she hopes everybody believes it…….but alas when you preach to an audience of halfwits there is a strong probability they will believe every word you utter. This is one factor which makes her a dangerous POS.

  8. NOW……….
    ……..probability of GOATHERDER ATTACK within the aircraft is more likely to have occurred. No explosion was detected by infrared satellite. Cockpit battle is probable.

  9. Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Clint says her HUSBAND will CONTROL economy. Who the hell does she think she is? Now we see a much clearer picture of Mzzzzzzzzzzzzz PIGGY. (PHEW)


  11. citizenwells

    “Thursday, May 19, 2016

    Donald Trump has now grown his lead over Hillary Clinton in Rasmussen Reports’ first weekly White House Watch survey.

    Trump earns 42% support to Clinton’s 37% when Likely U.S. Voters are asked whom they would vote for if the presidential election were held today.”


  12. citizenwells

    “Why Clinton Will Lose”

    “Meanwhile, sandwiched between “real” news stories – do we really need any more “breaking news” stories about long TSA lines? – is the fact that Hillary Clinton is in real trouble. Despite her big lead among superdelegates, Clinton has only led the popular vote in 22 of the 39 caucuses and primaries so far; she’s won just under 13 million votes, and Bernie Sanders has won nearly 10 million. And he seems to be picking up steam. Perhaps it’s because her unfavorable ratings with voters remain stubbornly high: 54 percent view her unfavorably, compared to 39 percent favorably according to the latest RealClearPolitics average of polls. Politico reports that Sanders has outraised Clinton for the third month in a row.

    My prediction is that the tidal wave of anti-establishment furor that has already hit the GOP is heading for the Democrats next – the only question is how fast it spreads leftward. Progressive voters are starting to figure out that no one embodies the liberal elite more than Hillary and Bill Clinton. That’s why they’re not turning out at her rallies, or giving her money, or saying that if Sanders drops out, they’ll vote for her instead.”

    “When you combine Clinton’s longtime rules-don’t-apply-to-me ethics with her penchant for a bigger, stronger government and more tax-and-spend authority you can see why even Democratic voters are alarmed at the prospect of the candidate Trump has nicknamed “crooked Hillary” being in charge of a growing behemoth of federal regulations, our national security apparatus and our justice system.”

    “Clinton used to be to Obama’s right, now she’s to his left – and she’s closing in on meeting Sanders in the far, far left. No wonder Trump is pulling even with her nationally in some polls – and why the online pledge drive WontVoteHillary.com now has over 77,000 signatures.

    Her march to the left on so many issues is driving down her record-low “honesty and trustworthy” numbers, and fueling the widespread sense that she doesn’t have the courage of her convictions. No wonder her campaign is in trouble.”


  13. bob strauss

    White house is locked down!

    I hope they’re arresting the usurper!!!!!!!!

  14. oldsoldier80


    he’s not there … never is … the acting CinC is, Val Jarrett ….she’s always there !

  15. bob strauss

    Hillary Clinton Should Testify Under Oath

    MAY 20, 2016

    Judicial Watch Begins Discovery in Clinton Email Matter

    Judicial Watch Seeks Hillary Clinton Testimony

    Pakistani with Fake Ecuadorean Passport Enters U.S. via Mexico Multiple Times

    Our investigation of former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s email system entered a significant new phase this week.

    We announced a schedule of depositions of her top aides, Cheryl Mills and Huma Abedin, as well as top State Department official Patrick Kennedy, and former State IT employee Bryan Pagliano.

    Their testimony is about the creation and operation of Clinton’s non-government email system. The first witness, Lewis A. Lukens, a deputy assistant secretary, was deposed on May 18. I can’t say much about the testimony at this point, other than to tell you that it was not helpful to either Mrs. Clinton or the Obama State Department.

    U.S. District Court Judge Emmet G. Sullivan set this historic evidence gathering in motion. Judge Sullivan granted us “discovery” into Clinton’s email system, noting that “based on information learned during discovery, the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary.”

    The depositions are part of our Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) lawsuit that seeks records about the controversial employment status of Huma Abedin, former Deputy Chief of Staff to Clinton. The lawsuit, which seeks records regarding the authorization for Abedin to engage in outside employment (the Clinton Foundation and other Clinton, Inc. entities) while employed by the Department of State, was reopened because of revelations about the clintonemail.com system (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:13-cv-01363)).

    We have permission from the court to question these individuals for as long as seven hours:

    May 18 – Lewis A. Lukens, deputy assistant secretary of state and executive director of the State Department’s Executive Secretariat from 2008 to 2011, who emailed with Patrick Kennedy and Cheryl Mills about setting up a computer for Clinton to check her clintonemail.com email account. (This testimony took a little over two hours.)

    May 27 – Cheryl D. Mills, Clinton’s chief of staff throughout her four years as secretary of state.

    June 3 – Stephen D. Mull, executive secretary of the State Department from June 2009 to October 2012, who suggested that Clinton be issued a State Department BlackBerry, which would protect her identity and would also be subject to FOIA requests.

    June 6 – Bryan Pagliano, State Department Schedule C employee who has been reported to have serviced and maintained the server that hosted the “clintonemail.com” system during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state.

    June 8 – 30(b)(6) deposition(s) of the State Department regarding the processing of FOIA requests, including Judicial Watch’s FOIA request, for emails of Clinton and Abedin both during Clinton’s tenure as secretary of state and after.

    June 28 – Huma Abedin, Clinton’s deputy chief of staff and a senior advisor to Clinton throughout her four years as secretary of state and also had an email account on clintonemail.com.

    June 29 – Patrick F. Kennedy, undersecretary for management since 2007 and the secretary of state’s principal advisor on management issues, including technology and information services.

    As you will see below, in a separate FOIA lawsuit concerning Hillary Clinton and the Benghazi terrorist attack, U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth also ruled that we could conduct discovery into the email practices of Clinton and her top aides.

    This court-order testimony could finally reveal new truths about how Hillary Clinton and the Obama State Department subverted the Freedom of the Information Act.

    Judicial Watch Seeks Hillary Clinton Testimony

    The question of whether Hillary Clinton can be questioned under oath by Judicial Watch attorneys now is squarely before a federal court judge.

    We also announced this week that we have filed a proposed order for discovery with a federal court that seeks the testimony of Hillary Clinton, herself, about her use of non-state.gov email account(s) for official State Department business.

    This additional discovery comes in a July 2014 Freedom of Information (FOIA) lawsuit seeking records and communications in the Secretary’s Office related to the since discredited talking points used by then-U.N. Ambassador Susan Rice to describe the nature of the September 11, 2012, Benghazi attack (Judicial Watch v. U.S. Department of State (No. 1:14-cv-01242)).

    Clinton’s proposed testimony would cover the State Department’s search of documents in response to Judicial Watch’s FOIA request and, according to the filing:

    searches of the Office of the Secretary for emails relating to the September 12, 2012 Benghazi attack and its aftermath, including searches for the Accountability Review Board, congressional inquiries, other FOIA requests, and the preparation of Secretary Clinton’s testimony before Congress on January 23, 2013;
    the State Department’s policies, practices, procedures and/or actions (or lack thereof) to secure, inventory, and/or account for all records, including emails, of Secretary Clinton, prior to [her] termination of employment with the State Department; and
    the use of non-state.gov email account(s) to conduct official State Department business by Secretary Clinton and other officials and staff in the Office of the Secretary;

    Judicial Watch also seeks documents about the State Department’s Benghazi document responses and the handling of non-State.gov emails of Clinton and other top State officials, in particular:

    All documents that concern or relate to the processing of any and all searches of the Office of the Secretary for emails relating to the September 11, 2012, Benghazi attack and its aftermath, including but not limited to:

    searches for records for the Accountability Review Board;
    searches in response to congressional inquiries (including requests from the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform dated September 20, 2012, October 2, 2012, October 29, 2012, and November 1, 2012);
    searches in preparation of Secretary Clinton’s testimony before Congress on January 23, 2013; and
    searches in response to FOIA requests, including but not limited to the FOIA request submitted by Plaintiff in this case.

    Such documents would include the tasking, tracking and reporting records for such searches. Forms DS-1748 and any “search slips,” “search tasker,” “search details,” shall also be considered responsive.

    All communications that concern or relate to the processing of all searches referenced in Document Request No. 1 above, including directions or guidance about how and where to conduct the searches, whether and how to search Secretary Clinton’s email, and issues, problems, or questions concerning the searches and/or search results.
    All records that concern or relate to the State Department’s policies, practices, procedures and/or actions (or lack thereof) to secure, inventory, and/or account for all records, including emails, of Secretary Clinton, Cheryl Mills, Huma Abedin and Jacob Sullivan prior to their termination of employment with the State Department.

    U.S. District Court Judge Royce Lamberth is also concerned about potential government misconduct. Judge Lamberth ruled on March 29 that “where there is evidence of government wrong-doing and bad faith, as here, limited discovery is appropriate, even though it is exceedingly rare in FOIA cases.”

    (In the lawsuit that has discovery already underway, Judge Emmett Sullivan noted in his May 4, 2016, order that “based on information learned during discovery, the deposition of Mrs. Clinton may be necessary.”)

    In response to our request for her testimony, the Clinton campaign attacked your Judicial Watch with an over-the-top, false statement. We won’t be deterred, nor do I expect that the courts will be either.

    Mrs. Clinton’s testimony will help the courts determine whether her email practices thwarted the purpose of the Freedom of Information Act.

    In the meantime, you might enjoy watching this C-Span coverage of our Clinton email investigations.

    Pakistani with Fake Ecuadorean Passport Enters U.S. via Mexico Multiple Times

    It is difficult to overstate the dangers of our open border with Mexico. For example, we reported just last month that Mexican drug traffickers help Islamic terrorists cross into the United States to explore targets for future attacks. And we revealed in our Corruption Chronicles blog how the Obama administration wastes your tax money to fund studies to justify its lawlessness.

    This week, we uncovered that illegal aliens from countries such as Pakistan are exploiting Obama’s purposeful subversion of border security:

    A Pakistani man with a fake passport and residence card from two different South American countries has been caught entering the U.S. illegally through Mexico and federal court documents reveal he has previously crossed into the country undetected by immigration authorities. The distressing case comes less than a month after Judicial Watch reported that an ISIS operative who trained terrorists in Pakistan travels back and forth through the porous southern border from a camp in the Mexican state of Chihuahua not far from El Paso, Texas. His name is Shaykh Mahmood Omar Khabir, a Kuwaiti who trained hundreds of Al Qaeda fighters in Pakistan, Afghanistan and Yemen, according to JW’s high-ranking Homeland Security sources.

    The Pakistani apprehended in the region this month, Javaid Muhammad, is in federal custody in Texas and is scheduled to appear in court on May 20 in McAllen. U.S. Border Patrol agents busted him on May 8, according to court documents obtained by JW, and the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has taken over the case. Authorities have confiscated Muhammad’s fraudulent Ecuadorean passport and Chilean residence card and he has admitted he’s never visited or resided in either South American country. Muhammad also “admitted to illegally crossing the international boundary of the United States without prior inspection by a United States Immigration Officer,” court files state. The FBI has evidence, including travel records and other government files, that proves Muhammad’s statements to the Border Patrol and FBI “were materially false, fictitious, or fraudulent,” the court documents say.

    Some of the records related to the case have been sealed by the government so many of the specific details are not available, presumably for security reasons. We do know that Muhammad initially lied to both the Border Patrol and FBI and that he has provided the FBI with a sworn statement detailing his illegal travel from Pakistan to the United States, according to the files that have not been sealed. That information is being kept under wraps by the feds. So is Muhammad’s financial affidavit, which is listed on the federal court docket but not available for public view. Another interesting tidbit is that American taxpayers are providing the Pakistani with a free lawyer because the judge, Dorina Ramos, determined this week that Muhammad doesn’t have the money to hire one.

    It remains unclear how many times Muhammad has entered the U.S. illegally and if all the violations occurred through Mexico, though it appears to be the case. As part of an ongoing investigation into the growing terrorism threats on the southern border JW has reported that Middle Eastern terrorists and Mexican drug cartels have joined forces to infiltrate the U.S. to plan future attacks. Just a few weeks ago JW’s government sources outlined the operation headed by Khabir, the ISIS leader who’s training in Chihuahua and regularly crosses into the U.S. assisted by Mexican drug traffickers. Khabir actually brags in an Italian newspaper article that the border region is so open that he “could get in with a handful of men, and kill thousands of people in Texas or in Arizona in the space of a few hours.” Foreign Affairs Secretary Claudia Ruiz, Mexico’s top diplomat, says in the article that she doesn’t understand why the Obama administration and the U.S. media are “culpably neglecting this phenomenon,” adding that “this new wave of fundamentalism could have nasty surprises in store for the United States.”

    Last summer JW wrote about a sophisticated operation in which Mexican drug cartels smuggle Middle Eastern terrorists into a small Texas rural town near El Paso using remote farm roads—rather than interstates—to elude the Border Patrol and other law enforcement barriers. The foreigners are classified by the U.S. government as Special Interest Aliens (SIA) and they are transported to stash areas in Acala, a rural crossroads located around 54 miles from El Paso on a state road – Highway 20. Once in the U.S., the SIAs wait for pick-up in the area’s sand hills just across Highway 20. At the time JW’s government sources revealed that terrorists have long entered the U.S. through Mexico and in fact, an internal Texas Department of Public Safety report leaked by the media documents that several members of known Islamist terrorist organizations have been apprehended crossing the southern border in recent years.

    A few months after JW broke the Acala smuggling piece, five young Middle Eastern men were apprehended by the Border Patrol in an Arizona town situated about 30 miles from the Mexican border. Federal agents spotted the men crossing a ranch property in the vicinity of Amado, which is located about 35 miles south of Tucson and has a population of 275. Two of the Middle Eastern men were carrying stainless steel cylinders in backpacks. Days earlier six men—one from Afghanistan, five from Pakistan—were arrested in nearby Patagonia, a quaint ranch town that sits 20 miles north of the Mexican border city of Nogales.

    Do you think this one Pakistani is the only person from regions of the world consumed by Islamic terrorist ideology that exploits our open borders? Does Congress? Does Barack Obama? Does the governor of Texas? One might ask these and other elected officials whether their responses are commensurate with the threat.


  16. Standby,
    READ THIS !! Unbelievable
    Is this going to be the Obama LEGACY?

    President Obama orders creation of America’s First-Ever National Monument to Sodomy.

    Federal officials, including Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), will hold a listening session on May 9 to solicit feedback on the proposal. Barring a last-minute complication — city officials are still investigating the history of the land title — Obama is prepared to designate the area part of the National Park Service as soon as next month, which commemorates gay pride.


    by Geoffrey Grider May 4, 2016

    “For this cause God gave them up unto vile affections: for even their women did change the natural use into that which is against nature: And likewise also the men, leaving the natural use of the woman, burned in their lust one toward another; men with men working that which is unseemly, and receiving in themselves that recompence of their error which was meet.”Romans 1:26,27 (KJV)

    While most national monuments have highlighted iconic wild landscapes or historic sites from centuries ago, this reflects the country’s diversity of terrain and peoples in a different vein: It would be the first national monument anchored by a dive bar and surrounded by a warren of narrow streets that long has been regarded the historic center of gay cultural life in New York City.

    Federal officials, including Interior Secretary Sally Jewell, National Park Service Director Jonathan B. Jarvis and Rep. Jerrold Nadler (D-N.Y.), will hold a listening session on May 9 to solicit feedback on the proposal. Barring a last-minute complication — city officials are still investigating the history of the land title — Obama is prepared to designate the area part of the National Park Service as soon as next month, which commemorates gay pride.

    Interior Secretary Sally Jewell at the Stonewall Inn, scene of the riots widely credited with starting the modern gay rights movement, that the National Park Service will begin marking sites of significance to the history of lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender Americans.

    Protests at the site, which lasted for six days, began in the early morning of June 28, 1969 after police raided the Stonewall Inn, which was frequented by gay men. While patrons of the bar, which is still in operation today in half of its original space, had complied in the past with these crackdowns, that time it sparked a spontaneous riot by bystanders and those who had been detained.

    Although national monument designations are partly symbolic, backers of the move said it could bolster the fight against discrimination based on sexual orientation and gender identity, which led to the landmark 2015 Supreme Court ruling legalizing same-sex marriage.


    “We must ensure that we never forget the legacy of Stonewall, the history of discrimination against the LGBT community, or the impassioned individuals who have fought to overcome it,” Nadler, who has co-authored legislation that would make it a national park, said in a statement. “The LGBT civil rights movement launched at Stonewall is woven into American history, and it is time our National Park system reflected that reality.”

    The president described Stonewall as a critical event in the nation’s social progress during his second inaugural speech, reflecting the idea “that all of us are created equal,” and alluded to it again when celebrating the 50th anniversary of the march on Selma, Ala.

    Interior Department spokeswoman Amanda Degroff said Obama “has made clear that he’s committed to ensuring our national parks, monuments and public lands help Americans better understand the places and stories that make this nation great” — though at the moment the administration has no official announcement on the designation. source



  19. bob strauss

  20. Hi Bob,

    Well, that vid by Carl Gallups really spelled it out, didn’t it?

    If (when) Mr. Trump gets in, their little apple cart will be upset and all their plans for a New World Order are dashed; they *can’t* allow him to be POTUS.

    As the days go on, I fear more and more for Mr. Trump’s safety; all their plans to derail him have failed…it’s full steam ahead for the ‘Trump train.’ They will stop at nothing to prevent a Trump presidency.

    Pray. Hard.

  21. AND……..
    ……..it would not surprise me at all if one of the LUNATIC GOONS OF THE LIBERAL BASTARDS attempted to KILL TRUMP. His presence in their alleged “TERRITORY” definitely invites such an act. However I would hasten to add that such a possibility has already been PLANNED for, and in all probability the ASSASSIN will himself be buried shortly thereafter.


  23. bob strauss

    SueK | May 21, 2016 at 2:31 pm |

    Hi Bob,

    Well, that vid by Carl Gallups really spelled it out, didn’t it?

    If (when) Mr. Trump gets in, their little apple cart will be upset and all their plans for a New World Order are dashed; they *can’t* allow him to be POTUS.

    As the days go on, I fear more and more for Mr. Trump’s safety; all their plans to derail him have failed…it’s full steam ahead for the ‘Trump train.’ They will stop at nothing to prevent a Trump presidency.

    Pray. Hard.

    Hi SueK,

    Dashed also will be the gains that have been made by the Muslim Brotherhood at infiltrating the U.S. government, with the assistance of the democrats like Hilliary, and the usurper in the white house.

    Those Brotherhood members, of the religion of peace, don’t know much about peaceful transition of Constitutional government, and they will have out the long knives, and the 7th century playbook, as they hide behind crooked, heartless, Hilliary.

    I hope Trump and his security team know who they are up against, and that the usurper is one of them. The usurper has a huge stake in stopping Trump too, because if Trump IDs the usurper, it’s game over for the usurper and a lot of Traitors in his regime.

    These is going to be very interesting times in the next few months. I am going to watch the usurper closely, at some point I expect him to play his hand, and flee to his mansion in Dubai if they can’t stop Trump. There will also be a good number of congressional retirees I expect also, as they flee prosecution, and run from reality.

    People have been accumulating evidence against this regime for 8 years, while waiting for a Dept of Justice that will act on the evidence, and the crimes that have been ignored by Holder, Lynch, and the usurper.

    Hang on, this could get rough!

  24. oldsoldier80


    Reference your last comment….” at some point I expect him to play his hand, and flee to his mansion in Dubai if they can’t stop Trump”

    Being an old Army man with lots of experience, I can say this….”You can run but there will be NO place to hide”…..The long arm of America’s military might can reach around the world and into caves and find anyone regardless of where they try to hide…..

    If I were Obey, I would be sweating BB’s about now !

  25. CERTAINLY……….
    ………….the filthy mouth of Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Clint will NEVER stop expelling her vile gas which originates in her severely twisted mind. The only way it will ever stop BELCHING HER GAS, is for the people of America to WISE UP, and seal her filthy mouth with votes for Donald Trump.

  26. AND NOW………..
    ……..fart heimer Jab Butchy,now says Trunp supporters NOT IDIOTS. Like always he is a DAY LATE , AND A DOLLAR SHORT! Can’t help wondering where he got his first clue. To him I say….”NO SHI# DICK TRACEY”.Now we all know for certain he would have been the same sort of POTUS……….A DAY LATE,AND A DOLLAR SHORT, AND MAYBE A FEW BRICKS SHY OF A FULL LOAD AS WELL.

  27. Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz Clint says that Trump is PANDERING to the NRA. This is clear proof she hasn’t any sense at all………in reality it is the NRA who is doing the PANDERING, if you choose to call the TRUTH pandering. She is so full of shi# I can’t believe that she hasn’t yet burst, and caused a mountain of bullshi# to be created. Anybody with any intelligence at all need only look into her stupid looking, staring face to see that she is living in a FANTASY WORLD. HER verbal attacks on Trump will be ignored, and probably NOT EVEN ANSWERED BY TRUMP. He would be very stupid if he allows himself to be drawn into any of her sick twisted verbiage.

  28. Bob Strauss……
    ………….I have my doubts that the TRUMP ORGANISATION has missed anything where Trump’s safety is concerned. In his sort of business like all business a thorough follow through is always key, and I would expect nothing less from his team during his run for office. Again I say “anybody who would venture an attempt to harm him will probably themselves end up being BURIED a few days later.
    We are now witnessing what has become a SICK, TWISTED, and MORALLY DECREPIT society in our midst………anything goes, and everything will be BELIEVED……UP IS DOWN, and green is red…………which applies especially to politics. After all that is what the so called LIBERAL ARTS is all about. …….(how to make people believe LIES).

  29. IN ADDITION……..
    ……….guess who is at the top of Trump’s short list for VP. If you guessed Newt Gingrich you have it right. He is almost the PERFECT VP CANDIDATE………he has been around the block (several times) and more importantly knows the wacky house sort of political structure QUITE WELL. He would be extremely valuable to Trump. At least he isn’t a verbally errant nitwit like our present VP. His contract with America was a winner in the Reagan administration. GO GET EM NEWT.

  30. bob strauss | May 22, 2016 at 3:19 am |
    oldsoldier80 | May 22, 2016 at 9:06 am |

    Hi Bob and RM,

    Agree with you both, Obobo has something up his crooked sleeve and this will be the culmination of his ‘transformation’ of America.

    IF our military can be restored to its former greatness quickly (to hell with the ‘new’ rules of engagement) under a Trump presidency, it’s my hope that he be prosecuted to the fullest extent of the law and be made to pay the penalty for his actions; that goes for all his cronies, Congress, the cabinet, and ‘husband,’ as well.

    Something’s gonna give, and soon. Rather than concern for the downed Egypt Air flight, the usurper-in-chief is worried about which restroom a tranny will use. As oldsailor83 often says; ‘Up is down.’

    Seat belt is on; ready for a very bumpy ride.

  31. oldsailor83

    Got to thinking about a new bumper sticker. How bout this…


  32. bob strauss

    Theodore Ted Shoebat

    BREAKING: Muslim Pilot Of Flight 804 Converted The Plane Into A Portable Mosque And Said Farewell Before He Crashed The Plane And Slaughtered Everyone


  33. Bob, thanks for posting that; Mr. Shoebat is always spot on.

    I don’t particularly care who ‘martyrs’ themselves, but leave the innocent people out of the quest for the 72 virgins. I hope that all 72 look like Wasserman-Schultz.

    Now, the media is trending towards reporting that there was a ‘fire’ onboard, while Mr. Trump is calling it was it is: Terrorism. The muzzie-in-chief however, will call it ‘workplace violence at 37,000 feet.’ BTW, he 5 putted the 9th while all this was coming down.

  34. truefreedom

    CW just seeing this down your way. Do you(or anyone) know more about it? http://www.charlotteobserver.com/news/local/article78955387.html

  35. citizenwells

    I had not read this before.
    I have been to Bald Head quite a few times.
    The 11 year old clearly should not have been driving.
    Golf carts are used instead of normal motor vehicles.
    Since I was not witness I will not remark further.

  36. bob strauss

    SueK | May 22, 2016 at 3:14 pm |

    Bob, thanks for posting that; Mr. Shoebat is always spot on.

    I don’t particularly care who ‘martyrs’ themselves, but leave the innocent people out of the quest for the 72 virgins. I hope that all 72 look like Wasserman-Schultz.

    Now, the media is trending towards reporting that there was a ‘fire’ onboard, while Mr. Trump is calling it was it is: Terrorism. The muzzie-in-chief however, will call it ‘workplace violence at 37,000 feet.’ BTW, he 5 putted the 9th while all this was coming down.
    How’s this for political correctness?

    Ban all Muslim pilots, they can’t be trusted to do their job!

  37. Bob, I like it! How about ‘only Muslims can fly Air Force I?’

  38. bob strauss

    Can someone explain to me how Hilliary can take the presidential oath of office, and at the same time promise to destroy the 2nd Amendment?


    SESSIONS: 2nd Amendment Extinct If Hillary Elected…


  39. truefreedom

    CW thanks for replying. I see it as you say, unfortunate choice for many that the 11 yr old was let to drive.

  40. Bob Strauss………
    While Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz,Clint might do illegal end runs AROUND the Constitution like our twisted PSYCHOPATHIC ALLEGED LEADER, there is specific legal protocol for changing the Constitution, and the FEMALE NITWIT cannot circumvent the Constitutional Convention. It requires 3/4 of the states. It is doubtful that she could even muster her OWN STATE.

  41. Here’s one for the books….
    For those who like to be informed.

    Chicago statistics for the month of May
    Week 15-21 May 1-21
    Shot and Killed 16 49

    Shot and Wounded 76 218

    Total Shot 92 267

    Total Homicides 17 52

    Source http://heyjackass.com/

    Must be a message here……….huh
    Donald where are you? Hillary ???

  42. Sorry for rearrangement of post
    Might want to check this site for details


  43. oldsoldier80


    From those stats…Chicago isn’t a city…it’s a bloody “battleground”…..and sadly to say… it’s mostly BLACK on BLACK…..I would be willing to bet that 95% of those stats are that way……

    And “Black Lives Matters” has the audacity to rant and rave about the ‘Boy’s in Blue’ taking down a black punk with a gun in his hand coming toward them yelling Al Akebar…..

    I guess though that the Mayor of Chicago , Rahm Emmanual, looks at this as a means of ‘population control’ and a few less people on his welfare rolls….but the negative is that it’s a few less soldiers in Obey’s volunteer force.

  44. AND NOW……….
    ………THE ALLEGED “VERRRY IMPORRRRTANT) har har BALTIMORE PROSECUTOR HAS BEEN HANDED another defeat. The second officer who she charged with murder, has been absolved of all charges. Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.IMPORTANT, still believes she is GOD. She is just one more classic example of the TWISTED minds that have become placed in high places at Baltimore. In actuality the prosecutor is a TOTAL LIBERAL HALFWIT.

  45. oldsoldier80


    She’s a blooming idiot and she’s playing to the black idiot crowd that think they have control of everything….that’s usually what happens when you put all the idiots, wither they are black or white, or a mixture of both, in one state and one city….they breed other idiots !…like fleas and flies…..Chicago is another prime example of that too….so is Washington DC……

  46. bob strauss

    Walls Closing In On ObamaCare Lawlessness

    Expert legal opinion letter shows the Obama administration is illegally diverting $3.5 billion from taxpayers to insurers in its attempt to rescue Obamacare,
    forbes.com|By Galen Institute


  47. bob strauss

    More honesty, and transparency.


    A Superior Court Judge has ruled that documents seized from the home of Sandy Hook shooter Adam Lanza will remain sealed, meaning that the public and media will never get a chance to find out what they contain.

    Sandy Hook Judge Orders Killers Files To Be Made ‘Top Secret’
    What information about the Sandy Hook shooter are they trying to cover-up?
    yournewswire.com|By Sean Adl-Tabatabai


  48. bob strauss

    Absolute TREASON!!!!!!


    CIA Director CONFIRMS That Obama Helped Form ISIS

    The Donald Trump Factor

    Here’s a classic rewind. President Obama had been in office for a little over six months when Assistant to the President for Homeland Security and Counter…


  49. Just another Obama Lie?? WTF

    An infuriating video has surfaced that shows Obama describe the United States as a Muslim nation.
    Speaking to a french interviewer, our President brags that if one looks at the statistics, they’d find America to be “one of the top Muslim countries in the world.” Obama says that because we are a Muslim nation, we must make it a point to educate ourselves on Islam.
    According to the video, the USA isn’t even close to the top Muslim nation in the world. In fact, we fall at number 38 on that list with only around 4.5 million Muslims.
    Guess this is just another blatant lie by the Obama administration!


  50. AMERICA………..
    …………is what it NOW IS as a direct result of TOO MUCH FANTASY, and too little REALITY. Some of our snottnosed collegiate kiddies are saying they would financially support Hamas. Time to take them out to the woodshed and RE EDUCATE them with some very hot and stinging rear ends.

  51. bob strauss

    I love Trump!

    I think Trump has been reading Citizen Wells blog, based on how well versed he is on the regime.


    Trump also suggested that Abedin, the daughter of Islamic supremacists — is a security risk.

    Hillary Furious After Trump Calls Weiner A ‘Perv’

    Hillary Clinton’s campaign tried to defend her controversial top staffer, Huma Abedin, after Donald Trump called Abedin’s husband–the disgraced former Congressman Anthony Weiner–a “perv” and a “sleazebag.”



  52. citizenwells

    Andrea Mitchell was trying to deflect & minimize the Hillary Vince Foster scandal at midday.

  53. bob strauss

    Trump was right!


    The Independent

    According to an official
    Human remains ‘show explosion downed EgyptAir flight MS804’


  54. citizenwells

    “Trump Escalates Clinton Attack, Calls Vince Foster Suicide “Very Fishy””


  55. oldsoldier80

    There is no statue of limitations on MURDER…….Vince Forster was murdered and the damn Clintons are right in the middle of it again…

  56. citizenwells

    From Citizen Wells April 15 2015.

    1993 vs now.

    What is the difference?

    Even back then I wasn’t trusting reports from the mainstream media. And I was busy working and taking care of the necessities of life.

    If I wanted the truth, the facts about a story I looked to Rush Limbaugh, Sean Hannity and a few others.


    First of all, I trust Rush and Hannity.

    But something we depend upon heavily now, was barely being used by the public.

    Sean Hannity did a good job of digging and reporting.”

    “There is now so much more information about Foster’s death on the internet.

    I have begun examining it and will provide a series of articles.

    The whole mess smelled badly in 1993 and smells worse now.

    Of course it is deja vu with Hillary obstructing justice with the Benghazi debacle and email crimes.

    I never believed it was suicide and am more than ever convinced that Vince Foster was murdered.”


  57. citizenwells

    Even Trump, in the 90’s was limited on his news sources & probably influenced by the MSM.
    He, like us, has access to the internet and more sources of info. (such as CW)

  58. CW………
    ………..when we look at Vince Foster’s death we must also reopen the Whitewater can of worms……….because it is all interrelated. This takes in the Jim McDougal MURDER as well.
    There is NO DOUBT in my mind that you have your work cut out for you. This entire stinking mess has been screaming for attention, and to date NOBODY except a few of us who smelled the hidden bullshi# from DAY ONE has bothered to lift a finger to do a thorough investigation. I believe that a hell of a lot has been missed by those who allegedly investigated it the first time around. There is also a strong probability that much of it was INTENTIONALLY MISSED. I have said in the past , and still believe that a TEAM of top forensic investigators need to travel to Arkansas and re open the Whitewater scandal from DAY ONE. This would not be a minor investigation by any stretch of the imagination, and there needs to be subpoena power delegated as well. If this is to be revisited then it needs to be done in a meaningful way, that has the potential of finding, documenting, certifying, and recording all hidden facts as they are discovered. Such an endeavor should rightfully include a TEAM OF EXPERTS, with UNLIMITED TIME, AND RESOURCES TO SPEND. To this day I whole heartedly believe that both VInce Foster, and Jim McDougal were savagely murdered to keep them from telling their stories. However I hasten to add that ANY INTELLIGENTLY conducted effort has the potential of finding damning evidence……….which often is lying right in plain sight. One person like yourself who knows how to dig for facts, is always an important asset. I am looking forward to ANYTHING that you can post regarding the TWISTED CRIMINAL BASTARDS WHO PERPETRATED the Whitewater bullshi# to begin with. GO GET EM CW!

  59. AND………
    ………..one only needs to look into the faces of the PERPETRATORS to see the “signature of guilt” which is clearly written upon the faces of all criminal perpetrators. This is just human nature. Such people are BASTARDS in their hearts, and minds, and their faces are the MANIFEST of their slimey thoughts, and behavior.
    Early into my life I learned that when someone is telling a story you MUST watch the expressions upon their faces closely………..your GUT will usually tell you what you saw in the face of the story teller.

  60. FURTHER………
    ………..Both Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Clint, and SLICK WILLY are showing the ravages of time. This is compounded by the sordid nature of their lives thus far, and it is indeed showing up in their general appearance, in their voices, and on their faces. Try as you might it is impossible to conceal GOD’S handiwork. Soon both will pay the fiddler as they enter God;s courtroom………..as the BASTARDS they really are!

  61. ONLY………
    …….HUMAN SCUM choose to live a PARASITIC life style. If either Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Clint or Slick Willy had to do a day’s labor both would fail miserably. They are CRIMINAL LEACHES, who NEVER STOP looking for hosts that they can attach themselves to, and begin sucking the BLOOD of the host. This is the sort of human deviates they really are.

  62. citizenwells

    “Hillary In Trouble: State Department Says Clinton Did Not Comply With Federal Record Policies”


  63. AND NOW………
    The Boston dried up old prune who fancies herself as SASGATCHEWEA IS NOW BEING CALLED HILLARY’S SECRET WEAPON. HAR HAR DE HAR HAR………PRUNES DON’T MAKE GOOD WEAPONS ANYTIME ….ANYWHERE. ALL PRUNES DO IS GIVE PEOPLE DIAHARREA. IF HILLARY THINKS OF Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz. Warren as a secret weapon she is even further off her rocker than anybody even realizes. In addition Hillary was just denounced on the news as having been in violation of Federal LAW regarding her behavior with her emails and Blackberry. She is in violation of the Federal Records Act. Extremely SERIOUS CHARGES, and she was also in violation of the Federal Espionage Act. Both demand a Congressional Grand Jury investigation, and subsequent trial if deemed appropriate.

    ……..are now demanding that Mzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz.Water carrier, Schlutz step down from her position at the DNC………about time the liberals saw her as USELESS. I saw this LONG AGO!

  65. OVER 600………
    ……….snotnosed mental cases at Albuquerque were jumping up and down, throwing fire bombs, and they were finally rewarded with thousands of gallons of PEPPER SPRAY in their STUPID faces. Then they have the audacity to WHINE that they were injured by the pepper spray. HAR HAR GOOD FOR WHAT AILS THEM.

  66. oldsoldier80

    MEMORIAL DAY is fast approaching. I hope everyone remembers what it’s all about. Some will, most will not.

    As an OLDSOLDIER, I shall always remember what it’s about. And so will every other old soldier, old sailor, marine or airman. Once you put on the uniform and take the oath ‘to protect and defend’, your life is changed forever. that is as it should be, because you have earned the right to be called a ‘Veteran Forever’

    Below is a Facebook page I wrote ONE YEAR ago today. In my heart the words are etched in stone and shall never change, but people do change causing me to take another look at the military and how it is being used and abused in America today. I shall write about that later, but for now, enjoy what I wrote this time last year as an honor to our men and women in uniform.


    Every American, male or female, who puts on the uniform of this nation has the potential of becoming a hero….many succeed, but in my book….all who wore the uniforms of the past, and all in the future, succeed and are citizen hero’s that the nation should be proud to claim.

    In America, our system of civilian politics makes the soldier a ‘second class citizen’…he has no voice to question the civilian politicians orders, but is only required to follow those orders as they are given…..sometimes, in that process the soldier loses his life, or become maimed and crippled for life trying to accomplish a given mission.

    But that is the American system we have lived under for the past 238 years….anything less can, and often does, lead to a ‘military dictatorship’, or worse, which could never replace the Republic we have and enjoy.

    The soldier’s, marine’s, airmen, or sailor’s knows well this code of conduct and respects the constraints that have been placed upon him, or her, when they raise their hands to take the oath to serve and protect the country that has born them.

    Were it not for the citizen hero, America would never have survived the first war we fought in and and gained our independence for America.

    Were it not for our modern day ‘citizen-soldiers’, America would not be able to survive the worldly pressures which are being placed upon her, but our flag still flies high above the all the strife and hopefully forever will.

    America will survive all we now endure because of the ‘citizen-soldier’ who has “been there and done that” and has paid the high price of freedom with his blood, sweat, and tears.

    In order that we pass these freedoms and liberties on to the next generation we must never forget the sacrifices of our forefather made to give us this blessed land we now enjoy,…. even though there are those among us now who seek to destroy us.

    May we never forget the sacrifices our ‘citizen-soldier’ has made in the past, nor will be called upon to make in the future…. Never.

    God Bless America … and may God Bless Those who Protect Her…..

  67. oldsolder80
    Thank You, for your service, and to oldsailor83.I think all who have served are county, is and will always be a HERO to me.

  68. sorry about that it was to say our country.

  69. Ah Old sailor80 .I read it last year..again this year……A nice reminder. Thank you.

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