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Patriotic Muslims Chalk ‘Free Milo’ On Their Family-Owned Mosque

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by Lucas Nolan23 Jul 201613


A Muslim family who support Breitbart Tech editor Milo Yiannopoulos’ right to free speech have chalked a “Free Milo” slogan outside their family Mosque in Fargo, North Dakota in an act of solidarity following Milo’s permanent ban from Twitter.

Nidal Omar is the leader of the Islamic Society in Fargo and is head of the local mosque. He was introduced to Milo by his son Jamal Omar, who explained Milo’s beliefs to Nidal and outlined why they should show their disapproval of Twitter’s crackdown.


“My son (Jamal) is a big fan of Milo, and so when he came up to me asking to do this I was reluctant at first. I then thought of the freedoms I get to take advantage of, freedom of speech is something I’ve been able to enjoy ever since I came to the states 30 years ago to attend university, and I would hate for it to be any other way.”
Nidal’s son Jamal then wrote “Free Milo” on a pillar outside the Mosque and made a short video which can be seen below. When asked for comment on his support of Milo despite Milo’s criticism of the Islamic religion, this is what Jamal had to say,
“We call ourselves moderate Muslims but get mad when people label the extremists, Milo gave us an ideological ultimatum, either you’re with the free world or against it. That doesn’t mean forsake Islam but to disavow anyone who thinks what those ISIS monsters do is anything less than atrocious.”
“If we’re allowed to believe what we want why can’t a man who wants to find solutions to the world’s problems believe in the truth? I don’t understand how Jack can talk about how not all Muslims are bad then not ban the bad ones but then go around and ban the person who wants to get rid of the bad ones before the bad ones get rid of us.”
As Jamal aptly demonstrates, it’s quite possible to disagree with someones views on your religion while still accepting their right to criticise it. As Jamal said, when it comes to terrorism and religious fanaticism, you’re either with the free world or against it.
This is the latest act of pro-Milo chalkings to talk place following the appearance of a huge “Free Milo” slogan on the grounds of UC Irvine.
Lucas Nolan is a Journalism and Media student at Dublin Business School and a regular contributor to Breitbart Tech. He can be contacted via Twitter here: @LucasNolan_
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