I am a man of faith. When you can't find the words, go to the Word... BE NOT DECEIVED... "Be not deceived; God is not mocked: for whatsoever a man soweth, that shall he also reap." Galatians 6:7
This is too far. It's one thing to be a disturbance to a community. It's another thing to enjoy the suffering of thousands of innocent people. These people didn't cause the problems of black people. They aren't the reason Alton Sterling died, right or wrong.
Gary chambers is the face of real racism. He hates white people because he can't accept reality. And he encourages others to be the same way. His post has nearly 100 likes and several comments that are happy and acting like justice has been served. frick him, and I would encourage you to report him and have him banned from encouraging other people to think like he does
LINK Edit 2: for those who don't realize, the bulk of the flood damage is concentrated in and near East and South BR and outside it, which are all far more white than the rest of BR.
Also notice the number of "Amen" and "God is working" type comments. They clearly think he's talking about the white people being hurt
This post was edited on 8/13 at 4:54 pm