全 4 件のコメント

[–]PorterDaughterenters discussions vagina-first 5ポイント6ポイント  (0子コメント)

  1. Terpers define their entire lives by high school. You see, terpers weren't very popular in high school. To this day, terpers are upset they didn't get to bang the head cheerleader and have tons of crazy sex (which, as we all know, all teenagers do in high school unless they're LOSERS). They hate Chad because they couldn't be Chad.

  2. Don't you know know that there's no greater suffering for a man than not having sex with an HB9 every week? There's literally nothing worse than this in the entire world. Feeemales could never understand this kind of pain.

  3. "Anger" and "Rage" are not emotions, they're healthy expression of manliness. "Feelz" are only girly feemale emotions, like "not wanting to have sex" and "wanting babies". Only feemales have these emotions.

[–]AlbinoHessian 2ポイント3ポイント  (0子コメント)

Why do they hate Chad Thundercock so much when the purpose of TRP is to become like a Chad Thundercock? Are they... secretly beta?

They don't so much hate Chad as they are jealous and somewhat intimidated by him. A lot of TRPs key foundations are built upon insecurity and Chad is an easy way for them to give a face to that. They want to be Chad but Chadhood is forever out of reach for them.

f men are so superior to women in all regards, for example intelligence, strength, and that "men feel love more deeply than women", and that they criticise (AWALT) women for everything, why dont they just have nothing to do with women whatsoever and just date/marry/have sex with men?

Ancient warriors like the Samurai and Spartans did this, TRP is not either of these however. They base their entire self worth on picking up women while feeling like they are better as a 'shield' to protect themselves from unpleasant feelings and realities. They want women to date/sleep with them because it verifies to them that they are attractive and successful as a man while also hyping themselves up as better than women so they can avoid their feelings when women reject them. Remember, insecurity is a key pillar of TRP logic.

When it comes to not caring and holding frame, and that saying women are emotional beings, men are intellectual beings, why is it that I see terpers being emotional manchilds all the time? They certainly claim that they do not have much emotion but in actual fact they complain so much about not having women. I think that terpers are actually more emotional than most women

It's the same reason why some dumb people will say they're smart and then demonstrate behavior that shows they are in fact not smart. It's classic 'all talk no action' behavior. TRP just believes it because they retreat to a 24/7 echo-chamber circlejerk whenever.

[–]shw3nncrashed through the wall like mr. koolaid 2ポイント3ポイント  (1子コメント)

  1. Because Chad Thundercock is just innately being alfalfa. They, on the other had, are behaving alfalfa after gathering together to theorize and analyze and dissect and obsess and overthink and use reason and logic and be enlightened and know the truth and see reality. Chad is just being a dick. They are choosing to make chosen choicelets about behaving like a dick. It's different.

  2. Men are not superior in all regards. That's where you're mistaken. Women also have strengths. For instance, vagina-having. Ego coddling. Advice taking. Speech hearing. Opinion withholding. It's not that one is better, men and women just have different abilities.

  3. It looks like emotion to you but that isn't what it is. What is happening is they are righteously experiencing sensations of morality and goodliness.

[–]thecockcarousel 1ポイント2ポイント  (0子コメント)

Please start writing for the Jon Oliver show.