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[–]PorterDaughterenters discussions vagina-first 0ポイント1ポイント  (0子コメント)

  1. Terpers define their entire lives by high school. You see, terpers weren't very popular in high school. To this day, terpers are upset they didn't get to bang the head cheerleader and have tons of crazy sex (which, as we all know, all teenagers do in high school unless they're LOSERS). They hate Chad because they couldn't be Chad.

  2. Don't you know know that there's no greater suffering for a man than not having sex with an HB9 every week? There's literally nothing worse than this in the entire world. Feeemales could never understand this kind of pain.

  3. "Anger" and "Rage" are not emotions, they're healthy expression of manliness. "Feelz" are only girly feemale emotions, like "not wanting to have sex" and "wanting babies". Only feemales have these emotions.