Pope Francis accused by an International Court of Common Law of child trafficking, satanic human sacrifice while an Archbishop in Buenas Arias, Argentina

Native children in residential school. These schools were government-sanctioned institutions which systemically tried to eradicate indigenous culture, tore apart families and operated havens for child abuse.

Native children in residential school. These schools were government-sanctioned institutions which systemically tried to eradicate indigenous culture, tore apart families and operated havens for child abuse.

Kevin Annett, is a former Anglican priest (he was defrocked for refusing to keep quiet about the abuse) in Canada, who ministered to the First Nation Indian community in Vancouver and uncovered what the First Nation peoples had known for years. The Catholic Church (along with other Anglican church officials and members of parliament) had been taking Native children from their parents under false pretenses, placing them into residential boarding schools where they were molested, tortured and ultimately murdered, including infants and children younger than five years. The evidence was in the form of discovered mass graves, many found on former school premises.

According to Annett the residential school officials also served as child traffickers providing homosexual and pedophiles in high office with a constant flow of children for their pleasure, some as far as England and the Monarchy, where pedophiles are pervasive.

Bohemian Grove Satanic rituals

Bohemian Grove is a very private gathering of the world’s leaders where Satanic rituals are enacted. One is supposedly a “mock” child sacrifice, but is it? Almost every president after JFK has attended at least one meeting.

It was through this experience that Annett claims he discovered the extent of the Roman Catholic Church’s involvement in Satanic ritual and worship at the highest level, based on eye witnesses who were present and participated, albeit involuntarily. These rituals take place in private facilities, in churches worldwide and even in secret chambers within the Vatican itself. As a result of these shocking discoveries, Annett founded the International Tribunal into Crimes of Church and State (ITCCS), a recognized and legitimate tribunal with branches in several countries worldwide.

The ITCCS is a citizen tribunal created due to the lack judicial enforcement in crimes of State and Church and is based on the principle of Common Law. The United Nations Court of International Justice is limited to disputes between nations and does not venture into allegations of crimes by world leaders or religious institutions. A “common law system” is a legal system that gives great precedential weight to common law, on the principle that it is unfair to treat similar facts differently on different occasions.

The following videos only show the tip of the iceberg with regard to this phenomena. I hope the reader will continue to examine this subject on their own and even possibly become involved as a voluntary member of the court.

Interviewing Annett is Alfred Lambremont Webre, a well known journalist, peace activist, who graduated from Yale Law School, where Webre had national scholarship, with a Juris Doctor in International law in 1967.

There is one caveat. You will find, if you research Annett, that at least one First Nation media outlet (APTN) is highly critical of his involvement as a First Nation activist on behalf of the children, specifically, his estimates as to the number of children who died in these schools. Annett claims 50,000 children died over a fifty year period as a direct result of mistreatment whereas others see that as an exagerration, his motive being making money through his books. Whether or not Annett purposely inflated his estimates to gain attention, no one doubts the genocide occurred and that the churches and Canadian government were at fault and to this day continue to deny any serious wrong-doing.

Related stories: Pope Francis found guilty of child trafficking, rape, murder

Pope Francis, former Archbishop of Argentina

Pope Francis, former Archbishop of Argentina

If you have not yet listened to Father Malachi Martin, now deceased or rather murdered, you must explore his many interviews. A man of God living in a Godless age, he warned us of the coming Anti-Christ, the enthronement of Lucifer in the Vatican, the perversions of priests, bishops, cardinals and the popes, and what as Christians or followers of Christ we can do to safeguard our souls.

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