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George H. W. and George W. Bush’s Pedophile Rapes

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About Bush Senior’s Pedophilic Rapes

The Franklin Coverup by John W. DeCamp
The Apprentice by Scooter Libby
You can hear the stories first hand from the victims of the Republican child sex-torture rings that Bush Sr. attended. You can read the Washington Times story, continued. De Camp made a low quality video as well. Republican Craig Spence is at the center of a CIA (Central Intelligence Agency) blackmail and child prostitution ring. It is an amazing story of blackmail, child prostitution and murder. Read the Gunderson Report. (Sites that post the report get death threats.) Read this report which includes the names of prominent people alleged to have attended Craig Spence’s child sex parties. After the brothers of two of the witnesses were suicided 76 witnesses recanted their testimony. The one witness who refused to recant, Alicia Owen, was placed in solitary confinement for 27 years.

Watch the Discovery Channel video Conspiracy of Silence about the scandal that Bush 41 managed to suppress at the time. Conspiracy of Silence click to watch

You probably think this too outrageous to believe. Pedophilia has replaced golf as the Republican recreational pastime.

book cover recommend book⇒The Apprenticeto book home
by Lewis Scooter Libby, yes, the convicted Scooter Libby. 978-0-312-28453-4 paperback
birth 1950-08-22 age:65 978-1-55597-245-5 hardcover
publisher St. Martin’s Griffin 978-1-4668-5518-2 eBook
published 2005-12-13 B00F8FOXUA kindle
A pornographic novel set in Japan in 1903. In it, little girls are forced to have sex with bears in order that they will learn not to become attached to the gentlemen they are forced to have sex with. A hunter wonders if he should screw a freshly killed deer while it’s still warm. There are other pedophilic, homoerotic and bestiality scenes as well. For more details read a review in The New Yorker.
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book cover recommend book⇒The Franklin Coverup: Child Abuse, Satanism and Murder in Nebraskato book home
by John W. DeCamp 978-0-9632158-0-2 paperback
birth 1941-07-06 age:75 B0071PLZX8 kindle
publisher AWT
published 1992-03

DeCamp was the Libertarian/Republican State senator in Nebraska. First published in 1992, with a second edition in 1995, mainly about Bush 41, his Republican pals and prominent Nebraska families. It alleges:

  • Kidnap and rape of underage females
  • Financial scandals
  • Murder
  • Satanic rituals

Senator deCamp is a lawyer and knows libel law. Bush 41 has never refuted the allegations.

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