Coulter: Trump is victim of 'media rape'

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Ann Coulter says that Donald TrumpDonald TrumpClinton and Kaine release tax returns House Republican 'leaning' toward vote for Gary Johnson Bernie-or-bust bros have some things to learn about democracy MORE is the victim of "media rape" in her latest column. 

Coulter, a conservative author and vocal Trump supporter, says the avalanche of negative press toward the GOP nominee is unprecedented.

"There’s no strategy for overcoming this level of media hostility," she writes. "Trump has made some mistakes during this campaign, but he hasn’t done anything wrong for months now. He could say 'yes,' and the media would change the question to, 'Are you a child molester?'

“Craven Republicans who blame Trump for the media’s lies may as well blame a rape victim for wearing a short skirt," she continues. "Except with Trump, it’s the Muslim standard: They’re blaming a woman’s rape on being a woman." 

Coulter cited the appearance of Seddique Mateen, the father of Orlando nightclub shooter Omar Mateen, at a recent Hillary ClintonHillary Rodham ClintonClinton and Kaine release tax returns House Republican 'leaning' toward vote for Gary Johnson Bernie-or-bust bros have some things to learn about democracy MORE rally as an example of the media suppressing negative stories about her. She said Mateen, who was seated behind the Democratic presidential nominee at the event, was an "honored guest.” 

"It took the national media 24 hours to mention the fact that the jihadist's father is a big Hillary supporter, sitting in the camera's line of sight at her Florida rally," Coulter writes. "A Google search of Trump and David Duke produces more than 11 million hits. A Google search of Hillary and Omar Mateen gets a few hundred thousand hits.

“Hillary's being supported by the father of a jihadist is treated like back-page stuff, presented amid florid excuses and rationalizations," she says, adding, "It was a staffer's mistake, an "unforced error," and Clinton's opponents are "leaping on it." 

Coulter's column appears on her website,